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[–]ClintHammer -1 ポイント0 ポイント

come on linking to a cracked caption contest?

Most of these have nothing to do with conspiracies either.

I'd say next time grab the ones that were relevant and funny and host them on Imgur so we don't have to wade through their shitty "22 jpgs spread over 6 pages to increase hits website", but now that I've seen them I realize that would be like 0 of them

[–]Parasymphatetic 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Holy shit. Calm the fuck down... no one forced you to click that link.

I found almost all the pictures amusing, so it was worth for me that OP linked to it....

[–]ArchaeologyDalek[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Calm down lad. Go and have a cup of tea or something.

[–]ClintHammer 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Dude, linking to cracked or other linkbait sites are pretty lame anyway, BUT I clicked on it anyway due to your misleading title that it would be about conspiracies, but it was like 80% urban legend/facebook legends like the kid who played Mikey is dead, and liking Kony2012 will make the world better.

It's a really low effort post, but the misleading title was the kicker.

[–]TheCatPaul 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Well technically you are wrong, there were chemtrails displayed among others.

Also you need to get the sand out of your asshole.

[–]ClintHammer -1 ポイント0 ポイント

OH SHIT, there was ONE that you found that had a conspiracy? Out of 22! Well shit, I guess I was totally wrong when I said

I clicked on it anyway due to your misleading title that it would be about conspiracies, but it was like 80% urban legend/facebook

[–]ArchaeologyDalek[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Is everything OK? You sound genuinely distressed over this post. No, not everything relates to conspiracies (apologies for the title), but they referenced MH370, 9/11, Chemtrails, and the good ol' Obama Taking All Our Guns bit (or did you miss those?). If posts from CRACKED make you this angry, the obvious solution would be not to click on a CRACKED source.

At the end of the day, I posted it for laughs. Do what I'm doing right now and go to the pub or something. Meet some friends, have some fun, and stop arguing about pointless nonsense on the internet. You'll live a happier life that way.

[–]ClintHammer 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Misleading titles, KILL, dude. Don't you know that's how the disinformation agents obscure the truth? That title was so bad, that 8 people in Kansas will JUST BECAUSE OF THAT, never know the truth