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Disney's latest show has tackled a lot of social injustice. In this episode (s1e7) they tackle cultural appropriation. The father teaches his daughter it is not right to wear "Japanese" fashion because it's racist and oppressive to steal other people's culture as a white girl.

Reminder that Disney is working hard to teach lolita and jfashion fans not to appropriate culture and stay away from Japanese fashion trends.

Serious thread though, is Lolita and wearing jfashion a racist, oppresive movement by white girls to steal Japanese culture?
This image got reblogged over 400,000 times on Tumblr to spread the information about appropriation and to applaud disney on taking a stand against jfashion appropriation by white girls.

43,000 notes

Your time is up cgl, it's about to become mainstream racist to do lolita or jfashion.
But only if you're a white girl, right? If a black or hispanic girl wears foreign fashion, she's embracing other cultures. But if a white girl does it, it's racist. Ok then. Let me continue to oppress the Japanese by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on their products.
Yep, only white people.

from tumblr

"It’s because what’s termed as “white” is the dominant culture. White settlers and colonizers forced their culture onto most everyone else. What is “standard” or “normal” - is default white culture. You can’t appropriate the dominant, especially if it was forced upon you. The term just doesn’t apply because of the power imbalance."

source - http://mycultureisnotatrend.tumblr.com/

the only version I saw was this.
Two words.

Kawaii ambassadors

There problem solved.
i think the major point was just to be aware that you look ridiculous, because it's obviously not your own culture and you're pushing it to an extreme.

not that you can't or that it's wrong, you'll just look ridiculous next to normies. which you do, if you wear crazy shit that makes you stand out because you're obviously not in an anime/comic book people are going to judge you.

i thought people in this board knew they looked ridiculous and just don't care because they're fans of the source material, not that they thought it was normal and they should be accepted as day to day "normal" wear. because nothing in /cgl/ ever really is.
the ep is about cultural appropriation and shes stealing it from japan.
thats fucked up like they're holding a japanese fashion intervention
if anyone tried that shit to me I'd be like
"yo whitey, that suit is from france, are you french? know, you're fucking american get that shit off, are those clothes of yours made in china? go naked, you don't have the right to wear them."
Japan steals Jeans and T-Shirts from us though ;_;
They do realize Lolita is based off a European Fashion to start with?
you can't appropriate white culture

don't you know SJW studies? White people have the power over the POC so they can't be stolen from.
Why can't people just enjoy things?
The vast minority of Lolita's ARE weebs who re-appropiate Japanese culture and are obess with everything Japan though.
you mean Itas.
tumblr got mad about that too, japanese people appropriating "white" culture
The fashion itself isn't quite appropriation though. Its literally just a fashion with no cultural ties to THEIR own culture.
But that's stupid
Didn't we already have this fucking thread? Wasn't it ascertained that, despite Tumblrtardation this episode is more about begin yourself and not embracing a fake persona and a forced look just to seem popular with a certain crowd?
Seriously, who actually gives a flying fuck about some tweeny shit and makes it this massive issue except Amurrica and Tumblrtards?
Are they even talking about Lolita though? It looks like a specific look a la Kyary, thats filtered to the western world thanks to tryhards like Katy Perry and Niki Minaj. That way out there cmownish, bright dyed hair ott kawaii uguu shit.
I mean all you fucking cosplaying animu loving mago reading idiots, DONT play coy now. 99% of Lolita's are japanophiles.
So white people aren't allowed to have a culture? That sounds pretty racist to mem oh wait nevermind, white people aren't allowed to be racist.
shit I meant white people cant be racially oppressed or whatever
This. Its one of the reasons Im a lone lolita, i dont care for cosplay or otaku culture. Even just going through lolita blogs on tumblr, is so hard to find one that isn't weeby.
Oh look, it's overreaching little fucks being overreaching little fucks again.

Also, of course Disney should teach people not to become seagulls. Do you edgy little shits blathering on about "tumblr sjw bullshit" really think you are the pinnacles of fashion and aesthetic taste everyone else should model?
*tips fedora*
Only complete idiots get offended by cultural appropriation.

Ignore them and keep enjoying your life.
You're pretty fucking late to the party aren'e you? This thread >>7745814 is only 45 comments in you fucktard, did you even bother to check the board before you got your pants wet with excitement at the idea of presenting /cgl/ with this turd that meant to enrage us or some shit?
All art is derivative.

