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I’ve been noticing a trend among tucutes with saying that they’re “dysphoric magicalsparklymadeupgender” or whatever.

Fucking stop. Right now.

First of all, how can you have dysphoria that means that you identify as “a gender that is a feeling of vagueness” or “a gender that is magical sparkly glitter and specialness” or whatever it is you made up last week?

Secondly, how fucking dare you. Dysphoria is not a game, dysphoria is not a label you put on yourself to make your little dress up game look more genuine and serious. Dysphoria has ruined my life and continues to, and it’s not lighthearted fun and games. I have tried to kill myself because of my dysphoria, and I am not alone. If you’re doing this, you are unforgivable. You are not worthy of basic respect. You disgust me.

bodies =/= gender also nice how this post implies that if you identify as something outside the realms of male or female that you must not really experience dysphoria & just want to be “”“cutesy”“” like way to invalidate the experiences of a lot of non binary people just for not using the labels you want them to

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  15. unhailedgeneral reblogged this from luciferous-intellect
  16. nookwhiffers reblogged this from unhailedgeneral and added:
    godbless you
  17. luciferous-intellect reblogged this from unhailedgeneral and added:
    First, I’ll have you all know I’m friends with unhailedGeneral. I’ll have you know that I am non-binary and experience...
  18. beedrilf reblogged this from unhailedgeneral and added:
    bro relax snap into a slim jim or something
  19. flyingtit reblogged this from nookwhiffers and added:
    dude chill the fuck out
  20. marsgalactic reblogged this from nookwhiffers and added:
    lets make this the new meme
  21. cayenaleva reblogged this from dearnonacepeople
  22. dmstubbyfingers reblogged this from dearnonacepeople
  23. roseraades reblogged this from leafeonkin
  24. sherbetballets reblogged this from unhailedgeneral and added:
    lmao so just because someone has a gender you don’t understand they cant be dysporic, kay no, how dare you. stop...
  25. pigeonforhire reblogged this from unhailedgeneral and added:
    ok well like, dysphoria is when you feel a disconnect with your body or not even exclusively your body even your life...
  26. pfdiva reblogged this from dearnonacepeople