Not so much breed love


This is Katie, my Denver landlord's anxious dachshund. Source: Me

As I’m thinking about the dogs that I’d love to have one day, I’m also making a mental list of the dogs I know I wouldn’t enjoy living with. As Stanley Coren points out in his book Why We Love the Dogs We Do, not every human personality is suited to every breed personality. There does seem to be a innate, temperamental reason why some people keep buying golden retrievers or Boston terriers or akitas again and again.

I don’t make this list to say that certain breeds are bad or unlovable, but rather that my personality is not especially keen on their personalities–and I just don’t think we’d live well together.

Yorkshire terrier ♥

A Yorkshire terrier. I add them noting an exception, my friend Emily's giant Yorkie, Oscar, who is precious. Source: Flickr, click photo to see user page.

That said, here is a list of the breeds I’m fairly certain I have no interest in ever owning…

  • Dachshunds.
  • All terriers. Yes, all.
  • Almost all toy breeds (Exceptions: papillon, pomeranian, Cavalier King Charles spaniel).
  • All brachycephalic breeds (pugs, bulldogs, pekingese, etc.).
  • All scent hounds.
  • Dalmatians.
  • Chows.
  • Labs. I KNOW. So un-American! I just don’t love labs. There it is.

What about you? Any breeds you’re pretty sure you don’t want?

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45 thoughts on “Not so much breed love

  1. You know, I love my dog, but I’ve never been into “breeds” (said with a scornful smirk). I’ve only ever had one dog and I can’t see myself getting another. It would be like cheating on him. My husband feels the same.

    Mind you, our dog is now 13 years old, and though he’s not really showing his age, he is getting a little slower and I have thoughts of another little one running around the house. And all I can think of is getting another one just like Alby (my dog). I guess, that’s why there are breeds.

    So, to answer your question – none but the ‘Alby’ breed. Know where I can find one? ;)

    • I would actually advise against getting another dog who is “exactly” like your current dog. We lost my perfect dog- Smokey, a lab/pit mix, in March. In April, when we decided we were ready for a second dog (we’ve been a two dog household for all but 6-8 weeks for the last 8 years. Those weeks were after the deaths of our dogs)we started looking, and I had a really, really hard time, because none of the dogs we were meeting was Smokey.
      We ended up adopting a smooth fox terrier (or JRT mix, who knows) named Larry. He is absolutely nothing like Smokey, and its been for the best because I never feel the urge to compare them. And that’s for the best, because Smokey will almost always be “my perfect dog”.

      • Totally know what you mean about your perfect dog! We lost our Chips (JRT X) to a venomous snake bite and he was my perfect dog… When we adopted another dog, as much as I wanted another JRT X, I knew something about it wouldn’t feel right/the same!

  2. I’d never own a chihuahua. Ever.
    Other breeds that aren’t right for me: Great Danes and the Mastiffs. This has nothing to do with the dogs; I happen to love the dogs of these breeds that I’ve met, but I can’t deal with the 6-8 year lifespan. I just can’t.

    At the same time, 6 months ago I would have told you I’d never own a Jack Russell or JRT like dog. I now own a Smooth Fox Terrier or JRT mix, and I adore him. He does require me to be a different kind of owner than I naturally am, but its working out well. And he keeps our Beagle on her toes.

    • Totally agree with you on the chihuahuas. And the short lifespan of giant breeds is really heartbreaking. So happy to hear that you love your JRT, though! I have met quite a few really lovable and endearing JRTs.

    • My sister used to breed Danes and Mastiffs- until her prized Dane- and she was a lovely dog, died of gastric torsion at the very young age of four- shortly after weaning a litter of 12 pups. She had to let the buyers of the pups know that they were all at high risk for gastric torsion because of their mother’s untimely death.

      My sister was so heartbroken about this dog that she gave up owning and breeding the giant breeds altogether. Now she has English Bulldogs, who are very sweet, but all sound like they have bronchitis, (they don’t actually have bronchitis- the noises are normal for them,) they have to be born by c-section because their heads won’t fit through the natural channel, and you have to measure their food out for them to keep them from getting too fat, which is sort of odd.

      She once had a lovely male Mastiff who was 230# (a healthy weight for his frame size) who died in his sleep- and was just shy of six years old. It’s sad because the giant breeds tend to be very gentle and sweet, but their lives are way too short. I don’t want to consider a dog a “senior” until he/she gets to ten or eleven years old or older. GSDs have their health issues- and my purebreds did- but one of them lived almost 16 years, the other was 12 when she passed.

