全ての 21 コメント

[–]1338h4xA wild MISSINGNO. appeared! 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I started trying to read all this and then my eyes glazed over and rolled back into my head, and then I passed out.

[–]goodzillo 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

rip in pizza friend

[–]dbssaberI attack my image in the mirror 21 ポイント22 ポイント  (3子コメント)

We deserve legitimate discussions about games, we deserve to play games without being ridiculed or ostracized

We're a group that's somehow been controversial and misunderstood simply for coming out and saying people of all races, creeds, nationalities, sexualities or whatever should be able to come out and talk without being harassed, their life experiences diminished, insulted, have hate speech thrown at them

What. The. Fuck. Is this not literally what we've been asking for this whole time?? As in, well before gamerghazi started? And they think us scary sjws are trying to take that away? Did we just massively lose some PR war?

[–]fawfil 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (1子コメント)

When they say "all races, creeds, nationalities, sexualities," they mean straight white males.

[–]malatemporacurrunt 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Specifically straight white American males of college age.

[–]aplaceatthedq 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Thank you! I have been thinking of trying to catalog all this myself but it is just a massive amount of shit to sift through.

Here are a couple of recent developments from the fine folk at kia (let me know if this isn't the right place for this)

Accuses Quinn of fraud [+298]

Net result: Zoe posts screenshots of paypal receipts and the charity confirms amount given

Accuses Sarkeesian of not reporting threats and implicitly not receiving them [+291]

Net result: Even the reporter from Brietbart.com who wrote the closest thing to a mainstream pro gamer-gate piece (unironically titled "Lying, greedy, promiscuous feminist bullies are tearing the video game industry apart") confirms on twitter that it was reported to the police and referred to the FBI. Nevertheless original "story" gets about 1700 karma in QuitYourBullshit (again I believe this sub title is not intended ironically) and 2600 in mothership station TIA. Expect to see posts claiming that "everything that has happened to Sarkeesian since 2012 is actually lies and/or some sort of fever dream you imagined" for basically forever.

Accuses Phil Fish of being part of the mafia I think? [+268]

Net result: Video and all related articles are taken down in less than 24 hours. I watched about as much of it as I could stand (which for all these videos isn't a lot) and basically they went through all the information leaked in the hacking of Polytron cited the Supreme Court case regarding the Pentagon Papers (lol) and then revealed some sort of conspiracy theory that made most of the red text imgurs look cogent. When all of it was taken down people initially believed this to be proof that it was all true and the FBI was already investigating, before finally turning to the more occams-razory explanation that they finally found a level of bullshit that even they didn't feel comfortable leaving on the internet as ammunition for future law suits.

These are 3 of the top 15 posts in KIA for the last seven days. None of them have even the slightest thing to do with corruption in games journalism or really anything at all and this after weeks of saying it isn't about Zoe Quinn any more and was never about Anita Sarkeesian in the first place.

And the net result of all of this is that if you bring this up with any 'Gator they will tell you that you don't understand what it is about because it was never about those things and is instead about whatever the soon to be debunked conspiracy theory du jour is. Also retractions were posted for most of them as noted in comment above but generally received less than a third of the karma.

Ed: Also note that for a campaign supposedly about better journalism they have accused three people of things that are at least highly unethical if not illegal, not only without proof but without any apparent semblance of common sense. The same topics also dominated the hashtag on twitter at the same time and while I have mostly been staying out of /v/ lately the three are pretty much all a mirror of each other. How anyone thinks they are "opposed to harassment" while spreading this garbage I dunno.

[–]IAmAN00bie[S] 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Also note that for a campaign supposedly about better journalism they have accused three people of things that are at least highly unethical if not illegal, not only without proof but without any apparent semblance of common sense.

Great point. This "movement" is nothing but a sham. And most media outlets are reporting just that. Yet they turn it around with their delusional victim complexes and try to paint it as a conspiracy by the media against them.

Accuses Sarkeesian of not reporting threats and implicitly not receiving them [+291]

The main thread on /r/tumblrinaction was upvoted far more and was far more circlejerk-y, I made another post about that on /r/circlebroke.

[–]bradamantium92 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I just hunted down your /r/circlebroke thread, and I can't stop laughing at that response to Yiannopoulos:

@Nero So you're saying your initial bad research turned up a bunch of half-truths to fit the conclusion you'd already drawn? Wow, I guess #GamerGate is right about integrity in journalism.

I also peeped that guy's twitter and he's announcing his FIRST TIME EVER playing a video game tomorrow night. What? What the fuck? You can't tell me this dude's doing anything but taking full advantage of this situation.

