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[–]mikemol 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (24子コメント)

It was my mistake for assuming I'd get a nice clean uninstaller.

You're accustomed to commodity software, I see.

Absent a system-wide package manager, or platform-constrained application footprints, ensuring a complex system uninstalls cleanly is a hard problem. Applications can get their tendrils into hundreds of hooks into various parts of an operating system, and just keeping up with the current state of affairs (particularly on Linux) is no picnic.

[–]0x0ELART Wielder[S] 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (23子コメント)

Absent a system-wide package manager, or platform-constrained application footprints, ensuring a complex system uninstalls cleanly is a hard problem.

Bullshit. Track every file you install and there's no problem. There are two approaches to that which virtually every organization that makes UNIX software adheres to:

  • commit to supporting multiple packaging systems, and make your installer work The Right Way
  • don't support package management at all, make an installer script and distribute a tarball with a readme file that lists out pre-install dependencies

Everything works this way, if not in some even better way. Have you tried installing Google Chrome in Linux, lately? It's fantastic, and talk about tendrils into hundreds of various places!

Why can't Oracle do something like that? Incompetence, not because it's not possible.