経済 |
少し前に、石油資源が見つかったら、という仮想的な状況を扱った研究を紹介したが、実際に石油資源が見つかった国についての実証研究がJournal of Development Economicsの9月号に掲載されている(H/T UDADISI)。論文のタイトルは「Do giant oilfield discoveries fuel internal armed conflicts?」で、3年前のWPがここで読めるほか、同じ頃にvoxeu記事も出ている。著者はLSEのYu-Hsiang LeiとGuy Michaels。
We use new data to examine the effects of giant oilfield discoveries around the world since 1946. On average, these discoveries increase per capita oil production and oil exports by up to 50%. But these giant oilfield discoveries also have a dark side: they increase the incidence of internal armed conflict by about 5–8 percentage points. This increased incidence of conflict due to giant oilfield discoveries is especially high for countries that had already experienced armed conflicts or coups in the decade prior to discovery.
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