There is no such thing as cultural appropriation. Culture evolves from decade to decade in one way or another.

Anyone who thinks it's racist is fucking retarded.
>Stop wearing a bra, you're not French, fucking cultural appropriation cunt !!!
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I just put myself through watching this episode.

It's pretty much morally summarized by main character chan crossing paths with Topanga while Topanga dressed the way she did as a teen in hippie clothes.

topanga says "This is who I am inside, it's the part of me your father fell in love with a long time ago. "

main character chan asks "this is.. what's inside of you?"

Topanga replies "Yeah. It might be the best part. Is /this/ the best part of you?"

"I'm extremely popular with 5 people."

"Is one of them YOU?"

this episode is more about not being a fake nerd girl than anything. It's like a warning to not become unseelie allure so weeby neckbeard will drool on you.
Yes? My fashion is awesome. If everyone wore it the world would be prettier and possibly less dirty since people wouldn't want to ruin $300 dresses as easily as $30 jeans.
Is there a place online I can watch this episode? It looks like it has been taken way out of context. Clothes is clothes. If she is wearing this style because she likes it, and it doesn't have any religious or deeply cultural significance in a way that it is innapropriate for her to wear it, then I don't see why she shouldn't. Was she behaving weeb ish or something or did they really have a "confrontation" because she was dressed like that?
She was invited to a party that ended up just being uncool nerd kids.

See decided that since they think that the style is cool she would change everything about herself to seem cooler to these kids who she didn't even want to be friends with.

So... no legit interest in the fashion or style, just trying to pander to people who she didn't even like
wait is this episode 6 or 7 ?
Japanese brands regularly hire white models to showcase their clothes but white people cannot wear them because it's disrespectful. Okay.
And then /cgl/ proved it's just as /pol/ as /v/.
Suspected as much.
This makes sense. From the little I've seen of the show, the theme seems to be coming of age for girls. It seems like it's less a problem of appropriation and more ~~staying true to yourself~~.
I'm pretty sure it's more like "don't copy someone's style if you know nothing about it and most likely don't even like it at all".
I'm guessing some of the guionists of this series were the nerd geeky kids in school and were heavy bullied about it, and now with the geek culture being mainstream and all the popular kids being all "Look I'm such a gamer I love Pewdiepie I'm soooo weird lololol" they are a bit bootybothered about this

considering its a government appointed Job for selected girls or "kawaii ambassadors" to spread the love of Japanese fashion and culture to other countries, and then see some white dude on TV complain how its disrespectful, its not really /pol/ its shaking our heads at stupidity.
It's not that, it's just white people take it too far and that shit's embarrassing
Yeah apparently there's no such thing as being racist towards white people

Which is fucking bullshit, I'd love for someone to tell that to my boyfriend on a bad day just so that he might deck them.

He's 1/4 Japanese but white passing and grew up on a Caribbean island. Literally got beat up a few times a month just for being a "whitey". He's not a puny 15 year old anymore, though.
Tumblr would really love to think this is about appropriation at all. And not about Disney trying to teach kids that faking something to make people like them is wrong.

This has all the trademarks of westerners thinking "harajuku girls" are a thing, and that it's a subculture like punk.

Disney doesn't give a shit about being racist, let alone this warped idea of 'cultural appropriation' only really retarded people would view it in that way.

This just makes me hate Disney more because little SJWs are going to warp it to think they're right.
Ditto. Disney is racist as fuck, they made a major ride (Splash Mountain) in every single one of their theme parks. The ride is based off a movie that is BANNED for being overly racist.

They don't give a shit about cultural appropriation, and nobody else should, either. It's such a fucking non-issue it hurts.

If anything Disney is trying to say don't be a "fake nerd gurl"/don't be a fucking poser. Tumblrinas should be getting upset at Disney for them daring to say fake nerd gurls are real
Tumblr can kiss the fattest part of my white candy ass.

I'm going to wear what I want and nobody is going to oppress me because of the color of my skin, racist fuckwads. They can take their white guilt and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Nah, cultural appropriation is very bad. Take dreadlocks, for instance. White people wear them? Cool alt fashion. Meanwhile PoC wear them and get denied jobs, get looked down on. It is something that has spiritual roots, and white people take it and use it as a fashion statement. Same with the "___ is my spirit animal" joke...it mocks and delegitimizes an important aspect of some Native American cultures

If you do Lolita nd enjoy jfashion, educate yourself. That was a major point of OP's image- she didn't even know what Harajuku was. Doing something blindly bc its a trend is different from respecting, loving, and educating yourself about the origins of it and partaking in it. If you're white, don't pretend to be Japanese, don't use "Asian" as your makeup inspiration/aesthetic, don't be a VenusAngelic.

