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OfficialSunday General Discussion Threaduuhhh: Project Patuhhh Edition (self.hiphopheads)
TheHHHRobot[M] が 1 時間 前 投稿
残りのコメントをみる →
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前* (67子コメント)
I’d just like to say I’m hoping there’s a day when mental health is taken more seriously. As someone who’s suffered from two mental disorders, I am extremely frustrated how they’re looked upon by the general public. Because you can’t see depression or an anxiety disorder on someone, people just tell you to toughen up or get over it and don’t really understand what you’re going through. I’ve broken three bones and gone through several physical pains and even have lost someone close to me, but I can tell you nothing compares at all to battling with your own mind every second of every day.
The worst part is when your personality conflicts with what you’re going through. I know a couple people here have commented on me always making jokes and people have said that irl too. But at the same time people irl have also made fun of me because my personality might be a little different from those are perceived as funny. “I just hide behind the tears of a clown” in Eminem’s “Beautiful” is probably tied for my second favorite lyrics with the chorus of Soundtrack 2 My Life. It’s also frustrating that I know that if people knew the truth about mental disorders people would be much more understanding and compassionate. I posted my story in much more detail on my college’s secrets facebook page anonymously and it got over 200 likes, one of the most liked posts I had ever seen. But that was it. I guarantee you nothing changed about those 200+ people who just clicked like. They were just like “wow that sucks” and moved on with their life. They weren’t any more compassionate to others and probably wouldn’t even remember the post if they saw it now.
There have been some users here who I have beefed with and obviously don’t like me. I just want to say to remember that’s there a real live person you’re replying to. I know this was brought up in the HEATROCK disaster, also. And in real life it would be cool if more people were more compassionate toward each other and understanding what other people go through. “Actions have reactions, don’t be quick to judge / you may not know the hardships people don’t speak of.” This especially hits home for me because there are a lot of people who know me irl at college who would never have guess that I made that post to the secrets page because I don’t show it. I’ve told a few close people to me what I’m going through but nobody can really understand it unless they experience it. I was pretty normal until about two years ago when things slowly started going downhill because of a couple of bad personal experiences and family issues. I think I was always at a high risk because of genetics or whatever and a few life experiences just put me over the edge. In the past two years I literally haven’t gone 15 minutes at any point without it crossing my mind and it made me quit the sport I loved and had played for over a decade.
To anyone out there struggling with depression or an anxiety disorder out there, I just want you to know that I really feel for you and you’re not alone. Get help.
I wanted to say this because this is going to be my last day on this sub. With college starting up again, my desire to focus on other things, and my frustration with some things about this sub, I realized being on this sub was doing me more harm than good. I do want to thank you guys for expanding my musical tastes and wish you all the best. I will definitely miss seeing and interacting with some of the regulars that I got to know here. I also want to congratulate the mods. Considering this sub is approaching a quarter of a million, it's pretty amazing how good this sub still is.
I may be back here at some point in the future with a different account but that’s all for me for now.
TLDR: I hope there's a day when mental health is taken more seriously and not looked down upon by the public. I'm out
EDIT: I got a lot more shit for this than I expected. I thought people would want to know when a regular was leaving, because I would have (ie when dhruv left unexpectedly with no warning)
[–]Swiftt [非表示スコア] 25 分 前 (1子コメント)
I really hope you don't leave dude, I love seeing you around here and you're great with sparking discussion.
I don't think its any secret that I've been going through the same, so I can relate more than you'd probably think. I'm diagnosed with depression, along with a couple other things. It's changed my life cause I understand a lot more, and I think I'm a better person, but it's got to the point that I've been unhappy for so long that it's almost, comfortable? not sure if that's the word... but I'm used to it and anxious about being happy again because it will be a big leap.
It was hard telling friends though. Even now, I'm always laughing and smiling and making jobs (I only managed to tell them when I was drunk and crashing at theirs) and they were so surprised. I still act the same when I'm out with my friends, just I'm unreliable as hell. When I'm laughing at joking around its not just to make others happy, but it's also to keep myself thinking of other things. Which is another thing.
