A lot of white people are sad today because some white dude died
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darkwee009 reblogged this from toenail-fister and added:
And more reasons why I have no respect for these so called SJW’s. Then again, Williams make millions laugh and enhanced...
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monsterdong666 reblogged this from caseyanthonyofficial and added:
Bad post. Terrible post. Fuck you.
mefrommethefangame likes this
spacedandykin reblogged this from chillyinthecut and added:
Yeah, a man who’s done so much more than you ever will with your life, you sad sack of meat. He’s made millions of...
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lnternetaddiction reblogged this from fluthermucken-the-muffin-man and added:
just fuck you opfuck you to Mars
speedsters-are-awesome reblogged this from greenyvertekins
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aradgirlwhojustwantstohavefunds reblogged this from actualelinreaper
fistedbychrist reblogged this from conqueringthenight and added:
bless you, isaac.
aradgirlwhojustwantstohavefunds likes this
ginnywheezely reblogged this from caseyanthonyofficial
thegamesownsake reblogged this from caseyanthonyofficial and added:
Let people mourn whoever they want. The white dude made things to be remembered. He deserves to be
i-am-sirwah likes this
greenyvertekins reblogged this from thinkererdreamspace and added:
The OP specifically stated Mr Williams’ skin color as a means of demeaning him. Considering how many racists on here...
ticktocktaco reblogged this from wild-card-queen
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insertgoodusername reblogged this from caseyanthonyofficial and added:
dude, regardless of skin colour; have some respect
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yantian reblogged this from debluevoid and added:
"One man died how he wanted to". Are you. Fucking. Kidding me. He was severely depressed and apparently was in enough...
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