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[–]hksvtec 101 ポイント102 ポイント

And that is why kids don't call back

[–]inekarma 26 ポイント27 ポイント

And why is it a bad thing? It seems like a genius solution to broken promises to me (I'll call you mom, if...)

[–]WaldhuetteNexus 5 22 ポイント23 ポイント

because children are not pets and you dont have to monitor them every second ? In some cases this app might help but most parents will just abuse this to controll their kids in a way it is not supposed to be.

[–]temp91 6 ポイント7 ポイント

That statement can be made about most technologies. We don't live in caves because some people might use technology in an negative manner.

[–]santaschesthairs 44 ポイント45 ポイント

Jesus Christ I swear Reddit has a stick up its bumhole constantly.

Not all parents are abusive and treat their kids like pets. My mum basically says we pay for the phone bill then you have to pick up our calls.

Its entirely reasonable, if a kid is ignoring their parents after them going out of their way to pay for the bill then they deserve an app like this.

[–]noelsusman [非表示スコア]

I think the fact that this thread is full of comments trying to defend not answering your parents' calls really speaks to the average age around here. I'm 24 and I wouldn't dream of ignoring a call from my mom. Who are these people? Answer the damn phone!

[–]DAsSNipez [非表示スコア]

If we're going to play the age game, I'm 25 and when I was a kid this was a none issue. Unless you where seriously late you where responsible for your own actions and whereabouts.

This does depends somewhat on the age of the child but if they are old enough to be off on their item with nothing but a phone they are old enough to not need checking up on all the time.

Parents seem to be scared of absolutely everything now.

[–]noelsusman [非表示スコア]

I think that's a separate issue. I had the freedom to do whatever I wanted as a kid, but I would be chewed out if my mom called and I didn't answer or call back soon. This is basically the same thing, just more direct.

[–]Kame-hame-hug [非表示スコア]

I hate how a cell phone culture makes us all available "soon" or we've somehow broken a serious trust. To think people used to plan ahead or wait to hear back.

[–]RIASP [非表示スコア]

well the way my mom uses my phone is she calls me to let me know about shit, like when my grandfather went into the hospital or less darkly when she wants me to pick up [insert item] on my way home she very rarely uses it to verify that I am not dead.

[–]Philitron [非表示スコア]

Also 24, my father calls for no reason other than he's bored. Very rarely is it important.

[–]HiyascHTC One: Rooted, Stock [非表示スコア]

I don't remember where I read this, but I recall an article somewhere stating that the average age of Reddit users is over 25.

[–]simpimp 4 ポイント5 ポイント

I'm old enough not to have my parents pay for my phonebill or live with them... but I taught them to just text me. And introduced my mom to whatsapp. She knows I'm only online on my phone when home or in proximity of a free wifi.

I mean even a teen could have the proper manner of just saying.. 'mom watching a movie now or having dinner with a friend, but I will call you when we are done, or I'll be home by that time'.

I don't really get the parent-hate most teens have, never was like that with them. On the other hand, my parents weren't really the helicopter-type. I also think that if you treat your parents with respect and show them you are responsible they won't go crazy when they don't hear from you for a bit.

[–]Azara1thHTC One [Dev. Ed.], Stock [非表示スコア]

Hint: Many of the people on Reddit are teens. I'd bet a fair sum that many if not most of the whiners about the app here are teens themselves and just don't like the idea since it'd impact them. Teens are well-known for being very uninformed, but thinking they know everything...

[–]DAsSNipez [非表示スコア]

That doesn't really change as you get older, I done know much more now than when I was 15, people just give my opinion more weight due to me being an adult.

[–]Azara1thHTC One [Dev. Ed.], Stock [非表示スコア]

Typically you do get a lot more knowledge with experience.. You know what it's like to work once you've had a job, what it takes to buy and maintain a house once you've bought a house, what it takes to raise kids once you've had kids, etc. Teens have very limited experience, which leads to a lack of knowledge, yet they've still got simple mental models of how the world works that allow them to think that they've got more understanding than they do.

I'm not saying everyone gains an encyclopedia of knowledge in their brain as they become an adult, but experience should be giving you more knowledge of how the world works and all that a teen lacks due to inexperience.

[–]hwkfan1 [非表示スコア]

Teens are well-known for being very uninformed, but thinking they know everything...

You can't just generalize an entire group of people like that.

[–]Azara1thHTC One [Dev. Ed.], Stock [非表示スコア]

Teens thinking they know everything despite not actually knowing much is a very well-known fact. I remember when was a teen and confirm that I thought I knew far more than I actually did and looking back it's pretty embarrassing how naive a view I had.

