Disclaimer: greenie gave me permission to repost this over here because its a massive shit ton of effort and a bit too much for the megathread.
Original thread: http://np.reddit.com/r/circlebroke/comments/2g8wwi/rkotakuinaction_exhibits_quite_possibly_the/
(If you're unfamiliar with #gamergate, just google search it because it's been all over the Internet. It's mainly spear-headed by 4chan and users of /r/kotakuinaction.)
So this subreddit, /r/kotakuinaction, was created as an official spin-off sub from /r/tumblrinaction (and boy, do the similarities show) when the #GamerGate and Zoey Quinn fiasco started gaining full steam.
This effort has created the biggest group of Internet "activists" with the biggest persecution complex I've seen since May-May June. I'm surprised nobody has written about them yet, but I think that has to do with #gamergate getting overshadowed by TheFappening.
I've collected a bunch of submissions from that sub to showcase just how monumentally euphoric they are (I stopped at 30 because fuck, I just couldn't be arsed to keep looking. There's just TOO much.) I'm not going to even bother inserting the usual CB smug comments after linking a post, because seriously this shit just writes itself.
So these manchildren have somehow deluded themselves into thinking that "gaming is a hobby ... [that] transcends our differences and unifies us."
>implying that every sub-gaming community doesn't shit on each other (welcome to the FGC)
>implying that there isn't a shit ton of elitism among different games (welcome to MOBAs and FPS)
Oh, and if you think they mean that gaming unites people of different backgrounds (which is true) - then you're wrong, because they actually think that there's a gaming community that's under attack. No, seriously. Let's begin with
The "War" on Gaming:
The gaming community is diverse and strong. And we are #NotYourShield for the narrative you're creating.
These are not 'troll' accounts or 'weaponized minorities'. These are REAL people. With real opinions. Don't just write someone off cause they don't agree with you.
Everyone is different; men, women, LGBT, feminist, SJW, gamer. The generalizations NEED TO STOP. Harassment MUST BE CONDEMNED.
Gamers, this is OUR COMMUNITY. Let's fight to keep it alive.
GamerGate is Actually a Culture War (+39)
Make no mistake, this is a culture war. In this case, though, it's not divided between conservatives and liberals, or between Christians and non-Christians, or any of the classic divisions... it's between EXTREMISTS and MODERATES. The proof of this is in the pudding. Us GamerGate folks all come from a diverse sociopolitical background, with people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and political identities all supporting the cause of journalistic integrity and industry transparency. So why would our opposition be against THAT? Honestly, it's not because they're worried about losing their jobs, or because they're evil mustache-twirling villains -- it's because a moderate viewpoint that games (and gamers) are mostly open and accepting directly damages and contradicts their movement. So why don't they take it as evidence that perhaps their viewpoint is wrong? Well, because remember: IF gamers are actually misogynists and bigots, then they must be lying about their motivations. That's why they don't even bother addressing the issues of journalistic integrity and transparency... not because they don't feel they have a defense for it (indeed, they believe they're innocent), but because in their minds, it's all a smoke screen set up by bigots to stifle political progress. In the end, their logic is circular, so all their logic and reasoning is hopelessly poisoned by their initial assumption. THAT is the definition of an extremist, and that is what we are truly fighting against.
Something that has been bothering me for awhile now. I need to get it off my chest. (+69)
Thank you for letting me rant. I've just been so discouraged lately from more and more news, but I know no matter what, we're making a mark. We're not going to let people bully us, no matter who it is, or in some cases who they were. We're not going to let them rope us in as one giant group, WE'RE ALL DIFFERENT PEOPLE! Different cultures, and experiences and histories in our background, but gaming brings us together! We're not sockpuppets of this cause, we ARE THE CAUSE.
Keep fighting the good fight friends. Keep fighting, ALWAYS. At the end of the day, play some video games. Enjoy yourselves. We deserve legitimate discussions about games, we deserve to play games without being ridiculed or ostracized. We are not bigots and racists, nor rapists and murderers. We are gamers, and we are people too.
We're not a movement, but a consumer revolt. (+105)
Linked image: https://i.imgur.com/0C8rmUZ.png
So this little picture I've done is less jokey and more personal passion I guess. Notyourshield related picture. (+87)
Linked image: http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x211/rin345/Voicewithoutaface_zps9a18145e.png
Just found out I wasn't shadowbanned. I'd like to talk to you guys a minute if you're free! (+41)
We're a group that's somehow been controversial and misunderstood simply for coming out and saying people of all races, creeds, nationalities, sexualities or whatever should be able to come out and talk without being harassed, their life experiences diminished, insulted, have hate speech thrown at them and if you do choose to use your personal ideology to spread hate towards anyone for any reason we, the people of the world in every country around the world of all colors, shapes, and makes openly denounce you. I hope to put the "justice" back in "social justice warrior". And the social!
