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Let's Clear Up Some Lies You've Been Told About Vaginas

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Mark Lewis via Getty Images
WARNING: This post contains sexually explicit language. Please read on at your own discretion.
This unfortunately crossed my desk this morning, and now my pussy is sad.
"[W]ouldn't you prefer to be that girl who smells and tastes a treat down there?" this incredibly irritating and offensive blog post begins.
Here we go again: women being told their vulvas and vaginas aren't good enough in their natural state. They have to be scrubbed and waxed and have food products shoved inside them. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
"How to Make Your Vagina Smell and Taste Delicious," the post is titled, because of course you have to make it that way because A) it isn't that way already, and B) you somehow owe it to the world to do that.
All of this pussy shaming is exhausting. It leaves women -- even women-loving women -- feeling like there's something wrong with us, that we're not worthy, that our sexuality hangs in the balance of other people's approval of our naturally lacking body parts. Argh.
"Wash it!" this blogger begins. "The obvious first step to having fragrant, delicious private bits would be to thoroughly wash down there at least twice a day."
Nope. Your vulva and vagina do not need to be scrubbed clean twice a day. It is not dirty. I repeat: Unless you just ran a marathon, sat in the sun for hours, or rolled naked in the mud, your nether regions are not inherently dirty. The vagina creates a very particular, balanced environment for itself. There's no need to mess with it.
Language like this adds to the vulvar and vaginal shame that so many women already feel. And, sadly, despite the presence of two vulvas and vaginas, this shaming and self-loathing can still exist in lesbian relationships. Your pussy is perfect. It looks perfect. It smells perfect. And it can cause you to feel perfectly wonderful things. Barring an infection -- yeast, bacterial or otherwise -- all it needs is some lovely, warm water run over it when you shower. Period.
Yes, as the blogger explains, pussies like fresh air, and they do not like to be sprayed. But, once again, neither she nor anyone else should be dictating your undergarment or laundry-detergent choices. I don't know what kind of detergent she's using, but mine has never left a Downy-fresh smell on my pussy. (Note: Don't put dryer sheets in your vagina.) And my lacy thongs are cotton or have a cotton lining. So I'm all good, thank you.
"Wax it! Sweat cause odors and pubic hair retains sweat. By waxing, the chance of odor caused by sweat is significantly reduced and in my opinion, a waxed vagina is visually more appealing."
The only thing I really want to say to this is, quite simply, "Fuck you." First of all, you can't wax a vagina. It has no hair. The vagina is the internal canal.
A vulva, on the other hand, can be waxed, shaved, or plucked, or it can be left in its perfectly lovely, perfectly natural, untouched state. Sometimes I wax my pussy. Sometimes I shave it. Sometimes I leave a trail. Sometimes a triangle. Sometimes nothing at all. It's my pussy, so I do whatever I want with it.
We have to stop telling women what to do with their pussies. It's your pussy. I recommend treating it nicely and respectfully. I recommend pleasuring her regularly. I recommend only sharing her when you want and with whom you want and how you want. But, honestly, those are only recommendations. It's your body. Your choice. And no one, especially not some random blogger, should be telling any woman how she should groom her pussy. Fuck that.
"Wet Wipe it! Using baby wipes after each trip to the toilet can reduce urinary tract/vaginal infections plus they are designed to be soft and gentle on the skin. So keep some baby wipes handy."
Once again, no need, at all. If things get a little messy on your backside, sure, use a wipe if you choose. And always wipe from front to back to keep bacteria from being transferred from you backside to your pussy. But you don't need wipes. You don't, and neither does your home's plumbing system.
"Eat it!"
Well, yes, I certainly recommend eating pussy. But, sadly, that is not what this dear blogger is recommending.
"Did you know that vegetarians have been proven to have better tasting secretions than meat eaters?!"
I'd love to see that study, if it's a blind, peer-reviewed, scientific one. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Some argue that eating pineapple and some other sweet fruits can make your pussy taste sweeter, and that some harsher-tasting foods may have the opposite effect. But -- and my apologies if this is too graphic or personal for you -- my girl must tell me a million times a day how much she loves the taste and smell of my pussy, and I am always saying the exact same thing about hers, and we are two seriously meat-loving girls. So I'm calling bullshit on this too.
"Treat it! Yeast infection is one cause of foul odor. You will need to treat it before you can start tasting and smelling good down there. A cream like Vagisil, which can be bought over-the-counter at pharmacies, can eliminate odor and itchiness."
There's all kind of confusion going on here. Vagisil is not for yeast infections. If you are itchy and/or have a white discharge, see your doc. It may be yeast, and you may need meds. If it is foul- or fishy-smelling, you may have a bacterial infection, and you should see your doc for meds. Simple as that.
"Dip it! An old wives remedy for healthy vaginas is to dip a clean tampon into plain, unsweetened yoghurt and then insert it into your vagina for an hour. By fighting the unhealthy ones, the healthy bacteria in yoghurt help eliminate any fishy and unpleasant odor. Do remember to wash your vagina thoroughly after removing the tampon."
Holy shit. No, no, and no. Here's the thing: Yogurt is food. That means it's not made for putting in or leaving in your vagina. Even if you use a cucumber as a dildo, which is a perfectly reasonable, it's a good idea to cover it with a condom. Just because yogurt has live cultures in it does not mean you should leave it in your vagina. Some women say it has a soothing effect if you use it on your vulva, but it's highly unlikely that it will actually "cure" a yeast infection.
There are some medications designed for that purpose that have been tested to be safe for your vagina. But talk about setting off an imbalance. Bottom line: My sister, Dr. Block, wisely said when I told her about this, "Don't leave shit in there not designed for that purpose. Besides, how would you ever get it out?" Douching is terrible for you, and anything short of that is going to leave yogurt residue.