      I sincerely hope that the three girls I have now stay healthy and live long lives. I have heard that Belgian Malinois are known for longevity and tend to be one of the longer-lived large dogs. One of my girls is a Malinois/GSD crossbreed, and is healthy, alert and active at age nine, so we will see.

      • Apparently, your sister breeds dogs I couldn’t own!
        We have friends who had English Bulldogs- cute and sweet, but oh so never. I just can’t support the continuation of any breed that can’t be born without human assistance. We’ve just gone too far.
        On the other hand, we met an absolutely adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix who I would have taken home in a heartbeat.

      • My mother-in-law in Houston is a champion breeder of Great Danes. We have one of her beauties, Juno, a blue female. There are some preventive measures to take to make sure they live longer than the mentioned life span. Talk to your vet about ways to prevent gastric torsion.

  3. I adore my beagle – but she’s a weird beagle in that she only barks when she’s asleep, so I don’t know how a “normal”, vocal beagle would be to live with. The imperative to sniff EVERYthing does make her a bit of a challenge at times, but she’s beyond worth it.

    Just out of curiosity, why not terriers? I’ve been thinking about the future, and possibly a terrier in it. (In reality, I’m going to probably always lean toward rescue mutts like our previous two boys.)

    • Beagles are totally sweet! We have a lot of them at our local SPCA and I always enjoy my time with them.

      I have nothing against terriers, but I just can’t envision myself living with one. I like dogs who are easily trainable, capable of calmness, and not excessively vocal and snappy. I’ve just met a lot of terriers who were untrained, perhaps, and they’ve been behavioral nightmares around people–especially children.

      Rescue mutts are always a great bet! Thanks so much for your comment and kind input.

      • I actually always recommend against terriers for people who have small children. They can be wonderful, but for first time owners (or people who haven’t owned in a while) or kids with no dog experience, there’s just too great a chance of teeth meeting finger.

  4. I can see where you’re coming from with the yappy ankle-biter varieties. I’m not a terrier person. I am not a big fan of slobbery types either. The brachycephalic breeds drive me nuts with their breathing noises (they always sound like they have bronchitis) and incessant drooling. Labradors are fantastic for families with kids, but are too laid back for my taste. I do prefer large breeds, especially the herding breeds. I’ve had GSDs and they are a happy medium between too hyper and too apathetic. The downside of the GSD breed is that they are prone to a laundry list of health issues. Both of my GSDs died from complications of degenerative myelopathy- one at age 15, the other at age 12. Right now my three girls are all GSD crossbreeds- one is GSD/Husky, GSD/Chow and Belgian Malinois/GSD. The Husky mix is only three but has had mammary growths (benign) and has severe hip dysplasia already- so I am very concerned for her health and longevity- but her disposition is very sweet and she is a beautiful dog.

    My very favorite dog ever is my Belgian Malinois/GSD crossbreed, Clara. She’s the absolute ideal dog size (a lean 65#,) she is incredibly intelligent, and doesn’t miss anything. Like with almost all herding breeds she is very attached to me, very obedient to me, and even takes non-verbal commands such as hand signals and head nods. I am hoping that the Malinois in her heritage will lessen her chances of developing DM and contribute to her longevity. Clara is nine years old but would pass for a healthy three year old if you didn’t know her age.

    If I had to have a smaller dog I would actually consider a Dachshund. They are neither hyper nor too laid back, and they are fiercely loyal to one person, similar to the herding breed mentality. But I like a dog that is big like a dog should be- 50-75# is ideal.

  5. I am absolutely, positively certain that I do not ever want an English Bulldog or a French Bulldog. My sister had and English Bulldog, Elmer Fudd, who was a doll and sweet as could be, BUT – he ate everything. He had two stomach surgeries to remove rocks he had eaten. And the sound of his breathing drove me nuts. Thanks, but, no thanks. Another breed I will avoid is the Chihuahua – too small and too yappy. I don’t trust them around children.

    I love my Shetland Sheepdog (he’s a moose – the size of a Collie), is very smart, loves to play with and watch over the neighborhood kids. He’s a very brave dog compared to the breed in general. He isn’t afraid to walk up to a total stranger to ask for a little tummy rub or scratch behind his ears. I had a standard poodle for 15 years – she was amazing. Bella was the smartest and most loving dog I have ever had. I’d get another poodle in a heartbeat. They are fun, loving, playful, intelligent, loyal and fabulous companions.

    • I’m with you on the bulldogs, Miss Fitz. Sweet dogs, but I can’t see myself ever owning one. Too stubborn and hard to train! And eating everything in sight? Not a good sign. Shelties are beautiful dogs and I’m quite fond of collies and standard poodles myself. Thanks for the comment!

  6. Labs?! That’s crazy! Every lab I have met has been friendly and well-trained (well, at least reasonably trained). But hey, to each her own. I don’t think I’d ever own a golden retriever. Lots of hip problems and inbreeding seemed to have made them very dumb. Maybe I’m un-American too! … Granted, this is based almost solely on my parents in-bred, not very intelligent and quite annoying golden retriever, so take it with a grain of salt.

    I never thought I’d ever own an English bulldog, but then I married a bulldog-lover and now we have 2. While they are VERY stubborn and will eat anything (and don’t come up for air when eating food making it seem like they are choking at every meal), they are unwaveringly loyal, good-natured, laid back, and are great with kids. They can be kept in reasonably good shape if their food intake is controlled and they get a lot of exercise, but nevertheless they do have health problems and a short life expectancy. Our 2 year-old has already been hospitalized with pneumonia/bronchitis and we rescued our one year old after he fell down some stairs and shattered his elbow. Thankfully, we have pet insurance through the AKC, a must for any English bulldog owner.

    I agree with almost the rest of the list, especially the ankle-biting toy breeds. I would also add cockerspaniel’s to my list.

  7. Hi,
    I stumbled across your blog from the freshly pressed (congrats on that!), and I must say that I love how much effort you are putting into preparing the arrival of your future (perfect, I’m sure :)) dog. I’m not really a fan of tiny dogs, my heart has been stolen by Malamutes, huskies and boxers….none of which I am likely to ever own, but I love them <3

    If I ever get a dog, it is likely to be a mutt in need of a good home – both because it is nice to help a excisting animal get a good life, and because mixes often are healthier. I don't know if you know of this documentary by the BBC called "Pedigree dogs exposed"? I found it to be quite upsetting, but at the same time it is very eye-opening to some of the strange things breed standards bring with it. I'll leave the link here, whether or not you want to watch it is of course entirely up to you :)

    • Actually, I should put a stronger warning on it: The first minutes of that video are really, really upsetting. Poor dogs! But then it gets more down to facts, after 5 minutes or so.

  8. How brave you are to admit your non-love for Labs! However, I have to say, I see it. I love labs as dogs, as pets, as animals. But I love them for other people. I can’t ever see myself owning a lab, they are just not for me.

    I rescued a dog from Taiwan through an organization called Ocean Dog Rescue. I have absolutely no idea what breed he is, nor do I care to find out. But he is mine and I love him to bits.

    Boxers…I can’t understand why people love them. I’ve never met one that I liked, and I really don’t feel like they are handsome dogs.

    • Maybe the boxers we get here (Norway) are bred slightly different to where you are? Because I see some on TV that look so, so smoshed in the fae – but here it’s been a bit of an effort to slightly elongate the muzzles to prevent them from having breathing difficulties. Or it is just a matter of taste, I guess :) But they do have wonderful personalities, here’s my friends dog being goofy:

      ps: good on you for taking in a rescue!

      • thanks for the kudos, sometimes I’m not so sure (like when he rips up my couch).

        those pics are cuuuuute. you may be right about the smushed faces…that’s part of the reason I can’t bring myself to love them!

    • Same thing with Boxers with me than with Labs with you. A neighbour of my parent’s has a GREAT female Boxer. She really is lovable, likes to be cuddled… even though my Your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine-Terrier once really frightened her (yes, she is 1 1/2 times his size, so what?).
      I wouldn’t chose a Boxer (I think), but I wouldn’t leave a “Notfelle”-Boxer at the shelter if I looked for a dog, either.
      (“Notfelle” is a German amalgram of “Notfälle”, emergencies, and “Felle”, furs – they are homophone.)
      It may be that the EU ban on painful breeding made our Euro-Boxer’s nozzles longer, their snouts are shorter than the average dog, but they have no breathing problems here. They can be temperamental and friendly dogs, but it is a breed, as I understand it, that barks a lot for house protection.

  9. I could absolutely never live with ANY of the toy breeds. ANY of them. And most of the non-sporting dogs and hounds. And I am with you: no labs. I have had them in the past. I train them now. There are even lab stickers all over my car from the previous owner but while I love the breed, I could never live with one again.

    That being said, I have JRTs and herding dogs. I think I have to be just a little crazy to live with both breeds. Granted, we are active competitors in dog sports. I like my dogs smart, feisty, neurotic, athletic and just a little bit pushy…you know, like me. ;)

  10. I’m with you on brachycephalic dogs. I know a couple French Bulldogs and pugs that are really adorable, but just *listening* to them breathe stresses me out.

