Let’s Have An Open Dialogue About Sexuality That Completely Validates My Point Of View

Posted Aug. 12, 2014

Sexuality affects all of us—men and women alike—but we hardly ever talk about it. Folks, it’s 2014. It’s time for a frank, public discussion of sexuality that reinforces every single one of my existing beliefs on the matter.

There’s no use denying it any longer. We need a forum where anyone can share views that accord with mine. A place to speak freely about everything from consent to BDSM to fetish culture without ever disagreeing with me, and where any ideas I deem too conservative or too liberal can be shouted down.

Let’s ask: When it comes to sex, what’s permitted? What’s off-limits? What should stay private? I have specific answers in mind for each of these questions, but until we start framing them in an indignant way that makes it impossible to differ with me, progress cannot and will not happen.

Together, we can foster a culture in which anyone who questions my stance on sexuality issues is immediately dismissed as either bigoted or insane.

The progress I speak of is only possible through the discursive exchange of opinions I already hold.

And let me just say that being “uncomfortable” with this discourse is no excuse. If that’s how people feel, then we must find a way to move from “uncomfortable” to “zealous outrage in favor of all my positions.” We need to do more than just acknowledge these views. We need to congratulate me for forming them.

Together, we can foster a culture in which anyone who questions my stance on sexuality issues is immediately dismissed as either bigoted or insane. And for that to happen, people must first have the humility to make a simple admission: Their own closed-minded perspective on sex is not the end-all, be-all.

Mine is.