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Price of Liberty

A display of the true nature of the American political machine. This blog is a collection of posts and news articles predominantly focusing on the West's setting sun. Check out the link portal below or scroll through the infinite multitude of posts. View my tag cloud. Yes, some of these posts are apolitical and personal in nature.

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When women used to be depressed or were not “taking care of their men” properly their husbands could send them to the psych ward for attitude adjustments. This was part of conditioning them to always wear a smile. They believed that if a woman saw herself smiling that it would become natural practice and that she would be “cured”. This often went along with shock therapies.


what the fuck an attitude adjustment sorry what

OP made this up. This picture actually comes from a series of photos from a “Smiling School” that opened up in Budapest in 1937 to tackle alarming suicide rates after a song called “Gloomy Sunday” came out. Everyone believed the spike in suicides was somehow related to the release of the song.
You people will believe anything. decadentlullaby should feel absolutely ashamed.




When women used to be depressed or were not “taking care of their men” properly their husbands could send them to the psych ward for attitude adjustments. This was part of conditioning them to always wear a smile. They believed that if a woman saw herself smiling that it would become natural practice and that she would be “cured”. This often went along with shock therapies.


what the fuck an attitude adjustment sorry what

OP made this up. This picture actually comes from a series of photos from a “Smiling School” that opened up in Budapest in 1937 to tackle alarming suicide rates after a song called “Gloomy Sunday” came out. Everyone believed the spike in suicides was somehow related to the release of the song.

You people will believe anything. decadentlullaby should feel absolutely ashamed.

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