Kate. Vegan. Feminist. Plant Hoarder.
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Reblogged from burgerking  23,273 notes

Chicken Fries are back.

Fuck you Burger King, I don’t want to see this shit on my dashboard. Also, flying chickens? Get real. Chickens bred for their flesh are genetically manipulated and given growth hormones to the point where they can’t even stand, let alone fly. Not that they’d have the chance, being kept in tiny fucking crates in a dark warehouse with no ventilation. FUCK you, and everyone else who profits from the flesh of animals. Fuck you.


Chicken Fries are back.

Fuck you Burger King, I don’t want to see this shit on my dashboard. Also, flying chickens? Get real. Chickens bred for their flesh are genetically manipulated and given growth hormones to the point where they can’t even stand, let alone fly. Not that they’d have the chance, being kept in tiny fucking crates in a dark warehouse with no ventilation. FUCK you, and everyone else who profits from the flesh of animals. Fuck you.

  1. onaga23 reblogged this from dveryown
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  5. abakkus reblogged this from burgerking and added:
  6. falafelforlife reblogged this from modified-vegan and added:
    God I’ve reblogged this before but it still makes me so fucking angry. Not to mention that you fucks are turning chicken...
  7. professorsnoozysnore reblogged this from shinjinotikari17
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  9. ohgeez-tanese reblogged this from opportunitytherapper
  10. modified-vegan reblogged this from vegan-vulcan and added:
    And yet we vegans rub our veganism in other peoples’ faces
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