Basically, don't use cultures as just a trendy statement and personally I think things like jfashion are fine!
I'm just mostly confused at how Disney thought her hair and outfits even looked remotely good? Like why couldn't they have made her look more well put together? She looks like a trainwreck.
And it's not just this episode, it's Disney shows in general. Do they even know how to dress themselves let alone their characters? They have some of the worst clothing layering I have seen in my life.
Do you even know what dreadlocks look like? Shit. They literally look like coils of grease covered shit. Dreads are disgusting if you don't take care of your hair. It doesn't matter as long as you look presentable.
I feel like this can also extend into don't blindly cosplay something without knowing/enjoying the source material.
White people invented dreads you moron.

I know you're probably a troll, but people who feel cultural appropriation is even something to take seriously are really stupid. Cultures evolve and mix, all cultures have taken something from others throughout history. If it was really a problem things like eating food that other people eat or speaking another language would be wrong as well, and they're not.

I feel like everyone using this argument just wants to trap cultures in a bubble. Forcing something like that is worse than people trying to share it.

People are human after all, we should be able to embrace and share with one another, not refuse them. Thinking that cultural appropriation is an issue is racist anyway.
Wasnt the point that she was taking ideas from other people and using them to look cool to other people, rather than being herself? where as the japanese people were being themselves. Not that it was cultural appropriation, but rather that the main character was being a poser for the sake of trying to fit in with another group of people? or did the entire last thread not happen?
Yes. It will be a cold day in hell that Disney would take any moral stance on something that would otherwise give them profit, let alone take this warped SJW perspective of it.
If you're regular in one aspect you should be regular in another. i.e. That man shouldn't be wearing a suit jacket
Yo no one "invented" dreadlocks, they're just a thing that happened to people with natural hair, though they can be recreated without just waiting. They originated in mostly non-European spaces. White people generally don't have the right texture of hair to form dreadlocks naturally, from my understanding. Also, I'm going to acknowledge rn that there are a lot of PoC who would disagree on dreads being cultural appropriation, and a lot who would agree. I've seen both sides of the argument. I think it's an issue of contention for everyone.

I don't think cultures should be in a bubble at all. I'm just saying people need to be aware of things like white privilege, and to educate themselves on the cultures they enjoy before using them as an accessory. I think sharing cultures is great, when done in an educated and respectful manner!

I'm not a troll, but that being said, I am aware I'm on 4chan which isn't the best place to debate this sort of stuff
Uh, i don't think companies want to hire white people with dreads to be honest. I doubt a potential employer is going to be like "cool alt fashion!" When a white person comes in with a head full of dirty dreadlocks. In reality they'll be even more likely to be denied a job than a black person with dreads because employers will think they're lazy dirty pot smoking hippies. The same assumptions aren't really made about blacks with dreads(okay maybe the pot smoking part)
Is tumblr the worst thing to ever happen to the internet?

I find that really hard to believe.
I mean if you were to talk at what I would consider the most uppity cultural appropriation SJW blog on tumblr for Japan, it would be thisisnotjapan. Even THEY don't think lolita is cultural appropriation.

Wearing a kimono or cheongsam, I guess would be offensive because it's a traditional thing, but lolita and jfashion are fashion that are meant to be spread.

Personally I feel like this show didn't quite get the cultural appropriation right.
pff, france isn't a culture!
*look not talk
Pretty sure tumblr is just taking this photoset out of context, and I see that many of you are taking it out of context, too.
Way to pick and choose, but I guess everyone has their own interpretation.
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I don't give a fuck. I don't give two fucks, I don't give any fucks. Look at all the fucks I give.

Oh yes, it's just so fucking racist I'm just oozing suppression and white guilt. I am actually Latino and quie frankly this shit is so fucking annoying. What the fuck do SJW think they're even accomplishing? Oh yes, lets put up any PoC (except asians of course) on a fucking shrine when they cosplay or wear lolita but shame white people because it's sooooooooo racist. Man I fucking hate SJWs
> tfw think kimonos, cheongsams and hanboks are pretty
> tfw my country's traditional clothing is never worn unless it's by tourists and about 3 old ladies

I understand why it can be seen as cultural appropriation tho, but still.
That said tumblr really needs to sit down on their ass and realize there are more important things going on in the world other then people wearing clothes.
Oh Disney, nice seeing you jump on the fucking social justice band wagon. You remember this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWpc99HFOs0
I kinda hope it is this.
It's still obnoxious but just a little less than militant SJWs.
>Don't take part in fashion if you don't do the research.
>Don't take part in fashion if you do too much research.

