just an awkward giraffe in a hoodie.
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you’re annoying me. here’s why.

i’m sorry. but i’m extremely annoyed by the ice bucket challenge. and here’s why:

  • it’s raising “awareness” but everyone has already heard of ALS
  • it’s an attention seeker. people post it all over facebook and feel special because everyone sees them doing something
  • the money raised is pretty much just a drop in a huge bucket and doesn’t do a whole lot for the research. source
  • you’re not doing it because you actually care about the cause it’s for

i have an invisible illness. i find this social trend insulting. you could be raising awareness for people who are discriminated against. we can’t even have wheel chairs without feeling guilty.

raise awareness for that. raise awareness for something that needs awareness for fairness.

don’t be some obnoxious clone on social media.

Posted 50 minutes ago with 2 notes
Tagged as: i dont care if this post pisses you off dysautonomia chronic illness ill stick up for you ice bucket challenge justme
  1. thisawkwardgiraffe posted this
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