Ph.D in political Science and International Relations. Intersectional Feminist. Refugee. Woman of colour. Secular. Atheist. Advocate for LGBTQi
+ people. Supporter of trans people, particularly trans women!
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  7. mr-cappadocia reblogged this from erika-medie and added:
    Well, as we all know, you don’t really exist. You’re just a fedora’s sockpuppet… or your misogyny is so internalized you...
  8. erika-medie reblogged this from mr-cappadocia and added:
    So what about women who dislike feminism??
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  12. kingjoy reblogged this from mr-cappadocia and added:
    Isn’t Neil Strauss a professional pick-up artist? Isn’t that what he did for years?
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  18. nabuchadnubzor reblogged this from mr-cappadocia and added:
    Lol, is this their new tactic? Glad to see it debunked shortly after appearing.
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