Hannah, 22. Hi!

This blogger loves Doctor Who, Disney movies, Once Upon a Time, Orphan Black, superheroes, Game of Thrones, Les Miserables, Lord of the Rings, Mumford & Sons, Star Trek (especially TNG), Dead Poets Society, Shakespeare, Pacific Rim, Adventure Time, Supernatural, Sherlock, books, cute things, friends, love, and inspirational things. HOO HA NERDFIGHTERS!
My icon is copyright C. Paplham, aka sonicscribblings, 2012.






the anti vaccination movement basically consists of random people with no knowledge of medicine going “I can medicine better than doctors” and it would be hilarious if it wasn’t literally killing people

you dont need vaccines, I havent had any and Im still doing great

wow, what a compelling argument. you’ve got me

in other news, i am still alive therefore death must be a myth

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    the fact that people don’t get why some people are hesitant towards vaccines is actually hilarious.not saying anti...
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