"Try these tips for potential improvements in 'down southern' hospitality =)"
Gross. My vagina is not a hotel, and neither is yours. And why are the words "down" and "southern" both in quotation marks?
This is a Singapore-based site, so perhaps there are some cultural issues and some language issues going on throughout. But regardless of culture, pussy pride should reign throughout the lands.
There also seem to be some plagiarism issues (or serious over-borrowing, at the very least), as some of this has been lifted almost word-for-word from a Jezebel piece published about a year earlier.
Here's the thing: Pussies are not supposed to taste like cupcakes and smell like roses. They are supposed to taste and smell like pussies: sweet, pungent, spicy, delicious, and maybe a little bit like iron before, during, and after your period. But unless there is an underlying health issue, there is nothing wrong with a pussy that tastes, smells, and looks like, well, a pussy.
The pussy shaming and self-loathing has to stop. Men perpetrate it, but women do it to themselves too, and lesbians doing it seems extra-problematic. We're supposed to be supporting each other and loving each other and pulling each other up, not dragging each other down.
Trust me: Your pussy is perfect. Stop worrying about it. Seriously. If you need something to worry about, how about female genital mutilation, unhygienic toilets, unclean water, a lack of period products to help girls avoid missing school once a month, unequal pay, and anti-LGBT discrimination. Your pussy is doing just fine. Pleasure, rinse, and repeat. That's all you need to know.
Also on The Huffington Post:
Celebrities Who Have Come Out As LGBT
1 of 56
  • Wentworth Miller, 2013
    "Prison Break" star Wentworth Miller came out in August 2013 after being invited to attend the St. Petersburg International Film Festival in Russia. In the midst of massive anti-gay violence and legislation throughout the country at that time, he decided it was time to go public about his sexuality. "Thank you for your kind invitation. As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes," the 41-year-old wrote in a letter to the festival's director, which was posted on GLAAD's website. "However, as a gay man, I must decline."
  • Jodie Foster, 2013
    The "Silence of the Lambs" star ended years of rampant media speculation when she casually came out of the closet while accepting her Cecil B. Demille award at the 2013 Golden Globes. "I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago, back in the Stone Age," she said in the speech. "In those very quaint days when a fragile young girl would open up to trusted friends, and family, coworkers and then gradually, proudly, to everyone who knew her."
  • Gillian Anderson, 2012
    The "X-Files" actress revealed she's had numerous relationships with women in a 2012 interview with Out magazine. The 43-year-old mother of three, who's long enjoyed a sizable lesbian fanbase, told Out that she first had a relationship with a woman while still in high school, after moving from her native England to suburban Michigan. "If I had thought I was 100 percent gay, would it have been a different experience for me?" Anderson, who was voted "Most Bizarre" and "Most Likely to Be Arrested" in high school, ponders. "Would it have been a bigger deal if shame had been attached to it and all those things that become huge life-altering issues for youngsters in that situation? It's possible that my attitude around it came, on some level, from knowing that I still liked boys."
  • Anderson Cooper, 2012
    Anderson Cooper's sexuality had been scrutinized for years but it wasn't until July 2012 that he finally addressed the issue when he came out in an email to his friend and fellow journalist, Andrew Sullivan, this summer. In Cooper's message, which was posted on Sullivan's blog, "The Dish," on The Daily Beast, the CNN anchor states, "The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud."
  • Lana Wachowski, 2012
    Award-winning filmmaker Lana Wachowski, who's best known for co-writing and -directing the "Matrix" trilogy with her brother, Andy Wachowski, is the first major Hollywood director to come out as transgender in July 2012. The Chicago native recently released "Cloud Atlas" and received the Human Rights Campaign's Visibility Award in October 2012, where she delivered a revealing and heartfelt speech (VIDEO).
  • Raven-Symone, 2013
    Raven-Symone came out via Twitter in early August 2013 after long-term speculation surrounding the actress' sexuality. I can finally get married! Yay government! So proud of you— Raven-Symonè (@MissRavenSymone) August 2, 2013 Raven-Symone confirmed the subtle coming out by retweeting of her followers congratulating the star. In a statement to E! News, the actress said: "I am very happy that gay marriage is opening up around the country and is being accepted. I was excited to hear today that more states legalized gay marriage. I, however am not currently getting married, but it is great to know I can now, should I wish to."
  • Zachary Quinto, 2011
    Long rumored to be gay, the actor, most famous for his roles on "Heroes" and in the recent "Star Trek" film, came out in a October 2011 New York magazine profile, saying: "In light of Jamey's [Rodemeyer] death -- it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it -- is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality. Our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country."
  • Meredith Baxter, 2009
    In December 2009 Baxter, most famous for playing Elyse Keaton on '80s sitcom "Family Ties," went on the "Today Show" and told Matt Lauer that she was a lesbian. Baxter said, "Some people would say, well, you're living a lie and, you know, the truth is -- not at all. This has only been for the past seven years."
  • Frank Ocean, 2012
    No mainstream black male hip-hop artist had ever come out until Frank Ocean did in July 2012, just before he debuted his first solo album, "Channel Orange." The singer-songwriter posted a Tumblr post which read, in part, "4 summers ago, I met somebody. I was 19. He was too. We spent that summer, and the summer after, together. Everyday almost. And on the days we were together, time would glide.” After that, Ocean received support from fellow hip-hop artists Jay-Z (and wife, Beyoncé), 50 Cent, Busta Rhymes and more. Daryl Hannah, director of media and community partnerships for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation said, "[The support for Frank is] an extension of the overall kind of support we’re seeing across the country for LGBT people, and not just in a broad sense, but specifically from iconic members of the black community.”
  • Wanda Sykes, 2008
