This would require you to act like a mature, responsible, adult. Traits you lack.\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Ignore it like a rational human being==</font>\n\n[[Claim oppression, dox them, ruin the production of the contest]]
Absolutely not, this can be milked more.\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Great, now I can move onto something else!==</font>\n\n[[I should take it a step forward and try getting this shit on Steam]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\nCongratulation! You've reached the end of Oppression Quest! \n\nYou win! You have successfully pandered and victimized your way out of any form of criticism! People genuinely think that you're oppressed for being a shitty person!\n\nReddit admins are permabanning anyone who even discusses the topic! Yes!!!\n\nCheers to making the game industry one step closer from capitulating under the sheer weight of your victim complexes and pretentiousness.\n\nNow, go forth and free yourself from the shackles of the patriarchy, reclaim your liberty.\n\nJust remember, any time someone criticizes or says something you don't like or agree with, just do[[x|,]] or censor them.
<IMG STYLE="position:absolute; TOP:-50px; LEFT:425px; WIDTH:300px; HEIGHT:300px" SRC="">\n\n<<loopbgm 1m6uj_gGhy0>> \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n//Oppression Quest// is a game that deals with living with oppression in a very literal way. This game is not meant to be a fun or lighthearted experience. If you are currently suffering from the illness and are easily triggered, please be aware that this game uses stark depictions of people in very dark places. If you are suicidal, please stop playing this game.\n\nThe goal of this game is twofold: firstly, we want to illustrate as clearly as possible what oppression is like, so that it may be better understood by those who are privileged and who've never been oppressed. Hopefully this can be something to spread awareness and fight against the social stigma and misunderstandings of what oppression is. Secondly, our hope is that in presenting as real a simulation of oppression as possible, other sufferers will come to know that they aren't alone, and hopefully derive some measure of comfort from that. \n\nIt goes without saying that because of the very nature of oppression, it is experienced differently by every person who suffers from it. We aren't trying to say that this is the "best" or "most accurate" representation, merely that this is an amalgamation of the experiences of the developers and several people close to them. Many of the following encounters deal with issues such as therapy, medication, handling a love life, and reaching out to support networks. In reality, less than half of oppression sufferers actually seek treatment, for reasons such as lack of money, perceived personal failing, or public stigma. These things were included in order to touch upon as broad a range as possible, since all these elements can be very important to sufferers of depression, though they will likely not be the experiences of most sufferers.\n\nIt's important to recognize that not everyone who has been oppressed is so lucky. Many people with the illness don't have a lot of the luxuries that we have in this game. We've written it this way so that we can focus specifically on the illness, which becomes more and more difficult to deal with as the person who has it is less and less well-off.\n\nThis game uses audio as part of it's gameplay. We encourage you to play with your sound on.\n\nThe following is a deep, post-modern, social commentary on society.\n\nThank you for playing.\n\n[[Begin]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\nSuccess! You develop a shitty choose-your-own adventure game! \n\nHmm...but you still need people to play it. In order to do that, you need to garner some popularity from games journalists, but how?\n\n[[Actually try contacting them to play your game]]\n\n[[Cheat on your boyfriend and fuck some journalists in exchange for some publicity, thus ruining what little journalistic integrity the games industry had in order to further your own self interests]]\n\n
<center><img src =></center>\n\nYou are successful in silencing some opinions, but then the bomb hits you.\n\nYour ex-boyfriend has published a list of all the people you've fucked in order to pave your way into the industry.\n\nThe community is in uproar, people are discussing this on their own forums.\n\n[[You've dug a deep enough hole, and don't want to go any further. Admit to your actions.]]\n\n[[Claim you are still being harassed (...somehow? I don't know, games journalists will believe anything) and you are being doxxed.]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\nrip in peace vivian ;_;\n\n[[Return|Next0]]
Are you noticing a pattern? This would require you to actually act responsibly, and responsibility is a social construct. The patriarchy is what's at fault here.\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Own up to your actions and apologize, save some face.==</font>\n\n[[File a false copyright claim on a video that uses a still image from your game which is under public use due to it being a screenshot on Steam, in order to cover up your actions]]\n\n[[Go on 4chan and link your blog so that you can bait them into 'harassing' you to further develop yourself as a victim]]\n
