Hello. Could you provide a basis for the following claims. (In the US and other 1st world nations) 1. Rape culture 2. The wage gap 3. Patriarchy 4. Oppression of females. I have seen plenty of sources debunking these claims from men and women who don't support feminism. So, can you provide Facts and sources to prove those 4 things still exist in 1st world nations? Please note that Facts>Feelings

I don’t owe you shit.  And do you own fucking research.  And don’t even pretend like you’re even here to learn anything when you’re not.  And saying “Facts>Feelings” denies that feelings exist within the realm of factual reality.  And “1st world” is an ignorant wording to use. And even this entire response thus far is more than I owe you.  And fuck off now.

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  5. femme-bat-trash said: I should’ve replied like this rather than trying to debate my pro-circumcision “friend”. you’re a true role model
  6. girl-powerr reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  7. bear-onica said: This dude is confusing as fuck. Adamantly pro choice but denies that women are oppressed and derails posts about rape culture. Wtf.
  8. spagnoot said: "hello. could you please take time out of your day to list the following. I’m not going to read what you say, or really try to learn, but yeah. Please do it. FACTS OVER FEELINGS!!" like wtf is wrong with this person
  9. fallenangelsbeloved reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  10. feminace reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  11. maryjayneoncam reblogged this from misandry-mermaid and added:
    what a complete asswad