    The comedian and actress came out in November 2008 while speaking at an anti-Prop 8 rally in Las Vegas. Sykes said in part: "I got married Oct. 25, I don't really talk about my sexual orientation, I felt like I was living my life, I wasn't in the closet, but I was just living my life. Everybody who knows me personally, they know I'm gay. And that's the way people should be able to live our lives, really. We shouldn't have to be standing out here demanding something we automatically should have as citizens of this country."
  • Lucas Cruikshank,  2013
    This Nickelodeon star and YouTube sensation came out at 19 via an Internet question and answer session with friend and actress Jennifer Veal, telling fans "I'm gay." "My family and friends have known for like three years, I just haven't felt the need to announce it on the Internet," he explained. At one point during the video he turned and asked Veal: "How come you didn't have to make a video saying you're straight?"
  • Matt Bomer, 2012
    The 34-year-old "White Collar" hunk thanked his partner Simon Halls and his three children during Saturday's Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards, where he received the New Generation Arts and Activism Award for his work in the fight against HIV/AIDS. "I'd really especially like to thank my beautiful family: Simon, Kit, Walker, Henry," he told the crowd. "Thank you for teaching me what unconditional love is. You will always be my proudest accomplishment."
  • Anne Burrell, 2012
    "Secrets of a Restaurant Chef" host Anne Burrell confirmed she's a lesbian and in a committed relationship with a woman, just days after "Chopped" host Ted Allen made a reference to her sexuality in a radio interview. "Anne doesn't feel she was outed," Burrell's rep told Page Six. "She has made no secret of her relationship." The rep went on to note, "Her significant other is a very private woman. They have been together for a couple of years and spend a lot of time together."
  • Adam Lambert, 2009
    The singer's sexuality was always a topic of discussion for viewers when he was performing on "American Idol," but Lambert didn't come out until after the competition had wrapped. In a June 2009 Rolling Stone cover story, Lambert said, "Right after the finale [of "AI"], I almost started talking about it to the reporters, but I thought, 'I'm going to wait for Rolling Stone, that will be cooler,'.. I didn't want the Clay Aiken thing and the celebrity-magazine bullshit. I need to be able to explain myself in context."
  • Jim Parsons, 2012
    New York Times scribe Patrick Healy confirmed "The Big Bang Theory" star's sexuality as part of a profile. The revelation came late in the article, when Healy describes the 39-year-old actor's role in the 2011 revival of Larry Kramer's HIV/AIDS crisis drama, "The Normal Heart." Wrote Healy: '"The Normal Heart" resonated with him on a few levels: Mr. Parsons is gay and in a 10-year relationship, and working with an ensemble again onstage was like nourishment, he said." Though the Times didn't identify Parsons' partner, he has been romantically liked with art director Todd Spiewak (pictured).
  • Laura Jane Grace, 2012
    Punk band Against Me!'s lead singer made headlines in May with the announcement that she is transgender and will be now known as Laura Jane Grace. The musician, who shared her story in Rolling Stone, said "For me, the most terrifying thing about this was how she [my wife, Heather] would accept the news. But she's been super-amazing and understanding." The couple has a 2-year-old daughter.
  • Cynthia Nixon, 2004
    The "Sex And The City" star was out-ed in 2004 when the NY Daily News and the New York Post reported she was living with another woman in September 2004. Nixon half-heartedly confirmed the rumors when she told the Daily News, "My private life is private... But at the same time, I have nothing to hide. So what I will say is that I am very happy."
  • Sam Champion, 2012
    ABC's "Good Morning America" weatherman, Sam Champion,, not only came out of the closet in October 2012, he also announced his engagement to longtime boyfriend, Rubem Robierb, at the same time. The New York Times subtly mentioned the news in an article about MSNBC personality Thomas Roberts' recent wedding, where Champion and Robierb were guests. After his revelation, Champion, 51, discussed about his plans on "GMA" and thanked everyone for their support (see video clip).
  • Kelly McGillis, 2009
    Kelly McGillis, known as who starred opposite Tom Cruise in "Top Gun," revealed she's gay on lesbian website SheWired.com. McGillis, who was married twice to men and has two daughters, said, "It's a part of being true to yourself. That's been a challenge for me personally."
  • Chris Colfer, 2009
    The "Glee" actor came out on the "Chelsea Lately Show" in December 2009: Chelsea Handler: "Your character on the show's gay. We know that you're gay. That's good for you. Congratulations. Don't be shy about that. Seriously. You shouldn't be shy about that because every time...an actor like you is helping a zillion other people that are scared to talk about their sexuality so good for you." Chris Colfer: "Thank you. You know what my answer to that question was prior to coming out -- was that I was straight as every other actor in Hollywood."
  • Ezra Miller, 2012
    Breakout, up-and-coming actor Ezra Miller, who stars in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," came out as queer in an interview with Out magazine in August. The 20-year-old actor, who's also known for his big screen roles on "City Island" and "We Need To Talk About Kevin," told Out: "I have a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular."
  • Sara Gilbert, 2010
    Sara Gilbert, who's best known for her role on "Roseanne," officially came out in 2010. At that time, she was getting ready to launch "The Talk," a daytime talk show which focuses on parenthood and families, so Gilbert felt compelled to acknowledge her sexuality. “I don’t ever really think of things as out or in,” Gilbert said. “I just think I am who I am, and when topics come up that are appropriate, I’ll talk about them and share when it seems right.”
  • Chaz Bono, 2009
    Chaz Bono revealed his plan to transition in May 2009. TMZ.com broke the story via a prepared statement from Bono's publicist that read, in part: "Yes, it's true -- Chaz, after many years of consideration, has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity... He is proud of his decision and grateful for the support and respect that has already been shown by his loved ones. It is Chaz's hope that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue, just as his 'coming out' did nearly 20 years ago."
  • Andrew Rannells, 2012
