The Body in Contemporary Art
"This international survey presents art made over the last two decades in which the human form is examines the roles played by the body in art, from being the subject of portraiture to becoming an active presence in participatory events."
Welcome to r/ArtCrit!
A reddit for artists to get feedback on their work, all forms welcome. Traditional, digital, anything goes.
All art forms welcome
Subreddit Rules
Please be civil
Do not slander "bad" work, these artists stand to benefit the most from even simple suggestions and critiques
Keep critique focused on technique and craftsmanship
Please refrain from downvoting submissions you do not like. These people are looking for help improving, just like everybody else.
Posted work must be submitted by the artist, or someone close to them, posts to sites discussing art or other artists will be removed
Critique Tips
Above all, be honest and forthcoming
Be specific, don't say "I like it!" say, "I like the way you...." and likewise for negative comments
Be Helpful, link to books, tutorials, or offer exercises for the artist
Don't refer to things as "good" or "bad," try to talk in terms of skill sets that can be worked on
A lot of us are visual thinkers, if you have a tablet copy+paste and make some notes
When receiving a critique, don't be too defensive, you can't explain away other peoples opinions of your art, try and listen to what they are saying
Follow this link for a great post by Huisme on asking for critique
Flair Legend
Flair should guide other users to understand where you want to go, or where you are coming from, enjoy
Student Flair
Use student flair to show what level you are, feel free to write in a genre or medium
Skill Flair
Skill flair shows off what you're good at, feel free to include genre, technique, or discipline you like to work in, you can be a beginner and still use skill flair if you like
Foundations Flair
Got a really great critique? Message the Mod to recommend that user for Foundations Flair, speical flair for those who are particularly helpful to users
New book recommendation!
残りのコメントをみる →
[–]AquaticDublol -24 ポイント-23 ポイント-22 ポイント
[–]JustOkCaiters[S] 15 ポイント16 ポイント17 ポイント
[–]JustOkCaiters[S] 9 ポイント10 ポイント11 ポイント