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We Have a Rape Gif Problem and Gawker Media Won't Do Anything About It

We Have a Rape Gif Problem and Gawker Media Won't Do Anything About ItSExpand
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes chances on developing writers, that has always stood behind us no matter what. But it's time the company had its feet held to the fire.
For months, an individual or individuals has been using anonymous, untraceable burner accounts to post gifs of violent pornography in the discussion section of stories on Jezebel. The images arrive in a barrage, and the only way to get rid of them from the website is if a staffer individually dismisses the comments and manually bans the commenter. But because IP addresses aren't recorded on burner accounts, literally nothing is stopping this individual or individuals from immediately signing up for another, and posting another wave of violent images (and then bragging about it on 4chan in conversations staffers here have followed, which we're not linking to here because fuck that garbage). This weekend, the user or users have escalated to gory images of bloody injuries emblazoned with the Jezebel logo. It's like playing whack-a-mole with a sociopathic Hydra.
This practice is profoundly upsetting to our commenters who have the misfortune of starting their day with some excessively violent images, to casual readers who drop by to skim Jezebel with their morning coffee only to see hard core pornography at the bottom of a post about Michelle Obama, and especially to the staff, who are the only ones capable of removing the comments and are thus, by default, now required to view and interact with violent pornography and gore as part of our jobs.
None of us are paid enough to deal with this on a daily basis.
Higher ups at Gawker are well aware of the problem with this feature of Kinja (our publishing platform, in case you're new here). We receive multiple distressed emails from readers every time this happens, and have been forwarding them to the architects of Kinja and to higher ups on Gawker's editorial side for months. Nothing has changed. During the last staff meeting, when the subject was broached, we were told that there were no plans to enable the blocking of IP addresses, no plans to record IP addresses of burner accounts. Moderation tools are supposedly in development, but change is not coming fast enough. This has been going on for months, and it's impacting our ability to do our jobs.
In refusing to address the problem, Gawker's leadership is prioritizing theoretical anonymous tipsters over a very real and immediate threat to the mental health of Jezebel's staff and readers. If this were happening at another website, if another workplace was essentially requiring its female employees to manage a malevolent human pornbot, we'd report the hell out of it here and cite it as another example of employers failing to take the safety of its female employees seriously. But it's happening to us. It's been happening to us for months. And it feels hypocritical to continue to remain silent about it.
Over the years, this company has undergone so many major changes that it would be easy to lose track of them all. But even in the midst of seemingly constant overhaul, Gawker has always been a place that would really go to the mat for its writers, a place that offered unmatched freedom to smart people with something to say. It's time that Gawker Media applied that principle to promoting our freedom to write without being bombarded with porn and gore. We're real, we're here, and we matter.
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The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.
What bothers me about this is that we don't record IP addresses so as to protect these burner accounts for people who might want to tip us anonymously about a story. So the company is seemingly placing a priority on making these hypothetical tipsters feel safe over the safety of the actual real live women who write and read this site.
For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown conversations and make you feel unsafe. They want you to feel upset, they want you to feel humiliated and they want you never to come back here.
It's my hope that you don't let this stranger keep you away, but at the same time, I absolutely understand if you've had enough (I know we have) and don't want to deal with it anymore.
Ideally, the Gawker powers-that-be will take this seriously enough to begin taking the necessary steps to block IPs. Until then, I believe that the greatest issue here is not rape gifs, but that Gawker Media is prioritizing the safety and privacy of anonymous burner accounts over the safety of our readers, writers and women in general.
Madeleine (with her finger on the block button)
It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.
I want to apologize to all of our readers. Everyone deserves better. This is a damn shame.
I just want to write dude, not dismiss bloody rape gif trolls every day. It is the worst part of our jobs to hear from commenters that they can't discuss, say, a teen girl being great at Little League without some person boasting a burner account using the collective comment thread as a chance to harass people.
Prior to Kinja, I headed the trollpatrol team for Jezebel, as many people here know. We dealt with rape gifs, violent pornography, racism, and harassment regularly, but there was a system in place with which to have it reported and dealt with. Banning didn't usually result in the same person immediately making a new account within minutes and starting up again. The burner idea is nice in theory; in practice, it lends itself to abuse. I know the writers have complained about it. I've complained about it. The mods have complained about it. Owners of subblogs have complained about it. POC have complained about being targeted and followed around by racist burners specifically aiming to harass them.
The idea that we should just ignore or grow a thicker skin to deal with it is incredibly dismissing and insulting. Yes, the internet can be a cess pit at times, but that's why any reasonable commenting platform has tools built in to deal with these completely expected, obvious, and predictable trolls. Kinja has left Jezebel and its readers out to dry here, and its hard not to assume it's because this is a woman's focused site with a large female readership, so our concerns about being harassed, repeatedly, just don't rank as serious enough.
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