    Andrew Rannells has had a stellar year. Since nabbing a Tony nomination for Best Leading Actor in a Musical for the Broadway blockbuster "The Book of Mormon," Rannells went on to star in HBO's "Girls" and ABC's "The New Normal." In November, the 34 year old was named to Out magazine's prestigious "OUT100" list. “I feel very proud to be a part of The New Normal,” Rannells told Out. “I hope that it’s considered to be a part of the evolution of gay relationships on television. Coming from Nebraska, it’s exciting to me that people I went to grade school with, people that I grew up going to church with, are watching the show.”
  • Joanna Johnson, 2012
    "Bold and the Beautiful" star Joanna Johnson became daytime soap opera's only active "out" actor when she said she was a lesbian in May. Johnson said she feared coming out would prohibit her from getting acting roles. Johnson told TV Guide in an exclusive interview that she's married to L.A. club promoter Michelle Agnew, with whom she has two children, five-year-old Julian and Harlow, who is two.
  • George Michael, 1998
    After being caught performing a "lewd act" in a public restroom, Michael came out to CNN in April 1998. Michael said, "This is as good of a time as any... I want to say that I have no problem with people knowing that I'm in a relationship with a man right now. I have not been in a relationship with a woman for almost 10 years." Later that year Michael spoofed the incident in the music video for his single "Outside."
  • Don Lemon, 2011
    The CNN news anchor came out to the New York Times in May 2011. Lemon told the paper, "It's quite different for an African-American male... It's about the worst thing you can be in black culture. You're taught you have to be a man; you have to be masculine. In the black community they think you can pray the gay away."
  • Todd Glass, 2012
    Comedian Todd Glass came out in January in an episode of the "WTF with Marc Maron" podcast. Glass cited the slew of LGBT teen suicides as his impetus for coming out. He told Maron: "I cannot listen to stories about kids killing themselves any longer without thinking [to myself], 'When are you going to have a little blood on your shirt for not being honest about who you are?'"
  • Rosie Pierri, 2012
    Everyone loves Rosie. In a June episode of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey," Rosie Pierri candidly came out to her sister, Kathy Wakile, a main cast member, proclaiming, "God made me this way. That's it." Pierri spoke with The Huffington Post in May before the episode aired and shared that she was a "late bloomer," who didn't come to the realization until her 30s.
  • Jonathan Knight, 2011
    The New Kids On The Block singer was out-ed by fellow '80s teen pop star Tiffany in January 2011 when she revealed she dated Knight before "he became gay later." In response, Knight posted a message on his website stating in part: "I have never been outed by anyone but myself! I did so almost twenty years ago. I never know that I would have to do it all over again publicly just because I reunited with NKOTB! I have lived my life very openly and have never hidden the fact that I am gay!"
  • Ricky Martin, March 2010
    In March 2009 pop star Ricky Martin posted a message on his website telling the world, "I am a fortunate homosexual man."
  • Sean Hayes, 2010
    Long dogged by rumors about his sexuality, the "Will and Grace" actor finally came out in The Advocate in April 2010: "I am who I am. I was never in, as they say. Never," he said.
  • Lady Sovereign, 2010
    In May 2010 the British rapper came out in Diva magazine. Sovereign said: "Magazines would always ask about it but [questions about my sexuality] would get stopped by my publicists. It was my choice, too, because I was a bit worried about it but now I don't really give a shit. You can't hide away forever. It's just stupid and now I've come out I feel a lot more comfortable with myself. But it was a bit scary back then because some people do have horrible opinions."
  • T.R. Knight, 2007
    T.R. Knight's coming out wasn't necessarily ideal. The actor, who played George O'Malley on ABC's Grey's Anatomy, was called a "faggot" by co-star Isaiah Washington, prompting Knight to stand up for himself and others. He told Ellen DeGeneres, "I've never been called that to my face. So I think when that happened, something shifted, and it became bigger than myself."
  • Kristy McNichol, 2012
    People magazine reported In January 2012 that Kristy McNichol, who was beloved for playing Buddy Lawrence in the '70s show "Family," for which she won an Emmy, and later Barbara Weston on the "Golden Girls" spin-off "Empty Nest," revealed she is a lesbian because she is "approaching 50" and wants to "be open about who I am." McNichol also cited the wave of antigay bullying stories for coming out, hoping to help bullied LGBT youth who need support.
  • Benji Schwimmer, 2012
    After Benji Schwimmer won the second season of Fox's long-running hit series "So You Think You Can Dance," the 28-year-old dancer-choreographer became somewhat of a Mormon rockstar. But in a tell-all, five-hour interview for "Mormon Stories," Schwimmer came out and discussed at length his homosexuality and the church's views on the issue. He spoke with Out magazine in June and said: "I get at least 10 emails a day from kids that say, I was going to kill myself, and I heard something in the podcast that rang true to me, and I’m holding on. For that validation alone—it’s nice that Perez Hilton and Out are covering this, but just that personal touch is what it’s about. For the last year, I didn’t hide it. I held hands with a boyfriend in the streets. I kissed him in bars—in straight bars. I don’t give a fuck."
  • Clay Aiken, 2008
    After becoming a father in August of 2008, the "American Idol" runner up came out on the cover of People magazine in September 2008 saying, "[Coming out] was the first decision I made as a father... I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn't raised that way, and I'm not going to raise a child to do that."
  • Orlando Cruz, 2012
    History was made in October when active professional featherweight boxer Orlando Cruz of Puerto Rico came out. He said in a USA Today article, "I've been fighting for more than 24 years and as I continue my ascendant career, I want to be true to myself. I want to try to be the best role model I can be for kids who might look into boxing as a sport and a professional career." He continued, "I have and will always be a proud Puerto Rican. I have always been and always will be a proud gay man."
  • Chely Wright, 2010
