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Duke's 'You Don't Say' Campaign Reminds You Which Words Shouldn't Be Used As Slang

The Huffington Post  | By Tyler Kingkade
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There's no reason you should ever refer to something as "gay," and a campaign called "You Don't Say" at Duke University is reminding students with a photo campaign.
The project was developed by Think Before You Talk and Blue Devils United, two student organizations at Duke.
In another effort by the groups, they painted a local bridge urging people not to say things like "That's retarded" or that they were "raped" by something inanimate like a test:

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The campaign tackles the use of words like "pussy," "fag," "man up" or "bitch" as slang terms.
Check out some of the photos below:
you dont say
you dont say
you dont say
you dont say
you dont say
you dont say
you dont say
you dont say
you dont say
These images were reprinted with permission from You Don't Say.

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    102 people are discussing this article with 160 comments
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    Considering "gay" didn't even mean homosexual until the last few decades, people don't have much room to talk about how horrible it is that it's being used in a new context... again.
    Super User · 432 Fans
    The term was being used as early as the 19th century. Nonetheless, when the term is being used in the context of being derogatory BECAUSE of it's reference to a population of people, I would say there's room to talk.
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    Good for them unless they expect everyone else to assimilate to their PC agenda.
    2 Fans
    Words that denigrate those who don't fit society's norms are abusive.

    That's hardly a "PC agenda", Tony.
    8 people in the conversation
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    15 Fans
    These are the people that never get invited out because everything offends them
    Super User · 48 Fans
    Yeah, you.re right. Rude, insensitive and socially inept people who are totally inconsiderate of others are much more well-liked.
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    20 Fans
    They should include "retarded" in this list - people say "retarded" all the time...
    Super User · 34 Fans
    "In another effort by the groups, they painted a local bridge urging people not to say things like "That's retarded" or that they were "raped" by something inanimate like a test"

    Just because it wasn't in one of the shared images doesn't mean they didn't give it any attention.
    6 people in the conversation
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    121 Fans · Ancient orators tended to Babylon
    You use a word in front of two people, one is patently offended, the other, not in the slightest. Who's problem is it? Most definitely not the user of the word.

    I have a very good friend who is gay, and whenever I say, "Man, that is so gay." he always laughs and replies, "I know, right?" Heck, he says it more than I do.

    Offense is highly subjective and should not be policed by those who feel morally superior.
    I don't know, I read the entire article. I don't think a single one of these kids came off as morally superior.
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    ...and don't use "FOOD-SUCKING MACHINE" when referring to beagles, please.
    HuffPost Blogger · 94 Fans
    This might be the best comment I've ever seen on Huff Po. Highest of high fives.
    3 people in the conversation
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    Super User · 47 Fans
    i don't care what words these kids use on their own time. when they serve me coffee, however, i would prefer not to be addressed as "man", or "buddy" or "dude". can you handle that?
    Super User · 243 Fans
    "Dude", a most disrespectful term for addressing one's elders, and the list goes on and on. There is no list of words that are offensive to somebody.
    11 people in the conversation
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    0 Fans
    I don't say "retarded", because the mentally handicapped shouldn't be mocked. Their life lessons are different than mine.

    I agree with you; just because they are mentally challenged (I hate the word handicapped) does not mean that they do not have feelings. Those who are challenged in one way or another have as much right to be respected (or not mocked) as anyone else.
    4 people in the conversation
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    You can say it's PC police or that there is no room to talk, and even joke about it. But the bottom line is this. Many gay men (and women) are beaten for their sexual preference, and sometimes killed. And it's been happening before Matthew Shepard.

    If you think it's ok to call someone a fag (even if it's jokingly) let me ask if you think it's ok to call someone the N word. I mean, it too is a word used in hate as intolerant people beat and kill someone for being different.
    HuffPost Blogger · 5 Fans
    This is a brilliant campaign and extremely timely. Excellent work
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