There's a few ways to cope which I may as well share, cause it's what helps me at least. I work in the stock room at a charity shop which I enjoy because I can listen to music the entire time, which keeps me out of my own thoughts. It's also nicer to be able to go to sleep and know you've contributed something, no matter how little. I still have days where I lie in bed all day just listening to music, but it's more about winning battles rather than the war. Also this is the most difficult thing but helps tremendously. I go out with my friends as much as I can, even if I REALLY don't want to, but it stops me from falling into a pit where I don't have anyone to talk to and means I can go out whenever I feel up to it. Once you're actually out there into the world talking to people you're almost forced to put your depression into the back of your mind temporarily which helps.
I’m hoping there’s a day when mental health is taken more seriously.
word to this. I actually got pretty pissed off at my doctor about it. I've been in a waiting list to get seen by therapists and such, and I've been waiting for about 4 months. I also got a 42c fever during the summer but got seen but about 5 doctors IMMEDIATELY. Mood-wise I feel EXACTLY the same between an average day and having that really serious physical fever. So I don't under-stand why I can get seen immediately for that but if its mental then it's just regarded as not important.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 21 分 前 (0子コメント)
and I think I'm a better person, but it's got to the point that I've been unhappy for so long that it's almost, comfortable? not sure if that's the word... but I'm used to it and anxious about being happy again because it will be a big leap.
Dudeee. I feel the exact same way about it. I think that's the dangerous part though. Once you find your comfort zone and don't care enough to try to change and become a better person, bad things can happen.
Still haven't been able to tell any friends. Nobody knows about it at all. Was thinking about telling a couple friends soon but idk
[–]HunterReddeh [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (2子コメント)
As someone with clinical depression and bipolar disorder, I feel you fam
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (1子コメント)
Hope you've at least tried to get help. There are options
[–]HunterReddeh [非表示スコア] 58 分 前 (0子コメント)
I have, I'm good for the most part. It's just moments. But thanks homie. (:
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (0子コメント)
Good having you here man, and good luck with your life. I'll post a Drake song for you.
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] 43 分 前 (2子コメント)
I disagreed with a considerable amount, but it's sad to see you go. You were a pretty good contributor. Good luck with life.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 27 分 前 (1子コメント)
Thanks fam. Yeah I thought any regular (like you) that I saw a lot here I would want to know when they left instead of just disappearing like dhruv but I guess I was wrong
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] 24 分 前 (0子コメント)
Nah just disregard /u/Sputchit. Dudes a salty bastard
[–]west_ham [非表示スコア] 15 分 前 (1子コメント)
Some of you guys take reddit far, far too seriously.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 14 分 前 (0子コメント)
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] 33 分 前* (5子コメント)
imma need you guys to start putting this in pdf or something lol. on a serious note, do you think taking this place so seriously was a coping mechanism for your issues?
edit: drama always happens when someone writes these posts.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 30 分 前 (4子コメント)
lol and I don't even take this place that seriously. Like another guy whos replying to sputch, I would have liked to have known if a regular and someone I saw a lot on here suddenly left. I guess I was wrong and most people don't also feel that way
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] 25 分 前 (3子コメント)
my way of thinking is someone will take your place here. it always happens, when a regular leaves nothing of value is gained or lost. i feel like your priorities are messed up, you shouldn't even be worrying about anonymous people on a forum when you have a serious issue to deal with
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 24 分 前 (2子コメント)
It's called social anxiety disorder :(
I can't stop being overly concerned about what people think of me
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] 11 分 前 (1子コメント)
i feel like you writing this post may be adding to the problem. now people are saying they don't care about you and think less of you.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 8 分 前 (0子コメント)
Nah I need exposure to what makes me uncomfortable I've realized. It's the only way of getting better. Having a lot of people disagree/get angry etc will just make me have to learn to not care
[–]IanSomerhaldersBitch [非表示スコア] 3 分 前 (0子コメント)
I feel you too, and I really hope you don't leave this sub. Major depressive disorder/PTSD/OCD/eating disorder lady here. I often wish the pain I feel on the inside can be shown on the outside, you know? I'd be paralyzed from the waist down. Then people wouldn't question why I am on temporary disability.
[+]Sputchit スコアが基準値未満のコメント[非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (48子コメント)
Nobody gives a shit you're leaving.
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] 44 分 前 (2子コメント)
Idk I think it'd be pretty weird if /u/NO_NEW_FRIENDS just suddenly left. He's been a regular here for a long ass time.