    Country singer Chely Wright came out in May 2010. She told People magazine, "There had never, ever been a country music artist who had acknowledged his or her homosexuality... I wasn't going to be the first." But she changed her mind and said of her decision, "Nothing in my life has been more magical than the moment I decided to come out."
  • Mika, 2012
    The flamboyant singer-songwriter played coy about his sexuality for many years before finally coming out as gay in the September 2012 issue of Instinct magazine. Mika told the magazine: "If you ask me am I gay, I say yeah... Are these songs about my relationship with a man? I say yeah. And it’s only through my music that I’ve found the strength to come to terms with my sexuality beyond the context of just my lyrics. This is my real life."
  • Lance Bass, 2006
    The 'N Sync pop star came out on the cover of People magazine in July 2006. When asked why he decided to come out then, Bass said, "The main reason I wanted to speak my mind was that (the rumors) really were starting to affect my daily life. Now it feels like it's on my terms. I'm at peace with my family, my friends, myself and God so there's really nothing else that I worry about."
  • Denise Ho, 2012
    Hong Kong's fourth annual LGBT Pride Parade in November saw beloved Cantonese pop star Denise Ho come out as a lesbian. This announcement made her the first mainstream female singer in Hong Kong to say she's gay, according to several Hong Kong media outlets. "As a celebrity, I think I have an obligation, a duty to stand forward for the sake of love and equality," the 35-year-old singer told the crowd.
  • Amber Heard, 2010
    "I personally think that if you deny something or if you hide something you're inadvertently admitting it's wrong. I don't feel like I'm wrong," said actress Amber Heard, 26, who came out while attending GLAAD's 25th anniversary party. Heard has starred in movies like as "Pineapple Express" and "Zombieland."
  • Elton John, 1976
    In an interview with Rolling Stone in October 1976, the rock star came out by saying, "There's nothing wrong with going to bed with somebody of your own sex. I think everybody's bisexual to a certain degree. I don't think it's just me. It's not a bad thing to be. I think you're bisexual. I think everybody is."
  • Suze Orman, 2007
    Financial guru Suze Orman came out in a 2007 New York Times Magazine article. The 61-year-old Chicago native was asked if she was married in the interview, which prompted her to officially come out and set the record straight (so to speak).
  • David Hyde Pierce, 2007
    "Frasier" actor David Hyde Pierce kept a low profile and subtly came out in an article on CNN where he mentioned his longtime partner, TV writer and producer Brian Hargrove. Later, while on "The View", Pierce spoke about Hargrove and his sexuality and said,"What you choose to talk about yourself is a personal decision."
  • Neil Patrick Harris, 2006
    The "Doogie Howser, MD" and "How I Met Your Mother Star" came out on the cover of People magazine in November of 2006. Harris told the magazine: "The public eye has always been kind to me, and until recently I have been able to live a pretty normal life. Now it seems there is speculation and interest in my private life and relationships. So, rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love."
  • Darren Hayes, 2006
    The former Savage Garden front man came out by marrying Richard Cullen in June 2006. He announced the civil union on his website saying in part: "As so many of you have given me your heart and soul over the past 10 years I thought it only fitting that I too return the respect and inform you of the most significant event in my life... On June 19th 2006 I married my boyfriend of two years, Richard, in a Civil Partnership ceremony in London."
  • George Takei, 2005
    The beloved George Takei, known as Sulu on "Star Trek," came out in a 2005 article in Frontiers, a biweekly LGBT Los Angeles magazine. Takei, 75, cited the political landscape surrounding LGBT issues as one reason for coming out. Since then, Takei has been an outspoken (and humorous) advocate for LGBT rights.
  • Portia de Rossi, 2005
    The actress had been out to friends for quite some time, but she told the entire world in the fall of 2005 in interviews with Details magazine and The Advocate. "I've had my years of being not open, many years of it... It's an honor for me to do this; it's just nice to be asked," de Rossi said in her September 2005 Advocate cover story, her first with the gay press.
  • Heather Matarazzo, 2004
    The actress, perhaps best known for her role as tormented teen Dawn Wiener in the film "Welcome To The Dollhouse," came out in August 2004 by telling the NY Daily News about falling in love with Caroline Murphy: "I met the person I'm so madly crazy in love with...She's not famous yet. She will be. She wants to do musical theater and stage, which is not as demoralizing as the movie business is."
  • Rosie O'Donnell, 2002
    The comedian and talk show host came out by revealing "I'm a dyke!" during her stand up act at the Ovarian Cancer Research benefit at Carolines Comedy Club in February 2002.
  • Nathan Lane, 1999
    The hilarious Nathan Lane, who's well known for starring in films like "The Birdcage," officially came out in an interview with The Advocate in 1999. In the issue, the 56-year-old Emmy- and Tony-winner said, "It's never been something I kept a secret." But Matthew Shepard's murder led the actor to publicly coming out. "It was like somebody slapped me awake," Lane said. "At this point it's selfish not to do whatever you can."
  • Ellen DeGeneres, 1997
    DeGeneres came out in 1997, both in real life and on TV, on her sitcom "Ellen." "The Puppy Episode," which aired in April 1997, featured a who's who of Hollywood, including Oprah Winfrey, Demi Moore, Billy Bob Thornton, and Laura Dern as Ellen's love interest. DeGeneres's character became the first openly gay prime time lead character on television.
  • Melissa Etheridge, 1993
    The rock star came out in January 1993 during the Triangle ball, the first ever ball thrown for the LGBT community during a president's inauguration, in this case Clinton's. Etheridge recalls: "I didn't even think, Oh, I'm going to come out here...It was, 'Gee, I'm really excited to be here, and I'm really proud to have been a lesbian all my life.' And a big cheer went up through the whole hall, and k.d. [lang] came out and hugged me. I remember walking back, and my friend said, 'I think you came out!'"
  • Next
Wentworth Miller, 2013
"Prison Break" star Wentworth Miller came out in August 2013 after being invited to attend the St. Petersburg International Film Festival in Russia. In the midst of massive anti-gay violence and legislation throughout the country at that time, he decided it was time to go public about his sexuality.

