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Submitted on
August 7


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Because...hey, DeviantART's 14th birthday and I saw two of my friends do it. You can ignore if you want.

Back when I first discovered DeviantART around 6 years ago, I mainly used  it to look around for dress up games. My first account was :iconeevee10001: where I was primarily a Pokemon drawer. I used to upload stick figured-like small pixel jpegs of Pokemon...mainly Eevee...and it all looked like crap. Though during the time, I managed to create many many OCs. Tons of Eevees and eeveelutions, a Milotic named Shamallamadingdong, several Pikachus, a Kirlia, and including a character literally named after me, Rachel. She was a typical Mary-sue who acted exactly like I would, down to being an obsessed fangirl over any franchise I liked at the time. I did meet a few of my friends along the way that liked my character, though I've forgotten most of them. :iconbioblood: However is one that I still remember to this day, and I'm grateful for the time we spent as friends. I think I also remember someone whose character was named Twilight the Eevee and another with an Eevee with blue patches of's been so long that I don't remember well. None of my old friends barely talk to me anymore.

 I guess you could say I really got hooked on  DeviantART when I met my friend :iconlottenya: . We had a roleplay together (that had bad grammar and spelling at the time...I was young.) and it went on way longer than I thought it would. That's when I created a lot more of my original characters, I'm guessing I had close to 70 or so. In these roleplays, Lotte's OC named Snowengel (who I thought was a Mary-sue at the time like my own character) went on a journey with a Lucario named...Lucario and a Chatot named...Chatot and my own character, Rachel, as we meet various characters, franchises like the Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Brothers Brawl, in order to discover "Secrets" about our own characters. I was fun and all at the time, but near the end it got confusing. I did cut it off when I realized it went on too long (It went on for two or so years) but I still remember it to this day.

My art on the other hand, barely improved through the years. I went from using Paint, to using GIMP, to using SAI...and now I don't even draw at all. 3D posing is a lot more fun despite having the MMD-Police telling you what you should or shouldn't do 24/7. I was a tracer, I admit. There were tons of pictures  I would trace then try to pull off as my own and get praise.  I regret it now, of course, but back then I didn't know better. I guess you could say I've always been a lazy artist.

My interests over the years have changed as well. The Eevee phase I had lasted almost 3  or so years (if I had to guess). Along the way, I had an obsession for The Legend of Zelda (and was attracted to Link) that lasted almost as long as my obsession for Pokemon, an obsession with Touhou Project that's still present to this day but not at the degree it was at before, an obsession for Okami (and Waka) alongside a new Obsession for Pokemon (and N), and now an obsession for Hetalia that's slowly dying down because I don't like the fanbase.

I did take a break from DeviantART and decided to quit for awhile when I went and posted my art up on Whirled instead. At Whirled, I did make several friends (and two friends that have traveled over to DA with me). I'll advise: Don't go onto Whirled. It's practically dead now. When I returned, I moved from my old Eevee10001 account over to this new account based on my two favorite characters, Russia and Romano. Here, I  uploaded various Hetalia and sometimes Touhou pictures for fun and games. That's when I realized MMD is a horrible community...and it still is. Though around this time, I also created an ask account :iconask-rumano: to be a parody of actual ask accounts...but then it literally became a full-fledged ask account that I update frequently (Oh, the irony). Nowadays, I sit in my chatroom talking about different things with my two friends :iconlakamegurine: and :iconbloom50: as I slowly lose faith in myself and anything I could be doing.

So that's my story.
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Lottenya Featured By Owner 4 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Hahaha, yeah.. Snowengel sure was a mary-sue. I even saw it after a while... Sure took me time to even notice it. (-shakes fist- damn you, past me)
but I made sure to slaughter everything over-powered about her because, hey, I don't want to remove her completely just because past me was a dumb butt. Now she's pretty much.. a blue eevee, with some markings. Nothin' special there.
casually wanders in. Don't mind me, pfft.
RussiaRomano Featured By Owner 4 days ago
Unlike you, I've kinda almost completely scrapped Rachel...I made her into a human and changed her personality and name to Rose Morterra. (Unfortunately I still can't get rid of the fact she's just a self insert because she looks like I've given up)

I still like Snowengel despite her being a Mary-sue previously. o3o
Lottenya Featured By Owner 4 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Ohh, that sounds interesting though! I like the new name~
I actually have considered to change Snowengels name as well because to be fully honest, I have no idea what I was thinking when naming her that. Snow is english and Engel is norwegian. Because of her name, I sound like one of those norwegian people who just have to mix english and norwegian together when speaking(or writing) because it seems cooler that way. 
(That feeling when you try to create/recreate a character but they ends up being like you)

Heh, me too really.. I really love that furball, she is one of my oldest characters and if I threw her away, it would be like throwing a part of myself away. Even thought I don't draw her so often as I wish.. I still love her ;w;" I just want to recreate few things, remove some things and such because really.. A blue eevee with ice powers, plus talking wings named George who for some reason have fallen in love with her is just.. no. In my book. :'P
RussiaRomano Featured By Owner 4 days ago
I always thought you misspelled "Snowangel" and just rolled with it for her name. Show how much I know about Norwegian lol...

Yeah, sometimes it's always good to revise old characters to use them again. I can't say the same to my 70 or so Pokemon Ocs since they're all pretty generic one dimensioned characters. If she had icebeam as one of her only ice attacks then yeah it would make sense, just the neon-blue part is strange. Though I must say I wonder what went on with your mind when you thought "talking wings named George!" was a good idea.
Lottenya Featured By Owner 4 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
It was just me being stupid. I honestly thought, during that time when I named her, "Snowengel" was an english word.
I'm so smart, amazing.

I tried to recreate/rename some of my ocs. I just.. threw the others away because I honestly didn't have any connection with them.
For me, I kind of need to feel this uh.. connection if I want to keep the character. Dunno if that make any sense.. Don't know how to explain it fully. I'm not the best person as explaining stuff, that's for certain :'D
To be fully honest.. I have no idea why I did that. I completely forgot, guess it seemed like a cool idea during that time? -shrugs- frick I know.
KuroBaraHime357 Featured By Owner 4 days ago
Cry forever This beautiful story brought me to tears!!! I can totally understand ur view on the MMDc But im glad i joined and was able to find beautiful ppl like you that still keep the MMDc Alive in there own way!!Let me hug you! 
Bloom50 Featured By Owner 4 days ago

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a line---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

lol j/k I'm glad we are friends~! 

RussiaRomano Featured By Owner 4 days ago
Pff...Thanks Bloom.
Kakashi95fan Featured By Owner 4 days ago  Hobbyist General Artist
What do you mean with the MMD is a horrible community? I really like your MMD-pictures even if I don't comment on all of them. :)
RussiaRomano Featured By Owner 4 days ago
The MMD community itself is pretty messed up. Double standards for Japanese and English users, most Japanese users don't like English users, English users tell others to follow every single unfair rule out there, people over reacting towards editing and redistributing, and everyone I've seen pretty much hates each other. Hence why I don't like the MMD community or the modelers that much.

And thank you for your compliment.
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