I’m a big Bioware, especially Dragon Age fan, and God forbid I go in the DA tag in search of info on the upcoming game/lore/general opinions, it’s everything sjw ranting about male/female characters ratio, poc erasure, queer under representation and really annoying double standards (yay for gay/bi/pan character, ew for the straight one), which is utterly ridiculous since Bioware’s are the most diverse and inclusive games EVER, go complain about Duke Nukem or something, really
Because if you’re inclusive, CLEARLY you are without flaw and can never be criticized for the problematic shit you do. Ever.
or maybe you should mind your business and let people play how they wanna play because it doesn’t effect you. and no i’m not talking to the person who confess this i’m talking to the person above me.
Um? It isn’t about how they play the game. It’s because saying ‘SEE HOW OFFENSIVE THAT GAME WAS YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL YOU HAVE THIS ONE STOP COMPLAINING’ is ridiculous. In all honesty, I could give a FUCK about how they play the game. My problem stems from the fact that the OP seems to be under the impression that just because something is progressive compared to other games doesn’t mean the progressive company will fuck up and we shouldn’t call them out on it.
Except that there isn’t any reason to call them out. They do a fair job of equal representation and it surprises me how many people care more about that than the actual plot.
Oh my god you’re actually serious.
Okay, can we as a fandom stop with this whole ‘YOU TALK ABOUT THIS MORE WHY DON’T YOU APPRECIATE THAT’ bullshit? First off, it’s fucking annoying. People wouldn’t talk about it if it wasn’t important. Stop trying to derail the conversation by saying ‘WAH PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT THE PLOT’ because that has nothing to do with this post.
And second off, I realize they do a fair job of representation. They can also do a shit job! Don’t believe me? Play Mark of the Assassin and tell me that the trans prostitute with Seneschal Bran isn’t completely transphobic and disgusting. Go on. I’ll wait.
Not to mention:
*Using rape for drama in the city elf origin story
*The Broodmother as a concept
*Sexualization of Samara, Miranda, Ashley, Velanna, Morrigan and Isabela to a ridiculous degree.
Just to name a few. I’m sure I can think of something later.
Yes, Bioware does a good job. But they still have the ability to make problematic content. And, as a fan, I have every right to call them out on it.
Oh my god I’m actually serious. Stop being dramatic, and yes, my statement did pertain to the actual post, where the OP stated he/she wanted to see actual DA content based on info or lore, opposed to SJW. Anyways, Dragon Age and most other Bioware games ARE popular due to their diversity in characters, and even better, their romances. Many of it’s fans identify with a range of different gender identities or sexual preferences, and, agreeing with the words of Alix Regan, it is important to represent this in our fiction, which is exactly what Bioware has been doing. Even so, this aspect has taken over the entire game, and the OP has every right to be annoyed.
Just because you feel offended by details or portrayals of their game does not make it wrong. The thought that either Samara or Ashley were even sexualized to any degree has never crossed my mind, nor have I heard others complain about it. Ever.
None of the points you have stated above are offensive to me. Perhaps you are just sensitive, and I am not. Similarly, just as you found my above statement annoying (because god forbid I prioritize something over ‘social justice’), I find your rant pointless. I’m not saying you can’t criticize the game based on these aspects. Go the hell ahead- I probably won’t agree with you, but don’t get surprised when fans like me an OP get annoyed.
So you have never heard anyone ever complain about anything I just listed? Then you, my friend, clearly haven’t looked hard enough. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. And trust me when I say it very much is.
Also, I’d like to thank you for helping me win my anti-SJW bingo. Let’s see ‘it isn’t offensive to me’, ‘you’re just being sensitive’, ‘but what about the story’, ‘they probably didn’t mean to sexualize them’, ‘BOO SOCIAL JUSTICE’. Let’s pick this apart, shall we?
'It isn't offensive to me': Well congratulations. You're entitled to feel that way. But you're not entitled to trying to silence people who ARE offended.
'You're just being sensitive': No, I'm being critical of the media I consume and letting my own voice be heard. Also? Representation is an issue to be sensitive about, as well as problematic aspects of said media. In fact, critique of such things can be helpful. Take the prostitute in MOTA for example- people protested it and told Bioware it was offensive and why. With that knowledge, they were able to improve on that in Maevaris Tilani. There. An example on how talking about such subjects can be helpful.
'Representation has taken over the game'- because heaven forbid we have stories not focused on cishet white guys and not have LGBTQIAP or POC characters with agency in a company that's all about marketing to every demographic possible. That would just be absurd.
'Sexualizing them isn't a problem'- it is. It's dehumanizing, impractical, objectifying, and it only is there to cater to a bunch of dudebros and, therefore, perpetuating misogyny and objectification of women. I'm sure they didn't mean to, but they did.
'STOP BEING SOCIAL JUSTICE'- How about you stop being so blase and neutral to flaws I'm allowed to call out in a video game company and not just reduce it to 'crazy SJWs'- chances are you'll learn something.
…What? Reread what I said. Slowly, this time. :P