"Thank you for your kind invitation. As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes," the 41-year-old wrote in a letter to the festival's director, which was posted on GLAAD's website. "However, as a gay man, I must decline."
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  • Melissa Johnson Cleaver · Top Commenter · Houston, Texas
    EXACTLY! I've never done more to my washing regimen then use water and a bit of soap.

    The pussy cleans itself! I wish everyone would learn some damn Science already and quit trying to make theirs smell, taste and look like a cupcake.

    Has anyone ever eaten anything in their pantry that tasted remotely like a dick? NO and that's okay! Dick is supposed to taste like dick and pussy is supposed to taste like pussy...it's the way nature intended.

    If you want a cupcake, go to the bakery...
  • Ro Laurie Normand Reddick · Florida State University
    This has been a bone of contention for me for a long time. I abhor the abundant "tuna" references by men, and I am so fearful of cunnilingus because of it. I am 58 and have very rarely let anyone go down on me, at least not since my 20's, because of the media and male-driven self-loathing I have of my vagina possibly smelling bad. Even if my husband tries, and I allow him, I can't relax. Ever. Guys wonder why it takes some women so long to climax that way? Well, got news for you a$$holes: This is why!
  • Christian Aragon · Top Commenter · Reno, Nevada
    Oy Vey! Seriously, Jenny?!? Vagina shaming just because someone is attempting to offer advice on making a vagina/vulva even more appealing than it already is???

