There are 2.5x as many fics pairing Tony with Clint as there are pairing Tony with Rhodey. 353 of the Clint/Tony fics are categorized as “The Avengers (Marvel Movies).” Did Tony and Clint even TALK in The Avengers?
More than 10x as many fics pair Tony with Bruce compared to Tony/Rhodey.
19x as many pair Tony with Loki.
I’m sympathetic to those who see Tony/Rhodey as a brotp. These two are best friends, and they love each other, and Rhodey does look after (and sometimes pick on) Tony like Tony’s his little brother.
But every time I see the brotp argument, I think about the fact that Thorki is one of the most popular ships in the Marvel fandom. There are 23x more fics pairing Thor with his ACTUAL BROTHER (adopted or not, they were raised as brothers) than there are pairing Tony with Rhodey.
Fandom doesn’t care about ACTUAL incest. So why, as a whole, is the Avengers fandom so defensive of Rhodey’s “brotherly” status in re: Tony? Why are there so few Tony/Rhodey fics when their relationship is so eminently slashable?
What makes Rhodey different from all these other characters?
#haha hmmmm #what could it be #whaaaaat could it be #and seriously if a bunch of avengers ships with dudes who have barely spoken to each other can be so popular #why doesn’t rhodey get paired with hardly anyone period?? #IS IT BECAUSE MOC DO NOT RECEIVE AN IOTA OF CREATIVE ENERGY FROM FANDOM? #THAT EVEN THOUGH RHODEY EXISTS IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS THE AVENGERS NO ONE BOTHERS TO CONTEMPLATE HOW HE’D REACT TO MEETING CAPTAIN AMERICA? OR HAWKEYE? OR EVEN THOR? #because fandom thinks about white dudes meeting all of the time #lmao and so many people pay lip service to racism in fandom #and then continuously demonstrate that they don’t have a single ship with a poc (via muhpumpkinbones)
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I think another indicator may be looking at the stats after Winter Soldier comes out. Steve/Sam = yes PLEASE.
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Added spaces in there so people can see what you’re saying. Because it’s complete bullshit. Lack of back story means...
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