I know that we'll be safe and sound

Hi I'm Voltaire!  I love Homestuck, Yu-gi-oh, Doctor Who, LOZ, OFF, Welcome to Night Vale, Ratchet and Clank, Team Fortress 2, and Pokemon.

I may post art but I'm not quality, so expect hilariously stupid reblogs.

Sidebar Credit: a-force-a-nature.tumblr.com

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Please be a troll.

Please be a troll.

If this isn’t a troll post, I fucking quit.

" stop approriating fat culture by eating junk food!"

" ew, you freak, why do you eat healthy and work out? That’s body-shaming!" 

Yeah, if fat activists think only fat people can eat junk food, they can keep it, that means more healthy food for me. 

Try and keep me from my fave fast food I fucking dare you *equips battle armor*

This is what they’re fighting for…

Please God let it be a joke…

I just…So what, is it an appropriation of thin culture to work out?

The only thing these insane fat feminists hate more than men, is sane women who don’t tow the feminist line.

haha, because there is no feminist set of protocol.  Women who identify as feminist just make up shit as they go along “IN THE NAME OF FEMINISM”.

Same with “fat culture” fucks.  

Guys, it is a joke. TiTP gets trolled all the time now, and they are too fucking dumb to realize it.

Truthfully, I know. I just had to post it.  SO FUNNY!

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    "Our territory?" Also, who on earth would go on inhaling 18 more eclairs? Like, they’re not meant for that amount of...
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    LOL SIZE 8?! I’m a size 8 and do not consider myself skinny by far. 90% of “fat acceptance” is bullshitAnd yes I do hope...
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    Sorry for… liking food, I guess?
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