The War on Gaming Redux. Le SJW boogeyman xD:
The Great Excommunication of McCarthyist SJW Journalists (+63)
Fellow gamers we have reached a point in the history of gaming that is untenable for the majority of gamers, triggered by a very small clique of ideological extremists in the games industry. They number in the thousands, whereas we gamers number in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. A great schism has occurred in gaming, not because the culture is slipping towards a progressive demographic as they claim, but because an elitist attitude of condescension towards fellow human beings has been exposed, originating from a group of extremist SJW ideologues in positions of power in games journalism.
Okay I lied, I'm gonna say something here. READ THE REST OF THIS POST HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Commenter compares SJWs creeping into gaming to SJWs creeping into science fiction some years prior. (+120)
Linked Twitter image rehosted to imgur for convenience: http://i.imgur.com/5oA2ZG4.png
The realization I came to when thinking about #GamerGate (+97)
Sarkeesian and Quinn are kinda like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both seeking to claim "leadership" and act as "the voice" of a community who don't believe they speak for them. Sarkeesian especially, seems to descend from on high only when it benefits her publicity and pockets, similar to how some black people see Sharpton and Jackson behave. Sarkeesian is seen by MSM as a "respected pop-culture critic," when a good portion of the female gaming community doesn't want her speaking on their behalf. Really, the only thing she hasn't done yet is smear herself in someone's blood to make a political statement.
SJWs insert themselves into popular hobbyist to press their ideology onto others. (+87)
They did it with Atheism, they did it to video games, and now they're doing it to Science Fiction. Going to the scifi subreddit, right now there is a few of the types of posts indicative of how they work their way in. There have been a few controversies in Scifi circles in the past year or so of claims of misogyny and how we should stop reading authors who do not conform to their purity test. Even historical figures, born in a time outside modern context are not safe from their vitriol. Historical context does not matter to them.
Next up, we see the "activism" that these proponents of #gamergate have been doing.
Slacktivism Part 1: WE DID IT REDDIT
For those saying protest isn't working.. Keep it up! (+150)
Twitter image rehosted on imgur for convenience: http://i.imgur.com/qSl7QbC.png
#GamerGate overshadowing #Destiny on Twitter, this is a victory. (+153)
Twitter image rehosted on imgur for convenience: http://i.imgur.com/4oDJi6E.jpg
Gamasutra - site ranking at all-time low in the last year - let's get it lower (+80)
Linked image: http://i.imgur.com/JScbNnU.png
A HUGE Opportunity... 12/12 Comments on Washington Post's article are pro #Gamergate. (+18)
Fellow members of #gamergate, if you're looking for some way to help or contribute, the time to act is RIGHT NOW.
There's only comments questioning Washington Post's stance on the piece. We can sway them. They know how their viewers feel. We need to write the editors and tell them that we deserve a voice to be heard, there's no way 12 subscribers all felt the same on an article we're super wrong about.
We might be able to get an apology statement or better yet their commentary on why the journalism was poor and what's affecting it. We might even get an interview with the intelligent people from our cause. WP consists of mostly intelligent open-minded people, the right people to listen to our side.
This is the push we need. Please, if you have the time, this is when we need your effort most.
A Plea for Skepticism: Give a story more than 15 minutes before jumping to conclusions. (+192)
... But please PLEASE be more skeptical of information. It's fine to report on new findings here and discuss it SKEPTICALLY, but I wouldn't post it to twitter screaming "we won we won" every time someone tiny new piece of information pops up. That's what her and anti-gamergate people do. That's what they did with their 4chan conspiracy. We can be better than that.
Why GamerGate and this sub in general has helped me not give up on gaming entirely (A rant) (+123)
BUT the gaming community of people like you guys are helping to counter that. The discussions, the exposure of lies and the general sense of "We are not okay with being treated this way" is what I needed to see. Keep posting, keep screen-capping, keep responding to accusations or threats with facts in a calm manner. Continue being the example for many of us who are normally too shy to speak up. Keep being the voice for those of us who do not want to see our beloved hobby die from corruption and lies.
TL;DR - I am glad I am not alone in being a female who thinks this whole corruption thing is fucked up, and feminism is not an excuse to be an asshole to men. This goes beyond SJW stuff. It is about being honest, decent people who should own up to what they have done wrong. Keep fighting the good fight!
[–]1338h4xA wild MISSINGNO. appeared! 11 ポイント12 ポイント13 ポイント (1子コメント)
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