経済 |
Economist's Viewがバリー・リソルツの8/11付けブルームバーグ論説を引用している。
On this day in 1987, Alan Greenspan became chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. This anniversary allows us to take a quick look at what followed over the next two decades. As it turned out, it was one of the most interesting and, to be blunt, weirdest tenures ever for a Fed chairman.
This was largely because of the strange ways Greenspan's infatuation with the philosophy of Ayn Rand manifested themselves. He was a free marketer who loved to intervene in the markets, a chief bank regulator who seemingly failed to understand even the most basic premise of bank regulations.
The contradictions between Greenspan's philosophy and his actions led to many key events over his career. The ones that stand out the most in my mind are as follows...
- ブラックマンデーへの対応から市場の変動の後始末は簡単だという教訓を学んだこと
- 後の歴史はその教訓が誤りであったことを示すことになる
- FOMC理事の公けの反乱に近いところまで行った1991年2月のFOMC会合前の独自判断による0.5ポイントの利下げ
- 過去12ヶ月の7回の利上げに続いて、1995年7月、12月、翌年1月の0.25ポイントずつ利下げしたことにより、「グリーンスパン・プット」が誕生したこと
- 2001-02年の利下げ
- 最終的に自分の市場哲学に「欠陥(flaw)」があることを認めたこと
It's worth noting that, Greenspan’s intellectual hero, Rand, also turned her back on her own philosophy, living off of Social Security and other government aid before she died of cancer in 1982.
In the end, a central banker cannot be both concerned with asset prices yet comfortable with collapsing bubbles. These are inherently contradictory beliefs. That is why Greenspan’s tenure was both disastrous and fascinating.
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