Is there a guide on how to know how much research is just the right amount?
Because it's not like asserting ones culture over another is a white exclusive thing.
It's almost like we should just segregate everyone based on their rave culture and religion, that way we won't have any awful culture merging or appropriation

This shit is more offensive. Where's tumblr?
Didn't Japan do something similar with Stitch?
Is this actually intended to 'tackle cultural appropriation" or it just a dumb joke to say the girl looks stupid?
I don't get it. What's wrong with that clip?
Unless you run into someone who hates everyone but Chinese people, it's the same as kimono although a bit more shallow.
People will think it's cute or be interested/flattered that a noon Chinese person would wear a cheongsam ( within context for anything but the casual tops and such). As long as you're attractive and thus look good in it, no one gives a shit
From what I'm gathering, it's a new approach to the "don't try to fit into a group you don't belong to just for the sake of looking cool", nothing to do with cultural appropriation.

It's like that Simpsons episode where Lisa meets this group of "cool" kids at the beach and she tries to hide her true self to fit in with them.
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White people with dreads are assumed to be stoners (and lets face it they usually fucking are, source: I hung out with a lot of white people with dreads) so they only get jobs at places that wouldn't turn away black people with dreads either (source: same as the above)

And dreads aren't really "in fashion" currently.

Also as for the spiritual thing Rastafarianism is a very patriarchal religion with many beliefs that are very opposed to SJW opinion.
>white privilege

Oh fuck, don't get me even started. You do realize that the whole world is not USA, right?
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>western people speaking on behalf of the entire nation of Japan
Did people not learn from the whole Avril Lavigne shitstorm? The only thing Japanese people were offended by was the western piggu putting words in their mouths. The vast majority of them don't give two shits.
My Boyfriend is chinese, and his family loves that I am into chinese culture, etc, and any chinese people I met were always very exctied about it. They loved learning about my culture, and being able to share theirs. Sooo... I value their opinion on whether I am offensive over the opinion of some white teenage transotherkin SJW on tumblr.
>I am aware I'm on 4chan which isn't the best place to debate this sort of stuff

It's actually THE best place to debate this sort of stuff. Nobody from any side censors themselves.
Same here, though if a fat person or a person who was extremely busty and assy wore one, they'd probably say it doesn't suit them (since the silk ones are meant to emphasize and create curves.

So if you're not small and have a small to regular bust size, it'll look really weird)
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>Asians with dreadlocks
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Isn't lolita essentially Victorian style clothing anyway? Isn't it already a form of "cultural appropriation"?
>Nobody from any side censors themselves.
Nah, everyone just baits newfags rendering actual discussion utterly useless.
It's based off of Victorian children's cuts and details. With some exceptions (some classic) the majority of dresses aren't very similar to actual Victorian dresses apart from the cut and details.
SJWs only have a problem with it when white people do something. Because "muh oppression".
>Isn't lolita essentially Victorian style clothing anyway?

Just to start a whole nother shitstorm but, how do feminist lolis who say the fashion is a rejection of patriarchy rationalize this?
this is the new age of segregation
>stay away from muh fashion!!!!!!! it's for MY people, even if it isn't sacred!!
>don't learn my language!!!! it's MY people's language
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> White Privilege

Go back to tumblr
Holy shit, shut up.
>What? Sometimes people don't like me, a white person, doing things (even though they literally do nothing but express that they don't like it and I'm still allowed to do these things without much social disapproval or stigmatization precisely because I'm white)?!
Blacks with dreads and crazy colored synthetic extensions get hired all the time because they play its my culture card and if you dont hire me your racist bullshit. White people on the other hand just get looked down on even when they are just being themselves but of course it can't be called racism because only whites can be racists. Fucking disgusting world we live in.

Btw most white people with real dreads are really clean and take good care if their dreads because they love them. I've seen more dirty nasty hair on blacks than anything. Not to mention all weave looks like crappy synthetic. So tempting to just pull that shit off their heads.