
Observations of an Invisible Woman

10 Questions White People Need to Seriously Ask Themselves

I was inspired to write this post after overhearing a conversation at the market. It would seem that some of us are indeed waking up to a very harsh realization and you what? It hurts. Since I began meditating on a more profound basis, Nature has opened many doors for me. Perhaps this list will assist you in opening your own pathway.

This post is written specifically for the Caucasoid race  and all other peoples that identify with them. You know exactly who you are. Blogging has taught me that no one, NO ONE, wishes to hear truth. But with truth comes Spiritual growth and mental maturity. I hope you’ll sit down and think long and hard about this one. For many of you, you’ll use it as another excuse to write to me to complain, scream, rant, deflect and degrade me.

Do as you must.

I’ve come to expect nothing less.

Question 1. You make up a very tiny minority on this entire planet. In my estimation, roughly 7%. How is it possible that a minority can take over the entire world and keep everyone bound to their whims?

Question 2. Have you ever asked yourself how America really became the superpower of the world?

Question 3. Have you ever wondered why for such a powerful group of people, you are the most fearful, suspicious and mistrustful?

Question 4. Have you ever wondered why you are the only race of people who have the most difficulty with conception?

Question 5. We do not need to rehash what your ancestors did to EVERY Colored Race on earth. But…have you ever wondered why even though you’ve made every attempt to kill Black people off, we keep on multiplying and getting stronger?

Question 6. Have you ever asked yourself why you feel a certain way when you’re around someone else of another race?

Question 7. Have you ever wondered why your ancestors invented money?

Question 8. Why is it that you scream Black Inferiority, Black Stupidity, Black Dirtiness, Black Criminality yet you cannot seem to leave us alone?

Question 9. Have you ever wondered why you’re so deeply connected to your dogs?

Question 10. Some of you speak almost desperately of “wanting to change things.” Have you ever considered why, after all that has been said and done, after the crying, begging, pleading and talks of “being a good Christian”, you simply cannot change?


This list may seem strange, dumb or even random to you but believe it is not. Good luck in your journey.

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