♡( .❛ัω❛ั.)♡ a good alternative to p*cking flowers is to buy false flowers!! even though they appropriate plantkin, we are willing to deal with it if you stop killing our families

[Posted August 10th, 2014 at 6:14 PM]
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  13. srrybronomana reblogged this from neonkin and added:
    Wtf do you eat?
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  18. plantlies reblogged this from neonkin and added:
    Hello, yes, actual plantkn speaking. I think some of you troll blogs don’t… quite grasp how plants work. If one were to...
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  21. acceleratorslaugh reblogged this from neonkin and added:
  22. neonkin reblogged this from fuckedgar2014 and added:
    yes i did! the word can be triggering to some plantkins
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  26. deidarakin reblogged this from neonkin and added:
    get out of our community
  27. astronomykin reblogged this from neonkin and added:
    stop oh my god social experiment playtime is over