pretending his main target wasn’t women
It’s funny cause I never said that
But they certainly weren’t his only targetcrowluna im pretty sure his main target wasn’t women. he killed his roommates. like he specifically targeted them, for both race reasons and because of jealousy.
so sorry to burst your bubble but his main target was literally his male roommates, or really any man who was sexually active.
not women, though they were also on the list.
he didn’t make a video talking about how much he hated his roommates but sure, make up whatever fucking shit you want
that is literally exactly what he did. he talked about that in the video. he went over in depth how other men were inferior to him and how they were undeserving of the affection received by women.
did you even watch the video or read the manifesto?
Misogyny was still a motivating factor to his actions, though, it still doesn’t change the act that feminists have exploited a tragedy for their own political stepping stone and turning a blind eye towards racial factors or men who ‘got some’.
(via justfeministhings)
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Exactly. Elliot Rodgers saw those beneath him classwise as worthless. Despite being asian he also despised asian men,...
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crowluna you gonna take that laying down?
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