    Labs, I gotta admit, have always seemed fairly devoid of personality to me. I don’t know if that’s because they’re so ubiquitous, the experience of meeting a lab has become generic…

    I can’t single any one breed out for this, but I would also stay away from droolers. So I guess that would mean that I’d be loathe to fall for a Mastiff or Newfoundland or Basset Hound just because I’ve happened to encounter more than one that drooled far too much for my liking. I’m easily repulsed by excess bodily fluids from my pet, I guess. Although if it was a matter of old age and senility, and I had already lived with the dog long enough to bond, I would take it all in good stride, like a loved one.

    • Definitely agree with you, M.C.! Thanks for your comment. I’ve really enjoyed your blog and following the two Bows since I started my dog research. You’ve been a really helpful resource to me!

  11. The smaller dogs are cute, but not for me. The really big dogs are also out (had a Great Dane; cool dog, but too much dog). My first dog was a Beagle; more energetic then I prefer. The Keeshond was a very cool dog; mellow and smart. The Belgian Shepherd was pretty neat, but I gotta admit, after my last, I’m a black lab man for life. Amazing dog; I miss her like crazy.

  12. Enjoy your blog. I would not want most Terriers like the Jack Russell, but we have owned a Rat Terrier for several years. He is energetic, but also very calm and a great house dog. I’ve enjoyed Beagles for hunting, but they seem to be a more outside dog.

  13. I have 4 standard poodles, 1 pug and 1 basset. The poodles outrank both in hygiene and intelligence, BY FAR! Pugs have cute personalities but the shedding is ridiculous. Bassets have an odor and shed. That said, I wouldn’t say “never again” to either breed. However, always and forever standard poodles!

    Breeds I wouldn’t have: miniature pinschers (really don’t see the attraction at all), yorkies, chows

    But, excluding the min pins, I still think I enjoy all the breeds…just don’t have a personality match for some.

  14. Before you rule out terriers, and I’m with you on most of them, check out wheaten terriers. I never thought I would own a terrier (i’m not into yappy ankle biters) but I now have two wheaties and can’t imagine life without them. Perhaps because they’re goofy like me.

    • Giddy is how I describe my Wheaten, which made training him a little more challenging than the border collie I had previously. He was also a little stubborn and not at all receptive to training methods that did not involve positive reinforcement. However, if excercised appropriately he is much lower energy than my border collie and not as prone to barking as some smaller terriers.

  15. First: I love your blog. So beautiful pictures, great posts, congrats!

    I was always against chihuahuas and pekingeses. Now I have a chihuahua/pekingese mix, and I love him. Intelligent, cheeky, barking, chewing on anything, get on my nerves 24/7.

    The absolute NO: greyhounds. Too fragile-looking. I’ve just read, that they have to avoid sleeping on hard surfaces because of their lean body.

  16. Since my family has dogs, our favourite breed is “dogs in need of a home out of an animal shelter”, and that never was bad. Our first dog was a poodle, then came a Schnauzer-GermanShepherd, with an extremely temperamental Labrador in between.

    I never thought I would end up having a Jack-Russell-Terrier, but here he lies and waits for her food: an 11 year old, diabetic, uncharacteristically calm Jacky whose former owners were an elderly couple; as the lady died, her husband decided not to keep her. I adopted her from the shelter in Munich along with her kennel-mate, a You-guess-is-as-good-as-mine-Terrier. After cancer claimed him, I now have a Hunting Terrier from Saarbrücken shelter that is not that much fixated on me (helping TREMENDOUSLY when I have to go to work..).

    I can imagine even a Dachshound (which, I presume, are a candidate of the model for C.S.Lewis’ mouse Reepicheep) – when one of my dogs passes and I go to a shelter for a new playmate for the other one, I will be surprised by which dog will adopt me (that that should be the other way round I know for a fact is a wrong myth).

    The two terriers I have now seem to be pure-breeds, but that’s just coincidence; I don’t discriminate between breeds. Right now, a big dog (like a Dane) is not an option, because it does live too fast and I don’t have the room. Apart from that, I also like Leonberger, Newfoundland or Danes very much.

  17. I never, EVER thought I’d be interested in a tiny dog, but my parents have 2 Toy Fox Terriers (see my Gravatar). They are adorable, smart, easily trained, very loving and not annoying at all. They are delightful little dogs who are terrific company.

    I’ve gotten to know some greyhounds, and they are outstanding dogs. They are lower-maintenance than I’d expected.

    But am with you on bulldogs, pugs, Pekingese, etc. I just don’t get the love for those breeds.

