kenziera asked: you're super cute and I'd love to be your friend but I'm cis and know nothing about anything that isn't science or geography and no one wants to educate me on trans issues or anything because it's apparently transphobic now :(((((

Get the fuck away from me cistrender

June 29, 2014 at 04:10.41 PM
  1. softcisphobia posted this




This is IDCP's backup blog.

My name is Kat, think of it like a nickname. I'm the tucute queen, a gorgeous trans girl, my preferred pronouns are kit/kits/kitself.     ♥

I'm just a badass magical girl here to voice her outrage against privileged, self-important cis people who think they are allowed to push their opinions in on trans matters. As well as attempting to stop truscum because they were once magical but got corrupted and I aim to collect their valuable grief seeds.

About // FAQ // Selfies
Nifty blogs // Rudy // Who is Kat?
I like cis people // I dislike cis people
ϟ jean