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To all Black girls





Your hair is beautiful.

It doesn’t matter if you rock natural kinks and curls

or weaves, wigs and sew-ins.

Don’t let nobody tell you shit.

All girls in general.

To all BLACK girls.

Tell my nappy ass Hispanic hair that ok

Literally don’t give a fuck about you. You want a post for you? Get off your lazy ass and make it.

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  11. enmudecer reblogged this from jasonttodd and added:
    And to the Hispanic/Latinos who look “white” and have kinky curly hair
  12. sweet-avenger-sass reblogged this from jasonttodd
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  24. africanaquarian reblogged this from rnorganfreedude and added:
    Bitch, please. You don’t tell me how to run my blog. You’re not the first person to try and derail this post and you...
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  28. nedahoyin reblogged this from rnorganfreedude and added:
    Ugh.. Whiteness is clearly catching..

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