(function () {\n\t"use strict";\n\tversion.extensions['youtubeAudioMacros'] = {\n\t\tmajor: 2,\n\t\tminor: 1,\n\t\trevision: 0\n\t};\n\tvar ytplayers = {},\n\t\tvideocount = 0,\n\t\tready = false,\n\t\treadyBuffer = {},\n\t\ts = document.createElement("script"),\n\t\tprotocol = location.protocol == "file:" ? "http:" : location.protocol;\n\ts.src = protocol + "//";\n\ts.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function () {\n\t\tvar re = new RegExp('(?:playbgm|loopbgm) ([^"&?/ ]{11})', "gi"),\n\t\t div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild,\n\t\t done = [],\n\t\t d;\n\t\tfunction newplayer(hash) {\n\t\t\tvar id = "YouTube-" + hash;\n\t\t\t insertElement(document.body, "div", id);\n\t\t\tswfobject.embedSWF(protocol + "//" + id, id, "0", "0", "8",\n\t\t\t\tnull, {}, {\n\t\t\t\t\tallowScriptAccess: "always",\n\t\t\t\t\twmode: "transparent",\n\t\t\t\t\tmodestbranding: "1",\n\t\t\t\t\tversion: "3"\n\t\t\t\t}, {\n\t\t\t\t\tid: "ytplayer-" + hash,\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t};\n\t\twhile(div) {\n\t\t\tdo {\n\t\t\t\td = re.exec(div.innerHTML);\n\t\t\t\tif(d && done.indexOf(d[1]) == -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tnewplayer(d[1]);\n\t\t\t\t\tdone.push(d[1]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} while (d);\n\t\t\tdiv = div.nextSibling;\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\tdocument.head.appendChild(s);\n\twindow.onYTAudioError = function (e) {\n\t\talert("There is a problem with the YouTube background music (" + e + ")" +\n\t\t\t(e == 2 ? ": The video ID (" + hash + ") is probably invalid." :\n\t\t\t\te == 100 ? ": The requested video (" + hash + ") was not found." :\n\t\t\t\te == 101 || e == 150 ? ": Embedding has been disabled for the video (" + hash + ")." : ""));\n\t};\n\twindow.onYouTubePlayerReady = function (e) {\n\t\tvar hash = e.slice(8),\n\t\t\tyt = (ytplayers[hash] = document.getElementById("ytplayer-" + hash));\n\t\tready = true;\n\t\"hidden";\n\t\tyt.addEventListener("onError", "onYTAudioError");\n\t\tyt.mute();\n\t\tyt.loadVideoById(hash, 0);\n\t\tyt.LOAD = true;\n\t\tvideocount += 1;\n\t\twindow["onYTAudioStateChange_" + videocount] = function (newState) {\n\t\t\tif(newState == 1 && yt.LOAD) {\n\t\t\t\tyt.pauseVideo();\n\t\t\t\tyt.unMute();\n\t\t\t\tyt.LOAD = false;\n\t\t\t\twhile(readyBuffer[hash].length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\treadyBuffer[hash].shift()(yt);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(newState == 0 && yt.LOOP) {\n\t\t\t\tyt.playVideo();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tyt.addEventListener("onStateChange", "onYTAudioStateChange_" + videocount);\n\t};\n\t["playbgm","loopbgm","stopbgm","pausebgm","unloopbgm"].forEach(function(e) {\n\t\tmacros[e] = {\n\t\thandler: function (e, t, n, r) {\n\t\t\tvar yt, fn;\n\t\t\tif(n[0]) {\n\t\t\t\tyt = ytplayers[n[0]];\n\t\t\t\tswitch(t) {\n\t\t\t\t case "playbgm":\n\t\t\t\t case "loopbgm":\n\t\t\t\t\tfn = function(yt) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tyt.LOOP = (t == "loopbgm");\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (n[1]) yt.seekTo(n[1]);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tyt.playVideo();\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t case "stopbgm":\n\t\t\t\t\tfn = function(yt) { yt.stopVideo(); };\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t case "pausebgm":\n\t\t\t\t\tfn = function(yt) { yt.stopVideo(); };\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t case "unloopbgm":\n\t\t\t\t\tfn = function(yt) { yt.LOOP = false; };\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (fn) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!yt || yt.LOAD) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treadyBuffer[n[0]] = readyBuffer[n[0]] || [];\n\t\t\t\t\t\treadyBuffer[n[0]].push(fn);\n\t\t\t\t\t} else fn(yt);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t});\n}());
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\nSomewhat effective. Some are jumping to your defense, others see right through it. You still need to act fast to save face:\n\n[[Orchestrate a raid, and blame it on wizardchan to create the illusion of an enemy that is harassing you to get your game off Steam, because no one could just actually dislike your masterpiece of a game]]\n\n[[Accept criticism like any normal artist]]\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Complain that you got mugged and now need donations, using your personal life as an argument justifying it. If anyone calls you out later for something else you did, tell them that your life is not up for public talking points despite you being a public figure, and you "will not negogiate with terrorists==</font>
oh wowie another hidden bonus screen\n\nyou are hereby awarded the "Truly Oppressed" trophy reward: here is your ascii art\n{{{\n _\n /(|\n ( :\n __\s \s _____\n (____) `|\n (____)| |\n (____).__|\n (___)__.|_____\n \n}}}\nJust don't tell anyone else, wouldn't want to accidentally trigger them\n\n