  18. I love all dogs, but I will admit I’m not too keen on the idea of owning toy breeds with the exception of a Cavalier King Charles because of their temperament. I honestly prefer the big, mellow, gentle-giant breeds.

  19. I couldn’t deal with most of the smaller breeds (especially chiuahuas). I once accidentally dropped a client’s Yorkie. It made such a terrible shriek I thought I killed it, and my friend’s poor yorkie died instantly after a propped-up headboard fell on it. But especially any of the smaller that yap, wheeze and snore, like a Brussels Griffon. A friend had 2 and they were so nasty and deficated everywhere.
    I prefer the hounds and hunting breeds. I’ve had Bassets from a rescue (smelly feet but entertaining and fun), an Afghan who was my first dog when I moved out and who lived to be 14 years old. I wouldn’t reccommend them to everyone as their hair gets very long and needs care (I clipped mine down some) and they’re quite independant and headstrong- but he was amazing and quite a funny character. Now that I live in Europe I’ve got 2 rescues that happenen to be English Setters. Here in Italy is is not uncommon to find them abandoned by hunters (along with bretons, pointers and braccos). One I adopted was from a rescue, the other I found wandering alone while hiking. I’m truly blessed with these 2. They’re wonderful, comical, and very sweet and affectionate with people, good with other dogs, and great energy (great stamina – you can jog with them). I try to encourage friends that want to adopt to go for a rescue or shelter dog instead of a breeder – there are so many dogs out there – even the pure breds – is a fantastic source! :)

  20. I will only ever own Australian Shepherds. I spent two years researching the breed. My best friend grew up with them, so I had heard a lot about them. Mine is going to be a year old next month, and he is fabulous. I love him.

  21. Hmm. Interesting topic! I have a staffy and I love him to bits, but I don’t think I’d ever go for a staffy again. They are so clingy and sooky – I prefer dogs that are a little more independent like our old Jack Russell X and our Mastiff X.

  22. For me it doesn’t matter whether a dog is a pedigree or not. Certain breeds have certain characteristics, thats why most people go for a breed , they know what to expect. We have six dogs: 2 Dachshound, one small Terrier mix, one Canis Africanis, one Border Collie mix and one Boerboel X Great Dane, all from the Animal Welfare (plus two cats).. They all get along with each other brilliantly, each of them got their own personality, and I can’t say I prefer this one or that one. Ok, if you don’t like running and agility training you should not go for a Border Collie, obviously. If somebody says this or that dog (independent of size or breed) is a horror, doesn’t behave, is nasty etc. etc etc. then it is not the dog but the owner who has failed to train/treat the dog the correct way. Same goes for Pit Bulls. I have owned and trained the most amazing Pitties and they make wonderful family pets. It is the scum out there that calls themselves human beings who made out of the Pitties what a lot of them are today.

    • Care to post a picture somewhere?
      From your description, all I can imagine is “Matryoshka doll” (at least the latter three). ;-)

      Let me just guess: The Dachshounds are on the upper part of the rank ladder?

      • Will post some pics soon. :) Well, rank ladder, in fact our little Terrier Mix is ruling the roost, despite the fact that she is deaf as deaf can be. Maybe because of that she is at the top. Only our male Dachshound might be higher, but he doesn’t really interact with the others much. He was our first one, got him as a puppy, and he got spoilt rotten. That is when we decided to get him a companion so we are not going to end up with a neurotic little barker. Thats when I got activly involved with Animal Welfare. Started picking up poo, taking dogs for walks, give comfort and love to those who had been neglected and abused (live in South Africa, lots of Township dogs and dog fighting), and am now Vice of the Committee. Our last one, the Boerboel cross was delivered to our Inspector’s doorstep in a shoebox, anonym. She was skin and bones and screamed whenever I wanted to touch her. Since we didn’t have space for such a young puppy I decided to “foster” her. Needless to say, she became a “permanent” foster. The Terrier was found roaming the streets with another dog, also skin and bones, traumatised. It took me a long time to get her right. Now she is the cutest little thing. The other Dachshound, a female, was signed off by her owners, she was in a terrible state. Fleas, ticks, skin and bones. And to this day she is scared when you approach her. She is the one who, when she looks in the mirror, sees a Rottweiler :):):) Very unhealthy for her when it comes to other dogs :):):) Will get some pics ready and post one of these days :):)

  23. My dog just is a common dog,she guards my house.When i go out to walk,she will go along with me and she will attack the person who bully me,she is loyal to my whole family.I love her.

  24. Pingback: Breedlove yorkies | Adcosmos

  25. Pingback: Pup links! « Doggerel

  26. Pingback: Breed biases: When people judge your dog « Doggerel

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