

the deep sea terrifies me and so do the southern united states

Man everyone can fuck off with this scapegoating of the south. The rest of y’all are just as fucking bad, you just are too busy blaming us to deal with it.

Own up to your own oppressive histories and contemporary issues. Deal with your oppressive systems and maybe then you’ll start changing it. I’m so tired of hearing about meccas and shit like Portland big whoop its queer friendly but there are virtually NO people of color there. Geographically have a look at the south and see how racially diverse we are, about how much attention oppressed groups are getting because instead of sitting on our hands and seeing racism everywhere else, we are addressing it in our own back yards. I won’t say that we are any less racist than anywhere else, and certainly we do have terrible oppressive cultures here, but y’all do too.

There’s a reason Atlanta is known for social movements and change. There’s a reason it starts here.

Consider that, ya damn yanks.

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