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[–]AquaticDublol -24 ポイント-23 ポイント

Ew. Less masculine features.

It's well done, you just gave her masculine features that don't look nice. Less broad head, softer nose, thinner brows and face.

[–]JustOkCaiters[S] 15 ポイント16 ポイント

Hey, I know that this is /r/artcrit, but I gotta say

You can go screw off. Telling a person or even a subject of a painting that their features are 'ew' is a real dick thing to say. That's not even critique, that's intentionally being an asshole.

On your First Digital Painting piece, no one came out and said "ew. looks like crap." No. They gave you technical ways to improve.

[–]JustOkCaiters[S] 9 ポイント10 ポイント

An opinion on desirable facial features is not critique of an art piece.