
Sean Bell, Paul Upchurch, Noah Snavely, Kavita Bala

Cornell University

New! Our SIGGRAPH 2014 paper is now online:

Intrinsic Images in the Wild

New! The code for our full crowdsourcing pipeline is online:

Code (Github repository)  Documentation

Labeled Scenes22,21491,912
Whitebalanced Photos18,19925,262
Planar Segmentations52,395105,082
Named Materials87,091104,505
Named Objects71,46086,816
Rectified Textures27,82335,192
Reflectance JudgementsN/A3,113,257
MTurk Assignments382,642385,362
MTurk Users3,1743,555
Hours of WorkN/A13,478
Submitted ItemsN/A12,426,283

OpenSurfaces is a large database of annotated surfaces created from real-world consumer photographs. Our annotation framework draws on crowdsourcing to segment surfaces from photos, and then annotate them with rich surface properties, including material, texture and contextual information.