    I agree that there's a lot of errors in what is being said about that entire area of the feminine physique, and they should be more educated about it. But to blatantly tell women they need not do anything to their vagina's lest they have a genuine infection of some sort also goes against the simple fact that many women out there enjoy keeping their vaginal/vulva area smelling and tasting even more like a treat than it already is.

    While you're on this tangent, how about making all things equal??? No, you do not need to do ANYTHING with your armpits other than wash them at least once a day. If you don't have a foot fungus or infection then don't worry about the smell of ...your feet. They're perfectly natural and fine as is. Seems fair.

    Jenny, you're shaming, in a lot of instances, simple personal preferences. Why is that any different from "vagina shaming"??? If educated about all the facts shouldn't people be allowed to choose their preferences without feeling shamed over having done so???

    Here's another one: No, sweat and man-smells are perfectly normal around your balls. If you don't have an infection of some sort then don't worry about washing them but once a day, maybe twice.

    Also, I think there's a lot of men out there tired of being shamed just for being men.

    In a society obsessed with being entirely too politically correct to the point of micromanaging, we've become a country of shamers. The religious right no longer has that market cornered, but I think they want it back.

    If pussies aren't supposed to taste like anything else then what the fuck is whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate doing in the bedroom??? How about body whips? What about those flavored lotions and other concoctions you can purchase at any any adult novelty store and even some grocery stores???

    Jenny, you went off on an angry tangent and didn't think through all the variables. With consent of the owner pussy can taste any way she, he, or they want it to; and isn't what they want without being shamed for it the greater issue??? Educate, yes! But otherwise ... ???
    See More
  • Kim Patrick · Top Commenter · Ionia, Michigan
    I like the fact that it has zero calories, doesn't make you feel bloated, and always taste like chicken!
    • Rhonda Fernandez · Top Commenter · Strayer
      Spot On!
      Reply · Like
      · 2 · August 20 at 9:59am
    • Christian Aragon · Top Commenter · Reno, Nevada
      Oy Vey! Seriously, Jenny?!? Vagina shaming just because someone is attempting to offer advice on making a vagina/vulva even more appealing than it already is???

