In your opinion, is it more effective to speak out strongly against misogyny or to just roll your eyes? I was out with my sister today and some guy stopped us on the street, first to deliver a pick-up line ("Are you 9/11? Because you're unforgettable") before he turned to me and asked, "How does it feel to be the less hot sister?" My go-to reaction was to sarcastically play along ("Oh yeah, you got me there. Really hit the nail on that one"). What would you have done?

I prefer to destroy their egos as publicly as possible.  Just give them no opportunity to walk away from the conversation feeling anything except embarrassment and regret.  I memorize a lot of insults and comebacks so I can spout them off when I need to.  But that’s me.  Other people are better at other ways of dealing with sexism and harassment.

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