Bavaria Party inspired by Scots in bid for German secession
By Tony Paterson, Berlin
Telegraph: 9:49PM BST 10 Sep 2014
Bavaria Party inspired by Scots in bid for German secession
By Tony Paterson, Berlin
Telegraph: 9:49PM BST 10 Sep 2014
Bavaria Party wishes "our Scottish friends victory in the referendum with all our hearts"
Bavarian nationalists claim that a Scottish vote to leave the United Kingdom would provide a major boost for their party's 60-year campaign to win independence for the southern German state.
The separatist Bavaria Party has not held a parliamentary seat in the state since 1966 and in elections last year, it won a mere 2.1 per cent of the vote. But the possibility of Scottish independence has brought new hope to its members.
Florian Weber, the Bavaria Party's leader told Germany's The Local news site: "We wish our Scottish friends victory in the referendum with all our hearts. For us in Bavaria it would be a real boost and it would no longer be so easy for our media to negate or ridicule this topic."
Florian Weber党首はドイツのニュース・サイト、The Localに次のように語りました。
Independence for Bavaria, which counts as one of Germany's richest states, is not on the political agenda of the state's ruling conservative Christian Social Union (CSU). The party is a sister organisation of Chancellor Angela Merkel's governing Christian Democrats
The right-of-centre CSU has been in power in the state, often with a huge majority, for over 50 years. By contrast the popularity of the Bavaria Party, which has some 5,000 members, has fallen sharply.
In its heyday in the 1950s, the Bavaria Party held 17 seats in Germany's federal parliament. Its dismal 2.1 per cent vote win in Bavaria's 2013 election, was the party's best performance since 1962. The party won 1.3 per cent of the vote in this year's European elections.
A referendum on Bavarian independence is one of the principal aims of the Bavaria Party. However successive post-war German governments have been wary of resorting to referendums to decide political issues as the practice was used and abused by the Nazis. But the Bavaria Party still wants a vote on the issue: "The larger the political unit, the less chance individuals have of being heard," insisted Mr Weber