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[–]shutayooface -10 ポイント-9 ポイント

You are not entitled to sex. And you shouldn't pressure him into doing things he is not comfortable with.

[–]BigBadMrBitches 7 ポイント8 ポイント

I understand that youre saying this because if this were a dude they would say it to him, but this is a bit different.

she didn't come with an entitled attitude, not even angry, just hurt and looking for advice.

It would be warranted if she said "i want him to go down on me, fuck what he wants, it's his duty to please this booty!"

[–]tohru182[S] 3 ポイント4 ポイント

I know, that's why I haven't said anything in the past year. I know what it's like to be pressured into having sex, and I'm not trying to make him feel like that.

[–]bendingbeauty 5 ポイント6 ポイント

At the same time, if oral is the only thing that gets you off an you desire more than 3x/yr to feel satisfied, but that frequency is absolutely not what he is comfortable with, you two may be sexually incompatible and it may be time to find someone with whom you are

[–]Jan_Svankmajer 2 ポイント3 ポイント

You're not lovely. Most partners love giving pleasure to their SO. You're not being unreasonable at all.

[–]Jan_Svankmajer 2 ポイント3 ポイント

And neither is the boyfriend. If he expects to get off, then OP should too.

[–]shutayooface -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

The boyfriend can withdraw his consent and end the sex act at any time he wants. It's HIS body and she has no right to it.

[–]bendingbeauty 1 ポイント2 ポイント

As can she but a sexual standoff isn't going to benefit anyone.













