This is Thin Privilege

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My boss is disgusting

I have been chubby all my life. My parents were chubby, my sister was chubby, hell even my grandparents were chubby. Because of this, I have always faced bullying, throughout my life at school, I have faced a lot of fat shaming and people hating me for my shape. After rapidly gaining weight at the age of 14,  I faced even worse bullying, people seemed to actually hate me for my weight, not just bully me. 

The only reason I kept going, was because people kept telling me it would get better when I was older. And for a while it did, in collage I got along great with a lot of people. I got a job in an office building, making decent money. But this is where the problems started again.

My boss was a real asshole, he made fun of me to other employees, he denied me food when people brought it in, and was an over all asshole But the real final straw was what just happened. I was sitting in my office, doing my work on a project HE assigned me, when he came in. He said, exactly in these words: “Marie, can you please leave the office for a few hours, we have important guests coming and I don’t want them to see you, you know, because you are fat.”

It was fucking disgusting. I have read these subs before, but I didn’t know it was so bad in real life. This is thin privilege. Not having to worry about being forced out of your workplace because your boss doesn’t want to be seen with you.


  1. simplysope said: Yo, what he did was illegal. I’d make sure to take that shit up with your local HR department.
  2. illdieyoungatheart said: Report him to hr! Document everything he says/does. This is not ok and I’m sorry you have to put up with it.
  3. heavenmousalem said: Despicable. I hope you sue the shit out of that asshole.
  4. deannawol said: Go to HR honey. Report him. That’s not right, that’s not legal. That’s discrimination.
  5. gobby-irish-ejit said: Your boss is a cock and I would start seeking legal advice on harassment suit x Your boss is a special kind of prick. I am sorry you have to deal with that hun x