22 yrs old. Fat Womanist Narcissist. Writer.
Randomness of Twinkles

the-goddamazon but they don’t hear me doe. White women wanting into the our Natural Hair movement why? Besides the insatiable need for white women to be the apex Black Women’s Empowerment, and be the standard for women in general. It’s cause there is money to be made. Black Hair is a multi-billion dollar industry. How many products have suffered in profits and fell off cause they bit the hand that fed them. Cristal was the shit, until they broke the rule of denouncing Black folks publicly. Black folks make up the majority of the LGBTQIA….it ain’t gays paying folks salaries it’s Black Queers buying yo shit. Before Oprah got her white audience….who you think greenlighted her to popularity, we set the rules for what trends and sells and it’s a shame niggas out chea not knowing how powerful we really are. If Black folks died out today, there would be no American culture, the world been eating off our name since we breastfed. Because of Black Americans, everything we touch we turned to gold for heauxs to mock,only to appropriate and benefit from it later.

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