Well you're a dragonkin right? I think I saw that in another post of yours. What's that like? Like how do you know you're connected with them or how does it effect your daily life? And it's not like plantkin or wolfkin or something where the thing you're connected to is easily accessible. Do you regard dragons as a thing of fiction or do you believe they exist somewhere?

Alright, that works much better. The way it was asked initially left too many ways for me to answer.

Yes, I am dragonkin. I see being an otherkin (for myself) as a spiritual thing. I am an eclectic pagan, and have recently started poking my nose into “witchcraft” and other associated spheres. Just so you have a bit of background.

I think that dragons were once (a very long time ago) in the world. However, now they are astral entities/spirits, or beings like otherkin. I do not believe that they are physical entities at this point in time. This means that you could interact with dragons if you were inclined towards spirit work, or astral projection. Makes them fairly accessible if you do that sort of thing.

Daily life isn’t much different than being human. I have to deal with all of the mundane right alongside everyone else. Just “kin feelings” alongside the rest.

I feel my wings and tail as astral limbs (I can feel my wings at the moment, they are a touch uncomfortable because I am leaning back in a recliner). I have tried many times to balance with my tail, or lamented it not being physical because an extra prehensil limb would be useful. I have tried to use my wings to help balance as well, and tried to use them to help pull or push objects. I often forget I lack my scales, that my skin breaks fairly easy, and is rather sensitive (which is normally a positive, actually. I enjoy the more precise sensory input.) I have felt my horns too, making my head feel awkward and heavy. My claws are missing, I have tried to use them and my longer toes (and different foot/hand construction) for tasks often.

I speak in growls and similar noises in the morning when I have just woken up. When I am in a comfortable setting, and around friends, they intetsperse my regular speech. But I know it is inappropriate in many situations and thus keep it under wraps.

Hoarding tendencies, of course. I could be wrong, that could be a human trait, but I dunno for sure.

Past life memories, or at least flashes of ‘em. People with Sight seeing my wings. It ends up being a long line of little things that don’t mean anything until you start looking at it all together. I am of the mind being a spiritual kin is easier than a psychological or neurological kin. I can interact with other entities that might see me easier.

Having external sources tell you that you are a dragon makes it easier.
Now mind you, there are many critters we use the term dragon for, it is a rather broad category. It is more like calling yourself caninekin than wolfkin.