      I agree that there's a lot of errors in what is being said about that entire area of the feminine physique, and they should be more educated about it. But to blatantly tell women they need not do anything to their vagina's lest they have a genuine infection of some sort also goes against the simple fact that many women out there enjoy keeping their vaginal/vulva area smelling and tasting even more like a treat than it already is.

      While you're on this tangent, how about making all things equal??? No, you do not need to do ANYTHING with your armpits other than wash them at least once a day. If you don't have a foot fungus or infection then don't worry about the smell of ...your feet. They're perfectly natural and fine as is. Seems fair.

      Jenny, you're shaming, in a lot of instances, simple personal preferences. Why is that any different from "vagina shaming"??? If educated about all the facts shouldn't people be allowed to choose their preferences without feeling shamed over having done so???

      Here's another one: No, sweat and man-smells are perfectly normal around your balls. If you don't have an infection of some sort then don't worry about washing them but once a day, maybe twice.

      Also, I think there's a lot of men out there tired of being shamed just for being men.

      In a society obsessed with being entirely too politically correct to the point of micromanaging, we've become a country of shamers. The religious right no longer has that market cornered, but I think they want it back.

      If pussies aren't supposed to taste like anything else then what the fuck is whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate doing in the bedroom??? How about body whips? What about those flavored lotions and other concoctions you can purchase at any any adult novelty store and even some grocery stores???

      Jenny, you went off on an angry tangent and didn't think through all the variables. With consent of the owner pussy can taste any way she, he, or they want it to; and isn't what they want without being shamed for it the greater issue??? Educate, yes! But otherwise ... ???
      See More
      Reply · Like
      · 188 · August 20 at 11:00am
    • Jesse Gray · Top Commenter · Owner/Head Coach at Crossfit Analog
      Well, I'm fine with most vagina smells but on the other hand, my dong smells pretty bad sometimes...
      Reply · Like
      · 12 · August 20 at 11:02am
  • Roger Springfield · Top Commenter · Pennsylvania State University
    Is there a way to be on the panel to determine if veggie eater pussies are better than meat eaters? I want to volunteer.
  • Tony Collins · Top Commenter
    There is a difference between an odor and a scent, coochie connoisseurs know the difference because if you are calling a scent an odor, turn in your coochie connoisseur card as you have been decertified.
  • Ed Botsko · Top Commenter · Delray Beach, Florida
    I don't know a whole lot about vag/vul maintenance, but I know what I like... To me there is nothing more wonderful than the smell of a clean aroused woman.
  • Jeana Prewitt · Top Commenter · Head gardener at Bedside Manor
    While watching TV the other night, I turned to my husband and asked, "Why aren't there any commercials for sack itch?" And, in fact, since there's a "feminie deodorant" product out there, why isn't there a sack deodorant? And Axe doesn't count.
    • Brian 'Cliffy' Scott · Operations Manager at ThruBit LLC.
      http://www.freshballs.com/us/ There is.
      Reply · Like
      · 18 · August 20 at 11:54am
    • Jill Elliott
      Brian 'Cliffy' Scott Haha, I had to check this out! I can't believe I haven't seen this ad on tv. Looking forward to seeing this the next super bowl.
      Reply · Like
      · 5 · August 20 at 12:02pm
    • Cody Popp · Top Commenter
      If you can smell a mans sack through his clothing he simply needs a shower or has issues with his personal hygiene and wouldn't purchase the product anyway. That kills the market for the product, just like articles like this should kill the market for "feminine deodorant".
      Reply · Like
      · 7 · August 20 at 12:08pm
  • Fudgefase
    I too am incredibly irritated at the 'vagina/vulva' confusion that seems to prevalent in the media today. I blame the vagina monologues. Anyhoo, indeed, stop worrying about it, and let it be. A healthy vulv (and vag) will look after itself perfectly well. One note though - garlic comes out of skin everywhere.
    • Nicole Luder · Top Commenter · University of Manitoba
      so does other strong tasting stuff like tequila
      Reply · Like
      · 4 · August 20 at 7:25pm
    • Mara Seaforest · Top Commenter
      As I mentioned in another comment, there is also confusion about exactly what the vulva is. By saying she shaves, waxes and whatnots hers, Jenny indicates she doesn't understand that her vulva ends where the hair on the outer sides of her labia major and mons pubis begin. Why is this so difficult for people to get? Maybe it's because we have so few really attractive words for our sexual landscapes.
      Reply · Like
      · 5 · August 20 at 7:34pm
  • Matt TheAnimal Holland · Professional sushi photographer at Sushi Yum Yum
    What's left to say....Another great column by Jenny Block! It's RAW, it has balls, and it gives f#ck not! Way to be Jenny!

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