Are you looking for a pet for your family, a dog that amuse children, would be easy to maintain and become a loyal and sincere friend? Then here’s a guide to help you choose .
10 races selected for you
We asked Stanley Coren , author medalist Why We Love the Dogs We Do , we refer to the ten best family dog breeds . Here is what first principles.
If you have children under five years , do not think the sheepdogs : they are too dominant. They even sometimes tend to bite that moves erratically .
If you are unsure , choose a smaller and less active dog .
Here are the ten races that Stanley Coren recommended as family dogs.
1 . the beagle
“No dog breed is ugly, ” you say dog lovers race. However, this is particularly true of the white beagle with black fur , and light is superb. Like a small fox beagle is a tireless hunter, especially good to flush the big and small game.
It is believed that the name descends from the Celtic word beag means little . It was a temp where he could nestle into the pocket of a hunting jacket . Its size has increased, however, and some very large specimens seem to be part of a completely different race. Rather than flush hare or cottontail rabbit , these huge beagles chase leopards and jaguars.
His character : From friendly temperament , the Beagle is a good pet.
2 . the Bulldog
If you have ever seen a bulldog frolic happily with children or curl up next to his old master , you will not believe that there is only 150 years , his ancestors were skilled in England fighting bulls – hence its name or bulldog bull dog . The more robust the latter British bulldog was bred for its fighting spirit and courage. Its bloody deeds against bulls delighted spectators. When British passementiers moved to France in 1850 , they took with them their bulldogs . Mixed with other races, they became smaller and gave the French bulldog, more docile .
His character : This muscular beast reveals a great pleasure for all the family dog . He needs love and fits perfectly to those with whom he lives. Children love his energy to the game, while older people are comforted by his dedication .
3 . The cairn terrier
Are you a gardener and do you live near a cairn terrier ? So you had already observed the damage caused to your garden these mischievous little dogs and succumb from time to time, the temptation to curse . But when they appeared in Scotland there are about five centuries, they have been a boon for the chieftains of the Highlanders . When clusters of rocks called cairns , who reported the graves of the ancient Romans were overrun by brambles and evil animals, clan leaders called with their canine companions. Cairn terriers courageously put themselves to work and hunt badgers , otters , weasels , foxes and even wild cats with a fierce determination .
His character : The Cairn Terrier has a frankly infuriating , sometimes insolent character . He is full of energy and curiosity shows the slightest disorder. Unlike other terriers , cairn does not engage the battle, but if attacked , he defends himself with courage. Affectionate , he loves his teachers to jealousy, especially if a baby is added to the household.
4 . The English Cocker Spaniel
With its long , silky fur and long floppy ears , cocker spaniel, of English origin , is a very beautiful flower dog. Its name comes from the fact that in Scotland and Wales , it was mainly used for hunting woodcock ( wookcock English) . The English Cocker Spaniel is a tireless and passionate hunter. When it starts to browse, nothing escapes him. Its small size allows it to slip around , so he can discover game where another dog would go straight . Unsurpassed for hunting pheasant and woodcock , it can also raise grouse and go without fear in a swamp to bring a duck or a goose.
The Cocker Spaniel has become a very popular dog company. Happy, playful and even mischievous sometimes it is naturally clean and spends long moments to wash and polish his hair , like a cat.
5. The Golden Retriever
Will has a strange fishy smell in the air? If this is the case , the golden retriever is the first to identify it. His flair is highly developed , so it is a returning hunter peerless . He also reports that breathes easily and throw vigorously with water to get a dead or injured bird. Her happiness is to bring objects to his master.
His character : Very clever , the Golden Retriever is easy to train. It is a quiet , kind and loyal dog , qualities that make it an ideal family companion .
Care to give it : This dog is very energetic , so he needs a lot of exercise outside .
Fun Fact: The Golden Retriever has been prepared to report the waterfowl .
6 . The King Charles spaniel
King Charles II was so fond of his spaniels he was accused of caring more of them than the affairs of the State. The king had a large kennel and brought them wherever he went . It is the passion he harbored against them , who gave his name to this spaniel.
The King Charles Spaniel may have experienced its greatest popularity under Charles II , but it had long been the favorite dog of the European courts . It was said that the court ladies were warmed in winter by hiding these little dogs under their skirts enormous. A king charles spaniel also comforted the unhappy Queen Mary during her last days and remained near her, even after his death on the scaffold.
His character : Loving and intelligent , the King Charles Spaniel is an ideal dog for approval families where there are young children.
