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[–]pnewman98 89 ポイント90 ポイント  (28子コメント)

What's the "unhealthy" part of this? All I am reading about is one of the issues with large-scale industry, but that doesn't make something automatically bad for you.

[–]Fingerstylin 21 ポイント22 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was hoping for more discussion than just garlic cloves. It focused too much on how garlic skin and imperfect garlic cloves can resemble perfectly peeled and high quality cloves when both are powdered. This doesn't automatically make each powder different. One could interpret this study as a reason for powdering imperfect garlic as in the long run it is just about the same thing as powdering perfect garlic. A taste test would be beneficial for the essay's claim.

As for the small section on other spices being sterilized and whatnot, the majority of foods purchased at a grocery store are processed in some way. Maybe not powdered and stuffed with preservatives, but most are washed or waxed or sprayed or refrigerated or something else that could be argued as being unnatural. This does not mean the food is lower quality or unhealthful or dangerous.

These essays often imply that growing the food in your backyard is the only way to really eat healthfully.