We are so pleased to introduce our new Activities Director, Mrs. Ford! Mrs. Ford is joining the library after having spent many years working for the Southwestern School District. She is well known and adored by children of all ages and their parents! Stop in the library to get the latest information on new and exciting library programs!
Quick Links
E-pay —Pay Library bills and fines, nonresident fees, or make donations, using your debit or credit card!
- FaceBook We’ve got a FaceBook Community Page! Join a discussion, view pictures from library programs, send us a message. . .
First Search –Can’t find an item you’re looking for at the library? Look for it here! If you find what you want, we can order it for you.
- Illinois Heartland Library System Information about the library system that supports the libraries in Southern Illinois.
- Library to Go Click on the link above to check out our new downloadable audiobooks and eBooks!
My Library Account –This link leads you to your library account. You can reserve items, renew items, check fines, and much more!
Online Catalog —Want to reserve an item to pick up at the Brighton library? Want to find books on a specific subject? Click here!
- Village of Brighton Find information about Brighton, Illinois–events, businesses, organizations, the weather!
- Zinio This link will take you to our collection of eMagazines
News from the Library
Website Visitors
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