Care to give him his long coat should be brushed and combed every day to get rid of dead and matted hair. It must regularly clean the ears with moistened with mild soapy water wadding . It should also clean around his eyes with boiled water.
Fun Fact: The King Charles Spaniel is native to China and Japan.
7 . The Labrador Retriever
If there is a job to do , you can count on the Labrador Retriever to see. It was used as guide dogs , war dog and police dog , he is loved and respected around the world. With its beautiful satin dress, labrador is as beautiful as brave and industrious . And it is an exceptional swimmer who does not hesitate to embark on the icy water .
Labradors were once part of the crew of the fishing boats in Newfoundland . They were trained to jump into the water when the boat approached the shore, they then seized in their mouths the ends of the nets and swam to the shore where the crew emptied their fish nets .
His character : A patience, intelligence and exceptional kindness made ??labradors dogs of greatly appreciated .
Care to give it : This sturdy dog in excellent health . Its short , dense fur with tight hair should be brushed occasionally to remove dust and loose hair that could otherwise form felted plates. If the Labradoodle is not doing enough exercise , it is suscepible gaining weight . But this can easily happen because it is a dog that has a voracious appetite.
Fun Fact: Labradors can be trained from the age of six months.
8 . The English Shepherd
Looking for a guard dog ? The English Sheepdog is a massive beast body and formidable force that was known to hunt predators and still remains a popular guard dog . You doubt it ? Look at the walk to amble down the street moving together both legs on the same side . You could take it to a bear. And if that is not enough to scare intruders , barking sound and powerful enough to do so.
This dog did not have as one function to keep the sheep. Appeared in the west of England in the mid-nineteenth century and also known as bobtail ( bobtail ) , he played the role of a shepherd , that is to say, he led them to the market . But to fulfill this mission , the English Shepherd should provide for the movement of sheep in the herd and remener all those which escaped . The next time you see this dog to walk with family members , watching him run from one to the other until they are all together and work together.
His character : It is extremely affectionate dog turbulent , he loves to play with children and watching them with the dedication he showed once towards his sheep . This earned him the nickname of English Nanny Dog , dog nanny.
Care to give it : The English Sheepdog is an athletic dog that needs space . Heat the many inconvenient . It must regularly clean the ears with cotton swabs and rid with the utmost care hair amalgamated. Brush it twice a week to prevent the formation of stuffs . As the dust does not stick to his hair , he rarely needs to take a bath .
Fun Fact: Sometimes shaves English Shepherds with their hair to make sweaters and blankets.
9 . the Poodle
Poodles of all kinds so we cap to give them good looks. But make no mistake: the first Poodles were large hunting dogs. The poodle is named after the word duck because he willingly goes to water. Is very suitable for hunting in the water, it was more practical to mow his fur : the dog could then more easily swim , we left him as strips of hair on the legs and forequarters to protect joints and vital organs against the cold.
Since the word poodle comes duck , it should be remembered that the English name of this dog, poodle , just ” puddle ” ( small pond ) and the German ” pudel ” ( one who plays in water) , there then see a hint of the old quarry that water dog . Can be classified according to its size poodle poodle in large , sometimes called poodle , poodle in average , in miniature poodle and miniature poodle or toy .
His character : The Poodle is a lively and fun with good character and intelligence have earned him enormous popularity accreditation dog. As it is a joyful and easy to train dog, it has been used in circuses for centuries.
Care to give it : The Poodle enjoys the company of humans and hates loneliness . But being sensitive and nervous , he may suffer from mild personality disorders . We must brush several times a week and mow once a month or every two months . It should also clean her ears regularly and remove hairs that grow there. When he gets older , he may suffer eye , skin , heart or cerebrovascular system.
10 . the Pug
This stocky little dog picked up the body and wrinkled back did not seem to be the dog for approval of a man or woman of good company. You ‘ll be surprised to learn that the pug has won many hearts in the elegant salons of Europe in the nineteenth century. Some of his friends were recruited in the highest society. King Henry II of France , for example , found its more fun than its clowns pugs . The pug was also the favorite of the royal children of Spain approval dog. Before it spread to Europe, he had a long history in the East. Examine the fine Chinese porcelain and see the pug appear on several items.
His character : Intelligent and mischievous , the pug is a fun companion. But be on your guard ! It can be greedy , grumpy and cold with foreign developed to demonstrate their genuine hostility.
Care to give him Pug hardly tolerates heat and takes cold easily , if wet, it must be dried immediately. Her delicate eyes are often watery . Regular brushing her short and fine hair. The pug may suffer from stomach if eaten in excess.
Fun Fact : As of trinkets, were often seen pugs ceramic Victorian .
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