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Tim Worstall Contributor

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I'm a Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute in London, a writer here and there on this and that and strangely, one of the global experts on the metal scandium, one of the rare earths. An odd thing to be but someone does have to be such and in this flavour of our universe I am. I have written for The Times, Daily Telegraph, Express, Independent, City AM, Wall Street Journal, Philadelphia Inquirer and online for the ASI, IEA, Social Affairs Unit, Spectator, The Guardian, The Register and Techcentralstation. I've also ghosted pieces for several UK politicians in many of the UK papers, including the Daily Sport.

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The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Economics & Finance 249 views

Japan Is One Of The Best Performing Economies Of The Last Decade

Which is rather odd, Japan being one of the best performing economies of the past decade, given that we’re all generally talking about Japan having been lost in two entire decades worth of economic gloom and doom. One possible explanation for it being one of the best performing economies could, of course, just be that it’s not quite had the disaster that other economies have had in recent years. However, this isn’t actually the reason why. Rather, it’s another example of why we always need to be very careful indeed about what we use as an economic indicator and how we interpret the numbers we do get.

Here’s FT’s Alphaville on the point:

Japan, meanwhile — a country whose economic performance is often held up as a negative example to avoid, especially by US policymakers — has consistently been one of the strongest performers in the sample, despite suffering the biggest downturn during the recession.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic rejuvenation program may have helped sustain this track record since 2012 but Japan’s impressive growth in living standards was occurring long before then.

It’s that last part of that second paragraph that explains what’s going on here. And here is the same information in chart form:


The point is that this is real GDP per capita. What we usually look at as a measure of an economy’s health is growth in GDP (and also usually inflation adjusted to make it real growth). Thus we might say that the US grew at a 4% or so rate in the most recent quarter the eurozone at 0%. And that’s a useful short hand for what is going on. At other times it’s a very important metric. For example, the ability of a government to support a debt burden depends upon the total size of the economy (plus, of course, how much of that economy it can appropriate in taxation).

However, what’s actually important to the living standards of the people who live in that economy isn’t total GDP at all. It’s GDP per capita: what’s the share of that GDP for each person in that economy?

Japan’s population is not growing as is, say, the population of the US. The eurozone’s population is also pretty static as compared to the strongly growing UK one. Using real GDP is therefore not really giving us an accurate picture of how living standards are changing because it’s obviously confusing per capita growth with growth in the number of capitas. When we look at these things from the point of view of the life experienced by people in these countries Japan is the third best performing country of those measured.

That’s just not what we generally get told, is it? And yet it’s true: another example of the way in which we’ve got to be very careful about how we interpret economic statistics. Even after two “lost decades” life in Japan, for the average Japanese person, is still getting better. Rather better than it has in either the US or UK over the past decade too.

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