It's a simple fact that due to their age they don't have much experience and thus don't really know much about reality, particularly those that still live with parents and have most of their life paid for. You just don't fully understand many things until you've experienced them, and the vast majority of teens lack that experience.

Interactions with teens now as an adult hasn't ever contradicted that, aside from rare examples where circumstances forced the teens to grow up much sooner and gain some experiences they typically wouldn't have had.

[–]inekarma 6 ポイント7 ポイント


But hmm, I just take your word for it? How do you know most parents are just going to exploit this? I would have said most of them aren't.

I would say the parents that are bad may as well exploit this, but but they don't just turn bad because of this software.

Teens are known to misconduct on occasion and I don't see anything wrong with this disciplinary action.

Edit. Also how does this app has "every second monitoring" in it? Since the article explained non of that.

[–]WaldhuetteNexus 5 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Everytime said parent wants to talk to them they just can lock the device. Most kids really want to use their phone and wont ignore it so they will just call. Kids need their privacy just like adults and there are a lot of parents that are way to protective. Just see how the times have changed. General crime rate has dropped in every developed country I know but the things children are allowed to do alone is way more limited. A decade or two ago you would be all on your own and your parents would not bother. But today most parents act like that at every corner there is a killer waiting to kidnap their child. Children dont have the same freedom anymore and this app will just add one option to the parents to conrol and observe their children even more and in my opinion that only harms the development of children.

[–]thecodingdudeNexus 7/Nexus 5 stock 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I can agree to that exactly, a kid should really be allowed freedom, normally most people would call mum or dad if they called, or callback if they missed it.

[–]GEOMETRIA 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It doesn't limit their freedom. It limits their ability to ignore their parents.

[–]WaldhuetteNexus 5 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Of course it limits their freedom. They cant use their phones to communicate with friends or consume media.

[–]GEOMETRIA 6 ポイント7 ポイント

It's no different than the parent taking away the phone entirely if you ignore them. Kids have to listen to their parents. This isn't new, and it doesn't make the parent a monster.

[–]TeqkillaHTC One, Android Revolution 12 HD [非表示スコア]

Unless they answer their parent's call, in which case all features of the phone remain unlocked.

[–]davorzdralo 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Prison doesn't limit your freedom, it just limits your ability to walk around. Are you fucking retarded?

[–]GEOMETRIA 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Are you 13? When your parents talk to you, you respond. If you just ignore them, they punish you. This isn't new. This isn't oppressive. It's the parent-child relationship. Children are not adults. They are not entitled to everything an adult is. I'm sorry if you had a shitty mom or dad, but a parent forcing a child to do something they don't want to do does not make them a nefarious tyrant.

[–]D_as_in_avid -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

Just because someone is a parent doesn't mean they are entitled to anything. If a child doesn't respond it means he or she doesn't want to talk, why would punishment justify? That'll make the child more unwilling to do what is asked.

This is /r/raisedbynarcissists material here.

[–]naryn 4 ポイント5 ポイント

If the parent buys the child a phone, they should be able to expect the child to phone them back, and/or answer their phonecalls.

If children don't want this, then they should buy their own damn phone

[–]msangeldRooted Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Rooted Samsung Galaxy S2 [非表示スコア]

Look I was /r/raisedbynarcissists saying that I have also have 3 kids who are now 20, 16, and 14. Some Kids will just go out of their way to avoid calling home and checking in. It's what Kids do. and /u/GEOMETRIA is right kids are not entitled to everything an adult is. They have few responsibilities. One is making sure to check in. I see how an app like this could be abused by some parents, But sometimes as a parent you also have to make the kids do things they don't necessarily want to do. It doesn't make every parent a narcissist In a lot of cases it makes the parents good parents.

When My oldest was 16 he was allowed to go to rave one night with friends in Seattle. He had a curfew of 1:00 A.M. as it was a Friday night. He had gone to these before and followed his curfew before but on this particular night 1:30 and then 2:00 and then 3:00 rolled round and my son wasn't home yet. By 5:00 A.M. he still wasn't home and I was starting to panic as he wasn't answering his phone or calling me back. He finally strolled in at 6:00 A.M. With the "excuse" that he and his buddy not only went to a part of town they should have never been in, but claimed to have gotten lost as well. Needless to say I was pissed. He should not have even gone to that part of town, then he wouldn't have been there to get lost. An app like this might have helped as he would have had to call me back and I wouldn't have been worried to death.