SECRET BONUS SCREEN\n\nAW SHIT MANE, YOU DISCOVERED THE HIDDEN EASTER EGG MANE, FUCK MANE, THIS SOME REAL SHIT MANE\n\nFuck you. Stop oppressing me. This is incredibly triggering, not to mention ableist. Not everyone has the ability to see small /Vees/ that can link to secret screens. \n\nCheck your able-bodied, decent vision privelege. If you're a straight, white, cis-het male, and are playing this game, kill yourself. \n\n----------\n\nAnyway, if you aren't white/male/straight, you can come back to the quest:\n\n[[Return|Go on 4chan and link your blog so that you can bait them into 'harassing' you to further develop yourself as a victim]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\nNice! Moderators from reddit are mass deleting threads discussing this topic! One even contacted you on twitter! \n\nYour professional victim playing is paying off, even 4chan is backing off, mods are deleting threads there too. FUCKING 4CHAN. You really hit the jackpot here.\n\nEveryone is jumping to your defense, despite your history of lying and manipulation. Even another one-hit wonder shitty indie developer who made a game about platforming is jumping to your defense! Maybe you will collaborate with him, hopefully it won't take 5 years. \n\n[[Next|Next0]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\nFailure! You tried to bait /[[V|.]]/ into harassing you and they didn't take the bait\n\nSomeone has screenshoted your failure and the post is now spreading.\n\nYou done fucked up, but you can still fix this, you can still make it look like you're really the victim\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Own up to your actions and apologize, save some face.==</font>\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Go on 4chan and link your blog so that you can bait them into 'harassing' you to further develop yourself as a victim==</font>\n\n[[File a false copyright claim on a video that uses a still image from your game which is under public use due to it being a screenshot on Steam, in order to cover up your actions]]\n
I thought we already established that you are not a responsible person. \n\n[[Orchestrate a raid, and blame it on wizardchan to create the illusion of an enemy that is harassing you to get your game off Steam, because no one could just actually dislike your masterpiece of a game]]\n\n[[Complain that you got mugged and now need donations, using your personal life as an argument justifying it. If anyone calls you out later for something else you did, tell them that your life is not up for public talking points despite you being a public figure, and you "will not negogiate with terrorists|Copy2]]\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Accept criticism like any normal artist==</font>\n
That requires honesty and integrity, as mentioned before, you have the personality akin to sandpaper. \n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Actually try contacting them to play your game==</font>\n\n[[Cheat on your boyfriend and fuck some journalists in exchange for some publicity, thus ruining what little journalistic integrity the games industry had in order to further your own self interests]]\n\n
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou stare at your computer screen. It's been 2 hours and still no game idea. You promised yourself you will finally put forth the effort and make something at least resembling a video game.\n\nYou are a young female game developer, with a crippling self victimization complex. Something is burning inside of you, you need to make a game, now. \n\nWhat do you do?\n\n[[Make something decent]]\n\n[[Make a shitty indie game with little depth, and hardly any interactivity]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\nSomewhat effective. Some are jumping to your defense, others see right through it. You still need to act fast to save face:\n\n[[Orchestrate a raid, and blame it on wizardchan to create the illusion of an enemy that is harassing you to get your game off Steam, because no one could just actually dislike your masterpiece of a game]]\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Complain that you got mugged and now need donations, using your personal life as an argument justifying it. If anyone calls you out later for something else you did, tell them that your life is not up for public talking points despite you being a public figure, and you "will not negogiate with terrorists==</font>\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Accept criticism like any normal artist==</font>\n
using responsibility.cs\nusing myPersonality.cs\n\nif (myPersonality = self.responsibility) {\n\n self.Admit(); \n}\n\nelse {\n\n self.Lie();\n\n}\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==You've dug a deep enough hole, and don't want to go any further. Admit to your actions.==</font>\n\n[[Claim you are still being harassed (...somehow? I don't know, games journalists will believe anything) and you are being doxxed.]]
