Necessary for understanding this post:
The story of your incel – an inconvenient truth
This message is for women only.
I will tell you some very unpleasant facts and give you a chance to become decent again.
Most of you won’t accept this message. That’s fine. It’s something I have already accepted. I’ll be lucky if only few of you do. Heck, even if one does it will be worthwhile.
I am giving you a chance to recognize your current situation, which is awful, and providing you with ideas how to get out of it.
Dear women, the first step to solving the problem is recognizing you have one. The second step is correctly identifying the scope of the problem.
Let me do this for you. You are currently sex slaves. No other generation of women had less freedom than you did. You are fucktoys for retarded thugs. You are worthless after you turn 30. You become a drain on society and, despite the fact that feminist mainstream establishment and their spineless lapdogs will never stop defending you, after that age more and more of you are becoming hated.
And should it be any surprise, really? The men you chose to mate with never had any concept of even a short-term relationship. Orangutans never do. And those Chads and other jocks you spread you legs to are and always have been on the same level as orangutans. Sure, some of them were more soft spoken and even fooled you for being intelligent by repeating a few senseless mainstream phrases all the time but they are also orangutans nonetheless. Or maybe you really married a man with a few more brain cells (the one who actually has these, not the one you believe has them). You hate this men. You use him for money. He is not the father of your children. If you want it so you can take everything from him using the hateful apparatus of the state tomorrow. Even if married to such a man you probably still belong to thugs.
They never saw you as human beings, since orangutans can’t comprehend humanity. And many of you never were human beings at all.
Your fathers were unknown thugs of previous generations. There was enough time for that, since the decline has been happening since the 1960s. It is entirely possible even your grandmothers opened their legs to thugs.
These thugs are now your masters. Like many slaves in history, you adore your masters. You believe it is your choice to become a slut. But in this blindness you’re oblivious to the kind of societal forces that guide you like the current, with absolutely no choice of your own. You can’t see the damnation and exclusion your peer group would have inflicted on you had you decided to stay a sane woman because the thought never even entered your mind. But had you managed to see that you would see you never had any choice at all.
Why do you think you ramble on and on about incel being about nothing other than sex, though you don’t know the sensible word that would include a long term lack of relationship? It’s not just your stupidity. It is your complete lack of any concept of a romantic relationship. In this you resemble wild animals, just like those who breed you.
Unlike what feminism tells you, you are the most downgraded, least respected and most hated generation of women in all of human history. Those with brains hate you and those without brains you believe love you could never love anybody at all anyway – just repeat empty phrases. There is no emotion or mind behind it. None. Only the cold, vapid darkness of indoctrinated machines always saying the same.
What will happen to you after you turn 30? Less and less suckers will want you now and your thug masters will just turn to younger and more desirable sluts – and their numbers are enormous so they will never be lacking.
And what about your children now? Do you really believe that the few remaining sane people see them as anything than little jars of pig shit?
Poor mindless boys, who are either emasculated completely indoctrinated manginas or thugs so stupid and violent that they have little understanding even of basics of their own language?
Little girls whose future is to be public urinals for only the most wicked morons (excluding those few actual remaining alphas)? Whose only alternative to that might be becoming a completely mentally shattered woman with extreme phobias and complexes, so engulfed in feminist fear,paranoia, guilt and hate that they are forever lost even for the only thing the apes might give them – a quick fuck, just enough to impregnate them with even more feces?
You might think you’re not like this? That you’re living in an affluent neighborhood and have a nice husband and children? But how does this save you? You’re still basically a moron you’re still destroying society by supporting feminism. Even if you don’t breed a huge number of complete morons like a woman from the ghetto and you probably know who the father is. you are still participating in the decay. You might not see the areas where feminism corrodes society faster because you live in your nice suburban home but you’re still supporting its policies and participating in them as much as the poor woman does – by giving birth to a small number of children who are also becoming worse and worse.
If this is your present or your future you have the chance to escape this.
Advice for childless sluts or sluts with children that are too old to be set straight: I believe that you are also, at least subconsciously aware, that you will never make good wives. This is confirmed by actual studies. You should also take steps never to have children, as they would be bound to a life of misery and poverty. However, you might still be useful. You should become prostitutes and provide useful service to men at a decent price. If some of you can’t do that I urge you to contact me. I will find decent incel men (which doesn’t denote all incel men) who might use you, depending on your location. You don’t even have to stop fucking your thug lords if your urges are too strong nor leave your faux- husbands you use for cover. What is important is that you protect yourself from giving birth to scum.
Advice for sluts with younger children: You are beyond becoming good wives so what stands for sluts above stands for you. But your children are not yet beyond becoming good people. Your sons could yet become coalpha men, your daughters wives to coalpha men. These wives would be no slaves. They would be respected and cherished as today’s women can never be, since their husbands would be men and not retarded thuggish apes or brainwashed emasculated suckers. Introduce these children to a CoAlpha concept. Should you fail to do so they will become even more clog infesting the streets with stupidity, closed-mindedness and every other poison.
Advice for virginal young girls or girls with some sexual experience who are not yet sluts and want to stay sane: If you have good quality parents don’t renounce them. It is rare but not yet impossible. You can become decent women. Maybe not in a co-alpha community but in a good religion. That much is irrelevant. You don’t have to become sluts and cum buckets like most girls your age will or already are. You can escape slavery the society has in mind for you. You can become a loving wife who will be loved and appreciated by her husband. You can also become a mindless sex slave to be used by the most disgusting scum in most degrading sexual acts and be a single mother to pure scum, which is also what you will be. The choice is yours. Don’t let anybody convince you that you don’t have one.
Other women: If you are, perchance, somebody who married before 1990 I believe there is more chance that you are decent. If you’re in a good religion you’re probably better at providing help for keeping sanity than needing help. But you still should do anything to make your children a part of a good religion or a potential CoAlpha community.
If belong to any of these groups you’re interested contact me at or visit
There is no longer much time, as I will not be able to promote this forever. My strength is slipping away. Please, save yourself. It is not too late. You don’t have to become vermin.