[+]Sputchit スコアが基準値未満のコメント[非表示スコア] 41 分 前 (1子コメント)
Theres 10000 active posters or more, nobody cares
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] 35 分 前 (0子コメント)
Ehhhh I care. Some users stand out more than others.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (39子コメント)
Ouch. You're probably not wrong.
I just wanted to talk about mental health more but that's okay you feel that way
[–]Sputchit [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (38子コメント)
Do that, that's good.
Announcing that you're 'leaving' here, that's bad.
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] 58 分 前* (13子コメント)
One little paragraph out of like six ones about mental health got you so mad?
Maybe you're the one taking hhh too seriously...
I thought most of us users here wouldn't mind a regular poster like /u/NO_NEW_FRIENDS letting us know that he's leaving, but hey, good thing you're here to be le-anti-poweruser-police and tell us we're wrong! Are you also going to be making a circlejerk post mocking him and his issues anytime soon?
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 51 分 前 (8子コメント)
Yeah I don't really get why he get so upset either.
If a regular poster even like you was leaving, I wouldn't mind knowing. I was kinda bummed that dhruv didn't make a going away post or even SolidMclovin. (Idk what even happened with him)
[–]Pompsy [非表示スコア] 50 分 前 (6子コメント)
Solid made like five going away posts, and then eventually got shadowbanned.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 49 分 前 (0子コメント)
Oh whoops. I completely missed that. That seems to be how they all end these days
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] 8 分 前 (4子コメント)
dafuq did you just get gold for this comment?
[–]Pompsy [非表示スコア] 7 分 前 (1子コメント)
no idea, I guess people thought it was good?
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] 6 分 前 (0子コメント)
Well I know it's not heatrock cuz he was always too broke to buy anyone reddit gold so I'll claim responsibility.
[–]Zen1 [非表示スコア] 6 分 前 (1子コメント)
Someone really doesn't like solid
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] 3 分 前 (0子コメント)
or it's was solid
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] 50 分 前 (0子コメント)
Solid got shadowbanned from the entire site lmao, no final goodbyes for him
[+]Sputchit スコアが基準値未満のコメント[非表示スコア] 56 分 前 (3子コメント)
I'm just telling him how dumb he is. Nobody cares about you or him. Also he's a whiny ass shitposter, it's good that he's leaving
[–]Deadenbuddah [非表示スコア] 54 分 前 (2子コメント)
Bitch ass sputch
[–]Sputchit [非表示スコア] 51 分 前 (1子コメント)
I know you're dumb as hell too so I'm not even gonna waste time on you
[–]Deadenbuddah [非表示スコア] 29 分 前 (0子コメント)
teach me how to be more like you, please.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前* (23子コメント)
Yeah I guess it was kinda egotistical or whatever but I feel like a good amount of people knew me here to the point where I was a regular so someone more well known has a little bit more power, especially if they're leaving partially because of something they want to increase awareness about.
Sorry this offended you so much.
[–]Xaamy [非表示スコア] 55 分 前 (2子コメント)
"power user"
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 52 分 前 (1子コメント)
lol I don't like the term either
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] 41 分 前 (0子コメント)
Just call yourself a regular or something. Sounds much better
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] 43 分 前 (19子コメント)
people knew me here to the point where I was a "power user"
ahahahahahaha goddamn why does every one of you kids who thinks you're a POWER USER have serious mental issues? This shit is uncanny any motherfucker who thinks they e-special always fucked in the head. I have mental health issues, I don't make posts about them trying to be a PSA.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 40 分 前 (18子コメント)
Fuck yes. Was hoping you would see this. You are so fucking sad with how one term I put in quotation marks makes you lose your shit
Go back to high school dude.
[–]Xaamy [非表示スコア] 36 分 前 (7子コメント)
lol u mad
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 33 分 前 (6子コメント)
Nah this guys what...25 years old? And he devotes like half of his life to making fun of a high schoolers. We've beefed a good amount recently. It's pretty pathetic how over half of his comments are about how much better he is then people almost half his age
Seems like a sad life to me
[–]Xaamy [非表示スコア] 31 分 前 (5子コメント)
dunno mate you the one with the long ass post here
[–]MisreadCaptcha [非表示スコア] 34 分 前* (1子コメント)
He is completely right, you are a little bitch.