Great success! The game is on Greenlight! \n\nBut, some people are being quite critical of your game, wondering how it even got greenlit in the first place.\n\n[[Orchestrate a raid, and blame it on wizardchan to create the illusion of an enemy that is harassing you to get your game off Steam, because no one could just actually dislike your masterpiece of a game]]\n\n[[Accept criticism like any normal artist|Copy]]\n\n[[Complain that you got mugged and now need donations, using your personal life as an argument justifying it. If anyone calls you out later for something else you did, tell them that your life is not up for public talking points despite you being a public figure, and you "will not negogiate with terrorists]]\n
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\nCongratulations! You have furthered your own selfish interests and brought the industry another step forward from collapsing! Great job on shitting on people's hobbies!\n\nThe game is a resounding success. Reviews are pouring in left and right, you're even winning awards!\n\n[[Great, now I can move onto something else!]]\n\n[[I should take it a step forward and try getting this shit on Steam]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\n\nYes! Your plan is working! Remember that charity you doxxed because it offended you? Well it was getting mass coverage, mainly from /[[v|!]]/ actually helping people by donating money! \n\nLucky for you, one of your supporters hacked the fuck out of them. Yeah, fuck actually helping people, my personal agenda is more important! That'll show them to have the audacity to help people!\n\n[[Next]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\n\nYou are successful in your efforts in ruining a production for charity, because it "offends" you. Congratulations, you're a terrible human being.\n\nBut you still need to make a game, and you're low on options.\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Make something decent==</font>\n\n[[Make a shitty indie game with little depth, and hardly any interactivity]]
I thought we already established that you are not a responsible person. \n\n[[Orchestrate a raid, and blame it on wizardchan to create the illusion of an enemy that is harassing you to get your game off Steam, because no one could just actually dislike your masterpiece of a game]]\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Complain that you got mugged and now need donations, using your personal life as an argument justifying it. If anyone calls you out later for something else you did, tell them that your life is not up for public talking points despite you being a public figure, and you "will not negogiate with terrorists==</font>\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Accept criticism like any normal artist==</font>\n\n
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\n\nFantastic, shitty games journalists sites are flocking to your rescue! Headlines read that online communities are harrassing you for being a woman, rather than criticizing you for nepotism and bringing down the game industry through corruption! Remember, anytime you are criticized, either accuse them of being misogynists or create harrassment for yourself. \n\nConveniently, there are anonymous imageboards where no one will be able to determine whether or not you're lying due to no registration and threads expiring!\n\nRemember, asking for proof or substantial evidence is not only a social construct, but also victim blaming. Repeat after me, the game industry is misogynist. The game industry is misogynist. The game industry is misogynist.\n\nThis illusion of a online cyber mob harassing you with their vitriolic misogyny is buying you a great cover! You have successfully diver-\n\nUh-oh! \n\nOther people are seeing right through your facade. People found out that the fake phone numbers you put down as a way to frame wizardchan were actually phone lines to a internet archive, and a Hawaii bike shop. \n\nPeople are starting to make videos on the matter, this wildfire is spreading across the forest, and soon you'll be left with no trees.\n\nWas that a good metaphor? Whatever, what are you going to do?\n\n[[Own up to your actions and apologize, save some face.]]\n\n[[File a false copyright claim on a video that uses a still image from your game which is under public use due to it being a screenshot on Steam, in order to cover up your actions]]\n\n[[Go on 4chan and link your blog so that you can bait them into 'harassing' you to further develop yourself as a victim]]
<center><img src =></center>\n\n\n\nYou realize you're a shitty programmer, and that making something good actually requires hard work and intuition. \n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Make something decent==</font>\n\n[[Find someone else to make your game]]\n\n[[Make a shitty indie game with little depth, and hardly any interactivity]]
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<center><img src =></center>\n\n\nYou encounter a noble contest that creates concept art for any game a woman pitches, in hopes that their pitch can then later on win the contest, so that their game can be put in production, all for charity and helping others.\n\nThis offends you.\n\n<font color="#DC143C">==Find someone else to make your game==</font>\n\n[[If something as petty as this really offends you, then ignore it like a rational human being|Ignore it like a rational human being]]\n\n[[Claim oppression, dox them, ruin the production of the contest]]
Anonymous\n\n\n<<set document.title = "Oppression Quest: An Interactive (non)Fiction About Living Wile Being Oppressed">>\n