Plus, wouldn't it make more sense to begin with that Sarkeesian went to the FBI? This clearly isn't something that's necessarily happening within SFPD jurisdiction. I guess maybe she should've also notified local authorities, but the way people are digging really fucking deep to try to prove she's a liar is disgusting.

[–]aplaceatthedq 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

this is really text book conspiracy stuff. every time something gets disproven they become even more convinced. every time someone argues with them they must be in on it.

yeah in the tia thread every long disproved bullshit about Anita was being brought up as fact and that karma score had to put it near the top post there all time. I guarantee we will see this brought up as a "fact" that disproves harassment claims for years. Also this :(

[–]E_pluribus_scrotum 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Just think about what these people could accomplish if they would put a tenth of this much effort into anything useful or edifying or not, idk, absolutely shitty.

You'd think by now that large swathes of the gaming community would be tired of being entertainment and puppets for 4chan and 4chan-adjacent garbage.

[–]OrangeFlowers 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's pathetic how a subsection of reddit tries so desperately to win 4chan's approval. Especially with 4chan in general just not liking reddit at all.

Should note that the #gamergate isn't really popular outside of /v/ and /pol/. I'm surprised it has lasted as long as it has.

[–]Kingofburgerz 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think it also might be gamers trying to convince themselves that they aren't shitty people.

[–]IAmAN00bie[S] 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Character limit reached, part 2:

Slactivism Part 2: Who Do We Target Next?

Hey, Guys, Let's Not Get Ahead Of Ourselves Here! Keep Focus! (+118)

Remember this is a movement. If we revel and get hung up on Zoe and Anita, we look like that was our cause all along. We should be celebrating TYFC far more than slamming Anita or Zoe, despite how long I know some of you have been waiting for hard proof.

Every time the group focuses on ZQ we give them a chance to play the harassment/mysoginy card and lose what we've worked so hard to gain. (+116)

You guys, I know it's hard to resist calling a certain someone out on their bullshit, but we've made our successes by not focusing on that one person and instead taking the organizations to task by contacting advertisers and stating our case in the GG hashtag. Even if the allegations are true, what do we gain by pressing this issue? We already know shes a person of poor character. But if this results in a flood of people contacting her to gloat then we're just going to get accused of harassment and mysoginy again!

A developer's open letter to #GamerGate, PLEASE don't stop at #GamerGate. (+190)

I am writing this message not only as a message of support, but also a plea. Please continue with your good work, but also don't fall into the trap of playing a large part in this controversy and then falling away into tiny fragments after the dust settles. Build and channel yourselves into a notable, active group that will continue to act on behalf of gamers in the future.

Former Game Journalist weighing in (Micah C of Blistered Thumbs) (+209)

The next logical step is a boycott. Boycott Gearbox, Boycott Dice, and boycott any company that has their developers or PR people saying awful things about their consumer base. If the company I work for now started to slander our consumers, we would lose business and we would deserve it. We need to hold game developers and game publishers to a high standard, because ultimately we pay them for their services, not the other way around. None of us would pay money to be insulted. With all of that said, let's keep the fight going. Let's fight with respect and truth, and when someone crosses the line on our side or theirs, call them on it. We're winning, so I say keep up the pressure.

Our only course of action at this point. (+30)

So the "gaming journalists" have gotten major publications on their side and will be able to rewrite this entire thing to make it look like a bunch of lunatic misogynists went after a female dev for no reason. Our only play at this point is to go after the sponsors. This should be the discussion we're having here. A boiler-plate email of protest, a list of sponsors and their phone numbers, emails, and other strategy along those lines. What do you all think? I think this is the only way to start moving the discussion back in our favor.

Refocus on the Journalists and the Sites (+131)

In the grand scheme of things, they're nobodies. We should treat them that way, instead of pumping them up to be some big bosses that we have to knock down. This single minded focus around Anita/ZQ makes it MUCH easier to paint us as misogynists, losing us the people who were on the fence about Gamergate. It's bad enough that the media has everyone thinking that we're misogynists. We definitely can't afford to begin acting like it, however justified.

The fight isn't over yet. We just lost focus for a while. Continue tweeting, continue emailing advertisers, continue talking with others about the above topics, continue being awesome. Not a bully. If we begin to harass like they have, we'll lose support.

Context for the next one: Zoey Quinn claimed she donated to iFred, a charity that does research on depression. Users on KiA claim she lied about donating to the charity, after asking the charity who then said they didn't receive any money under the name 'Zoey Quinn.'

It turns out she did, though under her real name. This is a link to the sub backpedaling on the issue. Muh activism!!!