[–]TeqkillaHTC One, Android Revolution 12 HD [非表示スコア]

If a child doesn't want any strings attached to their smart phone, they should buy it themselves and get their own plan.

I am 22. I would never ignore a call from my parents because I am still on their family plan. Oh, and its rude as hell to ignore the people who brought you into the world and raised you. But whatever.

[–]inekarma -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Okay. So now you say that "there's a lot of parents that are overly protective" which is pretty different that most parents, since we'll, there's 7 billion people on this planet, it doesn't take a huge percentage of that to make "a lot".

But then you say "most of parents act like there' s a killer near". Could you give a source? So that it's not just your opinion, stated like a fact, which I surely disagree with. There's probably, again, a lot of parents like this, but to say they make more 50 percent of all the parents you need to have some sort of knowledge. I've also heard speaking of a lot of parents who don't discipline their kids at all and the kids just run around the mall/the restaurant /anywhere, and sometimes these kinds of parents are called to be the majority. Now these two types of parents are clearly very far from each other, and there's probably some good parents in there too, so I'd even go as far to say that you are wrong:most parents aren't acting like there's a killer near..

Edit. Also, the parents have a lot of control on their teenagers, even without this software. Why doesn't these exploiting parents just keep the kids at home? Grounded? Or they can take their phones away. They can" force" them to go to movies with them or just about anything. I would think this app brakes no barrier in terms of kids being overly monitored. If the kids misbehave, locking their phone until they call you, is a very good way to punish.

[–]movpush 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I'd even go as far to say that you are wrong:most parents aren't acting like there's a killer near

So you criticise the parent for making a claim without providing actual statistical evidence and then procedes to do the exact same thing in the opposite direction? Nice.

[–]inekarma -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

No, he gave no reason whatsoever other than it is like that. I, right before that, explained that there's two types of parents that some say make the majority of parents, and probably even more types of parents than these 2 and this would make it unlikely that one of these types really make the majority of every parent.

[–]movpush 1 ポイント2 ポイント

If you want an explanation, why don't you ask for one or just argue your point instead of jumping on the "where's the source" train? I'm sure you realise you can't back up your every single belief with statitical data.

[–]inekarma [非表示スコア]

Well, since there are multiple ways a parent can be, so it's not like it's one or the other (when one is definitely the majority), so it is unlikely that one particular way is the majority.

Also, taking something away from the child that he wants, but does not need, is a common thing to do and is a course of action towards children's misbehavior recommended by many, if not most, children psychiatrists. This app just makes it possible remotely and maintains the child's ability to call for help (to mom or 911) if in need, while taking the phone away completely does not.

[–]hedonicscale[🍰] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

The parents who do not exploit this, do not need this. This app is to maintain control over a child who is reaching an age where they do not want to be controlled any longer. Some parents cannot handle that.

[–]inekarma 1 ポイント2 ポイント

No. Just because a teenager doesn't want to be controlled, doesn't mean that he shouldn't be. Taking whatever the kid wants, and does not truly need (like food or water), away as a disciplinary action when he/she misbehaves, is a good course of action.

[–]hedonicscale[🍰] [非表示スコア]

At some point, a teenager can't be controlled. A wise parent teaches their child how to make their own decisions rather than trying to make the decisions for them.

[–]inekarma [非表示スコア]

Well, no one said that the app is for every parent in the world to use.

[–]chakravanti93 [非表示スコア]

most parents will just abuse this to controll their kids in a way it is not supposed to be.

Good. You whiney entitles out of control brats need to be controlled.

And stay off my lawn.

[–]iRainMak3r 0 ポイント1 ポイント

How do you know? Also, it depends on the kids age. If they're younger, I'd say that it's a good idea to keep an eye on them more

[–]WaldhuetteNexus 5 -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

[–]SchmichGalaxy S, S2, S3, Shield -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Who says it's every second? Maybe the mom just wants to know "all is fine" once and that's all. Not answering makes the situation worse as the mom will just paranoid.

[–]yahoowizard [非表示スコア]

It's almost like those leases that people put on little kids. In theory, it helps kids not get lost when in crowded places, but a better sane solution would just be to tell your kids not to run away from you or to teach them what to do if they do get lost.

[–]inekarma [非表示スコア]

It's not like taking a cellphone away is the same as not letting the child eat.

Taking what the child wants (and does not need like food) as disciplinary action when they misbehave a common thing to do, and one that is recommended by many, if not most, children psychiatrists. This app just makes this possible remotely and maintains the child's ability to call for help (to mom or 911) if in need.