Locust Street Taxi is a quality, four-piece band that makes grandmothers smile, children laugh, baby-boomers dance and college students spend money. In addition, middle-school students take up trombone, brides and grooms dance to The Muppet Show theme song, sound engineers remove their ear plugs, lady booking agents give up their phone numbers and Seattleites move their heads slightly. I could go on all day, but then I would have to make some stuff up.
There are all sorts of perks, including some free songs right away and being the first to know about fun things like Taxi Fest, new albums and big media appearances. We'd love for you to join us.
August 2 - Quilcene, WA
Our very own LST-spirited festival.
Booking contact:
Daniel Miholland, OM On Stage
General LST questions and stuff: