moon phases

You can call me Hound.
Astral Hellhoundkin.
INFJ || Chaotic Good
Gender nonspecific pronouns.

This is my otherkin/pagan blog.

I also run the blog kin-castle.
Canis Cælestis







I really wish the entire otherkin community was really into astral projection

like.. can you imagine how GREAT that would be?? We could find an area in the astral for all of us to meet up on a regular basis and we could all go there in our kin forms and hang out with eachother and play games and ahhhHH

imagine a group of celestialkin hanging in the sky above us
imagine a group of robotkin producing digital music for us all to listen to
imagine a group of felinekin relaxing in soft grass
imagine a group of caninekin running around playing tag
imagine a group of demonkin huddled around playing fucking scrabble or something


132 notes
7:51 pm  •  22 June 2014
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  5. otherkin-stuff reblogged this from hellhoundkin and added:
    I’m imagining it and it sounds beautiful 8D - Cookie
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  8. marauderluna reblogged this from hellhoundkin and added:
    playing fucking scrabble or something
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  14. l0ud3r-th4n-w0rds reblogged this from hellhoundkin and added:
    This is such a beautiful image it makes me want to cry