Zoe gave some proof. (+87)

Now, for the conspiracies. None of this is surprising considering the whole thing began as "The Quinnspiracy."

Conspiracy Theories: The Paranoia Agency

Smear campaign against #GamerGate (+372)

GamerGate is currently the target of a smear campaign by ADVANCE PUBLICATIONS through Condé Nast, the owner or Ars Technica, The New Yorker, and Wired.

These were all published within a 24-hour period. Conde Naste is also Reddit's largest shareholder, which explains why there's a lot of censored discussion.

Can confirm, was directed by admins to remove ZQ content after she admitted to sleeping with executives in Conde Nast.

collusion between gaming devs, press, & academia to promote feminism. (+68)

Linked video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJyU7RSvs_s&feature=youtu.be&a

In the following submission, users try to find whatever tenuous link each author might have to Zoey Quinn and social justice.

SJ media is shitting out article after article declaring the death of the gamer identity. It's more than a little bit suspicious. (+149)

So, when inevitably the admins ban this subreddit for "Vote Manipulation" can we make sure this shit goes nuclear? (+56)

I know it's paranoid to say such a thing but I just read a conversation from an admin (I don't know what their position is, maybe just a dick mod. Point is seems weird to me.) saying that users from this subreddit as notorious for vote manipulation now and that they're watching us.

Questions for the mods: Did you remove the thread with the soundcloud of your own volition, or were you being pressured by admins? (+21)

This next one is the funniest, IMO. People called out this OP, but I'm including it just to show how paranoid these people have become. (And yes, this is a common occurrence whereby dissenters are told to GTFO back to Tumblr, as is usual with TiA users.)

/r/KotakuInAction is being infiltrated by SJW agents.

Over the past few days, a number of people have come in here, some with new accounts, some with aged but barely used accounts, and tried to sway communal thinking in completely unreasonable directions. These people are SJW agents. Be aware of this possibility. Read each OP with skepticism. Consider the comments in response to it before making up your mind. Basically, show the kind of mental fortitude that SJWs absolutely hate. That's all it takes to identify these attempts.

No category for this one, but I found this one really really funny.

I'm fairly certain my sister has disowned me over this debacle. Brother of an sjw, informal AMA. (+35)

This is how seriously these people take it. Socrates died for this shit.

And there we go. There is SO MUCH MORE I could pull. I've only scratched the surface of the goldmine that is /r/kotakuinaction. You can go through and look at the comments yourselves for a good laugh or to get a red forehead, though they don't differ very much from the content found in the self-posts that I've linked. Though unintentional, I have to thank the /r/tumblrinaction mods for sequestering #gamergate content into a different sub because of how concentrated the smug has been. Thanks for creating another incredibly hilarious sub!

[–]Clockwork-Lime 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (2子コメント)

#Gamersgate reminds me a lot of the conservative movement in the 1980's. Dog whistle politics #notfoolinganyone

Don't take it from me, check out what Lee Atwater (political adviser to Reagan and Bush Sr. and chairman of the RNC) said about it in a 1981 interview!

Sound familiar?

[–]aplaceatthedq 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well they also keep referring to themselves as the Silent Majority so they are pulling from multiple decades of reactionary rhetoric (also obviously unclear on what both of those words mean)

[–]Clockwork-Lime 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's true.

[–]bradamantium92 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm at the point where this stuff just makes me feel like I'm on the verge of projectile vomiting. All the imagery and phrases thrown around are so terrifyingly reminiscent of straight-up propaganda, and the way people buy all the way into it so certain that they are 110% right in everything they're doing is awful.

[–]DemanRisu 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (1子コメント)

We're not a movement, but a consumer revolt.

More like a bunch of revolting consumers, am I right?

[–]E_pluribus_scrotum 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

For being such strong independent intellectual paragons who don't need nobody to tell them how to think about stuff, these guys sure seem content to be /v/'s unquestioning lackeys and lapdogs.

I wandered over there last night just to gawk and holy crap, the sycophants were out in force. I wish I'd screenshotted a couple of the especially analingus-y comments. Stuff like "Oh, /v/, you guys are heroes of free speech and I just want you to know that you're really making a difference in the world by trending with a twitter hashtag!" And "I am retweeting all your stuff, you are really changing hearts and minds. Don't let those mean old SJWs get you down! Fight the good fight! Well done good sirs, quite."

Just unreal, barf

[–]ArchangelleCatselle 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/david-me created that place? Laugh, he had to try so hard in SRD to hide his hate for all that wasn't straight, white and male. Guess he found a comfortable home with his fellow victims.

[–]GearyDigit 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lots on angry straight white cis dudes.