


2014-09-08 21:29:36 | Telegraph (UK)
Ukraine crisis: 1 dead as heavy shelling breaks ceasefire
By Roland Oliphant, Mariupol
Telegraph: 4:15PM BST 07 Sep 2014
Truce between Kiev and pro-Russian rebels collapses in Mariupol, where artillery fire leaves one dead and three wounded, as details of peace plan emerge which coud see Donetsk and Luhansk remain within Ukraine as autonomous regions


Ukraine's ceasefire was in danger of collapsing into renewed conflict on Sunday when a military checkpoint guarding the port of Mariupol was pounded with mortars and tank fire.


Fighting also took place at the international aiport outside the city of Donetsk. One woman was killed in Mariupol and three people wounded, although it was unclear whether this bloodshed happened during the attack on the checkpoint or in a separate incident.


But the clashes, which lasted for hours, demonstrated the fragility of a ceasefire signed on Friday between Ukraine's government and pro-Russian rebels.


The bombardment near Mariupol began at 11pm on Saturday and continued into the early hours of Sunday morning. Orange flashes lit up the night sky as shells rained down on the main checkpoint held by Ukrainian security forces guarding the eastern edge of the city.


This was the closest that a barrage has come to civilian areas in Mariupol since the conflict began. While the checkpoint survived, a nearby petrol station set ablaze.


Mortar rounds also struck civilian and commercial buildings near the military position, including a disused cafe. At least one army lorry was destroyed.


A Ukrainian soldier who survived the attack said that Russian troops had been responsible. He accused them of opening fire with mortars when they spotted Ukrainian tanks repositioning at another checkpoint on a parallel road. Nato says that Russian soldiers, supported by tanks and artillery, entered Ukrainian territory last month and began advancing towards Mariupol in tandem with separatist rebels.


Another Ukrainian soldier said the insurgents were frustrated by their failure to take Mariupol before the ceasefire was signed on Friday. "They hit us with mortars, then brought up two tanks and had a go with those. No one was hurt," said the soldier, who declined to give his name. "They'll try again tonight. By their timetable they were probably meant to be halfway to Crimea by now."


With a population of 500,000 people, Mariupol is the second biggest city in Donetsk region. It also straddles the coastal road running between the Russian border and Crimea, which President Vladimir Putin annexed in March.


At present, Russia's only links to its new possession are by air or via a congested ferry across the Strait of Kerch. Many fear that Mr Putin intends to seize a "land corridor" joining Crimea to Russia.


Before the ceasefire, separatist fighters occupying the nearby town of Novoazovsk said they were determined to "liberate" Mariupol on their way to Crimea, before advancing all the way across Ukraine as far as the Romanian border.


A spokesman for the defence ministry of the self-declared Donetsk People's Republic denied the attack on the checkpoint had been an attempt to storm Mariupol. It described the bombardment as retaliation for a Ukrainian rocket strike on rebel positions near the town of Shirokino, six miles to the east, shortly after 10pm on Saturday. "They violated the ceasefire, and that was our answer," said the spokesman.


One woman was killed and three people injured during the incident, said Mariupol's city administration. But those casualties may have arisen from a gun attack on a civilian car that took place at about the same time. Reporters saw a woman and child being carried away from a beige car that was riddled with bullet holes outside a steelworks shortly after the artillery bombardment began. The vehicle had bloodstains on the backseat.


Further north in Donetsk, the rebel-controlled regional capital, there was heavy shelling at Sergei Prokofiev International Airport, which is held by government forces.


The ceasefire violations coincided with the release of the 12-point peace plan signed by the two sides in Minsk on Friday.


Significantly, this includes clauses guaranteeing early local elections in eastern Ukraine and the granting of a "special status" and "temporary self-government" to some areas of the east.


If achieved, that would amount to a significant concession by the rebels. Instead of forming a breakaway state or joining Russia - which the insurgent leaders say is their goal - the areas they control would remain in Ukraine, albeit with autonomy.


The agreement also calls for observers from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to monitor the ceasefire and secure the Ukrainian-Russian border. In addition, the protocol requires all "illegal armed groups" and "mercenaries" to leave Ukraine.


An exchange of prisoners agreed under the deal was due to start on Sunday, but spokesmen from both sides said only that delicate consultations were continuing.


Meanwhile, several more explosions were heard east of Mariupol on Sunday evening.


Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German foreign minister, said these incidents showed the fragility of the ceasefire and urged both sides to implement all of its provisions. "The ceasefire should lead the way for an exchange of prisoners, an effective control of the border and, last but not least, a dialogue about the political participation of the people from eastern Ukraine in Kiev," he said in a statement.


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