



Important things the majority tumblr needs to know, complete with Comic Sans!!!

I’m tired of people thinking the two mean the same thing or that “hermaphrodite” is a slur. SO READ THIS. And send me an ask if you want to know something that is not on here. I’m not a doctor though so don’t expect much.

Dat URL dough

And OP is wrong.
Not only are there several cases of naturally occurring hermaphrodites, I’ve met AND slept with one.

Oh shi—

Now you’ve gone and got me wondering how that even is possible.

(x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

Here’s some nifty sources for ya.

Plus, the fourth one details a specific case that happened in France I think about a century ago.

Just so we’re all aware that I’m not pulling stuff out of my ass!

Posted 1 hour ago with 305 notes
Via zerotide || Source prince-of-bleeding-deactivated2
Tagged:EXTREME SWEARINGalways cite your sources kids

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