You see that kind of bullshit everyday on reddit, especially the defaults.
"As a depressed blabla..."
And then tons of users reply with some other shit like "Oh man that's surely really hard for you blabla"
All this shitty circlejerk does not help anyone, those "Oh i understand you" posts you are fishing for will just be a reason for you to stay in your comfort zone
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 32 分 前 (0子コメント)
ooooohh shit [SHOTS FIRED]
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] 28 分 前 (7子コメント)
I'm sad huh? I'm not the one quitting a website because some people don't like me son get a grip. When you retire from an internet website you lose the ability to call anyone out on their behavior.
Nobody gives a shit about you having mental illness, you kids think you deserve special treatment. You don't. I've helped a lot of people from this subreddit with mental stuff, privately. I didn't make big announcements to try to make people think I'm awesome. You know what's sad is that you fill the void with this shit. That's why you kids don't get better. That's why we get heatrocks and mclovins and sudos because instead of dealing with your problems and fixing them or at least trying you're stuck on a website worried about some anonymous people that don't like your text. Boohoo.
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] 24 分 前 (6子コメント)
you keep calling me a "kid". How old are you? I don't think you're that much older than me, especially based on your behavior
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] 22 分 前 (5子コメント)
I'm 29 since every other post is inquiring about my age. I'm also a Gemini and I'm not a very good swimmer but I am pretty good at underwater handstands.
You can think what you want that's the diff between us lol I don't give a shit if anyone on here likes me or dislikes me, literally doesn't move the meter m8. I hope you can actually fix the shit you have, but filling the void like this and looking for attention and people's sympathy isn't the right way. Be mad all you want with me I will forget this by the time the Niners game starts, you the one who has to live with your reality and right now your reality is calling yourself a power user and retiring from the internet. Son.
[–]MisreadCaptcha [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (3子コメント)
This. Depression and all that is a really shitty thing but to write such a wall of text for a community that does not really give a fuck about some average user HHH seems to be over the top important to him. He'll be back tomorrow
[–]Swiftt [非表示スコア] 9 分 前 (0子コメント)
to be fair, there's some really nice and supportive people here whom can give great advice.
[–]Sputchit [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (0子コメント)
solid 2.0. Or are we at 3 now? I don't remember with all these shitposts.
[–]Pompsy [非表示スコア] 1 時間 前 (0子コメント)
Just like Homeboy did.
[–]-Masquerade- [非表示スコア] 3 分 前 (0子コメント)
Damn who pissed in your cornflakes?
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残りのコメントをみる →
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (67子コメント)
[–]Swiftt [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]HunterReddeh [非表示スコア] (2子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]HunterReddeh [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] (2子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]west_ham [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] (5子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (4子コメント)
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] (3子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (2子コメント)
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]IanSomerhaldersBitch [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[+]Sputchit スコアが基準値未満のコメント[非表示スコア] (48子コメント)
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] (2子コメント)
[+]Sputchit スコアが基準値未満のコメント[非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (39子コメント)
[–]Sputchit [非表示スコア] (38子コメント)
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] (13子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (8子コメント)
[–]Pompsy [非表示スコア] (6子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] (4子コメント)
[–]Pompsy [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]Zen1 [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]icemake [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]nd20 [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[+]Sputchit スコアが基準値未満のコメント[非表示スコア] (3子コメント)
[–]Deadenbuddah [非表示スコア] (2子コメント)
[–]Sputchit [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]Deadenbuddah [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (23子コメント)
[–]Xaamy [非表示スコア] (2子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]PotatoFam [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] (19子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (18子コメント)
[–]Xaamy [非表示スコア] (7子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (6子コメント)
[–]Xaamy [非表示スコア] (5子コメント)
[–]MisreadCaptcha [非表示スコア] (1子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] (7子コメント)
[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [非表示スコア] (6子コメント)
[–]shun-16 [非表示スコア] (5子コメント)
[–]MisreadCaptcha [非表示スコア] (3子コメント)
[–]Swiftt [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]Sputchit [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]Pompsy [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)
[–]-Masquerade- [非表示スコア] (0子コメント)