


Tumblr’s gender community is literally the dumbest fucking community I’ve ever stumbled upon. 
They want to be recognized and taken seriously, they want to further their rights and gain the equality they deserve. This is completely reasonable, oppression is not fucking fun. I’ve been fucked with for a long ass time due to being gay, I know what fucking oppression is. The LGBTQ+ communtiy has come this far by peaceful protest and showing that we’re just as human as everyone else. 
Then these stupid little piss whipes come in and toss shit everywhere. Their strategy is literally this: 
"We want to gain equal rights and show the world that we’re people too! So we’re going to be as rude, aggressive, and immature as possible in order to obtain this! If people get offended by us saying "Cis-scum", then we’ll tell them that means they’re a privileged piss baby!" 
Are you fucking dense? Do you honestly think this will work? The world won’t take you seriously, the world won’t accept you, the world will think you’re batshit insane and try to push you down even more. You are working against the years of progress the trans movement has worked for. You are ebbing away at what so many people fought for out of your sheer stubbornness and stupidity. 
Fuck you. 


This person speaks wisdom, everybody. Listen fucking carefully.




Tumblr’s gender community is literally the dumbest fucking community I’ve ever stumbled upon. 

They want to be recognized and taken seriously, they want to further their rights and gain the equality they deserve. This is completely reasonable, oppression is not fucking fun. I’ve been fucked with for a long ass time due to being gay, I know what fucking oppression is. The LGBTQ+ communtiy has come this far by peaceful protest and showing that we’re just as human as everyone else. 

Then these stupid little piss whipes come in and toss shit everywhere. Their strategy is literally this: 

"We want to gain equal rights and show the world that we’re people too! So we’re going to be as rude, aggressive, and immature as possible in order to obtain this! If people get offended by us saying "Cis-scum", then we’ll tell them that means they’re a privileged piss baby!" 

Are you fucking dense? Do you honestly think this will work? The world won’t take you seriously, the world won’t accept you, the world will think you’re batshit insane and try to push you down even more. You are working against the years of progress the trans movement has worked for. You are ebbing away at what so many people fought for out of your sheer stubbornness and stupidity. 

Fuck you. 


This person speaks wisdom, everybody. Listen fucking carefully.

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